Yizhak Conforti, Zionism and Jewish Culture: A Study in the Origins of a National Movement (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2024)
תקצירZionism and Jewish Culture examines the history of Zionism from a new perspective, arguing that Zionism was not only a political project, but also a major cultural force in modern Jewish life. To understand the growth of this movement and its success in establishing a modern Jewish state, the book examines the cultural world of pre-state Zionist activists, offering an understanding of the basic ideological challenges they faced—challenges that Israel is still grappling with today. It asks, how did the early Zionists define the relationship between Israel and Jewish tradition? How did they envision the ideal balance between the Jewish people’s welfare and the Land of Israel? What was their view on Western versus Eastern principles in defining the state? And what was their vision for the future of the Jewish state? In exploring these topics, this book enables a deeper understanding of the forces that continue to shape Zionism and Israel today.
הַבֹטְחִים בַפָסֶל הפוליתאיזם בארץ ישראל וסביבותיה בתקופה הרומית ובראשית ימי ביזנטיון
תקצירהַבֹּטְחִים בַּפָּסֶל מוציא מנבכי ההיסטוריה פרק עלום בעת העתיקה המאוחרת: ההיסטוריה הפגנית של ארץ ישראל. הספר מציע לראשונה מפה גאוגרפית־היסטורית מקיפה ויסודית על אודות הממצאים ההיסטוריים והארכאולוגיים הידועים. אלו מעידים על קווים פולחניים נוכריים שרווחו בארץ ישראל וסביבותיה בימי רומא וביזנטיון ומעלים שאלות מהותיות הנוגעות לפוליתאיזם המקומי: מה היה משקלם הדתי של הפולחנים הפגניים בחיי הנוכרים בעת העתיקה? האם יש בעבודת פסלים ראיה לכך שהסוגד האמין באמת בכוחו של הפסל הנעבד? עד כמה ארץ ישראל הרומית הייתה פגנית ביחס לשכנותיה? כלום ניתן לשחזר את המבנה התיאולוגי של עשרות הפולחנים שהתקיימו בארץ במאות הראשונות לסה”נ? האם פולחני יוון ורומא מחקו את האמונות הקדומות של כנען וסוריה? האם שחזור ההיסטוריה הפגנית של ארץ-ישראל הרומית מחייב בחינה מחודשת של ההיסטוריה היהודית בארץ ישראל בתקופת המשנה והתלמוד?
עמנואל פרידהיים הנו פרופסור מן המניין וראש המחלקה לתולדות ישראל ויהדות זמננו ע”ש ישראל וגולדה קושיצקי באוניברסיטת בר-אילן. הוא מלמד את תולדות היהודים בימי בית שני, המשנה והתלמוד וחוקר בעיקר את יחסי הגומלין בין יהדות ארץ ישראל לבין התרבות הפגנית במאות הראשונות לסה”נ.
Holocaust History, Holocaust Memory: Jewish Poland and Polish Jews During and After the Holocaust, London and New York: Routledge, 2024
תקצירThis volume is both a study of the history of Polish Jews and Jewish Poland before, during, immediately after the Holocaust and a collection of personal explorations focusing on the historians who write about these subjects.
While the first three parts of the book focus on "text," the broad nature of Polish Jewish history surrounding the Holocaust, the last section focuses on subtext, the personal and professional experiences of scholars who have devoted years to researching and writing about Polish Jewry. The beginning sections present a variety of case studies on wartime and postwar Polish Jews, drawing on new research and local history. The final part is a reflection on family memory, where scholars discuss their connections to Holocaust history and its impact on their current lives and research. Viewed together, the combination sheds light on both history and historians: the challenges of dealing with the history of an unparalleled cataclysm, and the personal questions and dilemmas that its study raises for many of the historians engaged in it.
Holocaust History, Holocaust Memory is a unique resource that will appeal to students and scholars studying the Second World War, Jewish and Polish history, and family history.
בממלכת הנשים בבית-לחם: מכתבי אסירות ועצירות המחתרת, חיפה ורמת-גן: מוסד הרצל לחקר הציונות, אוניברסיטת חיפה והמרכז לחקר האישה ביהדות, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, תשפ"ג
תקצירספר זה מביא את סיפורן של אסירות ועצירות ארגוני המחתרות שלחמו בשלטון הבריטי למען הקמת מדינת ישראל ושנכלאו בבית־הסוהר לנשים בבית־לחם ובמחנה המעצר הסמוך אליו. הספר מתחקה באמצעות המכתבים האישיים שכתבו האסירות והעצירות אחר חוויותיהן, שגרת יומן, תודעת המאסר והפסיכולוגיה האישית והקולקטיבית שליוותה את תקופת ישיבתן בבית־לחם. הספר מעמת בין הזהויות השונות שהרכיבו את דמותן, זהויות שלעיתים התנגשו זו בזו והוא יוצר פסיפס אנושי נדיר ממנו עולה ובוקעת דמותה של הלוחמת העברייה שהקריבה שנים ארוכות מחייה למען השגת העצמאות ושנשכחה מהזיכרון ההיסטורי והלאומי.
The PATRONS and Their POOR : Jewish Community and Public Charity in Early Modern Germani
תקצירA pregnant mother, a teacher who had fallen ill, a thirty-year-old homeless thief, refugees from war-torn communities, orphans, widows, the mentally disabled and domestic servants. What this diverse group of individuals—mentioned in a wide range of manuscript and print sources in German, Hebrew, and Yiddish—had in common was their appeal to early modern Jewish communities for aid. Poor relief administrators, confronted with multiple requests and a finite communal budget, were forced to decide who would receive support and how much, and who would not. Then as now, observes Debra Kaplan, public charity tells us about both donors and recipients, revealing the values, perceptions, roles in society, and the dynamics of power that existed between those who gave and those who received.
In The Patrons and Their Poor, Kaplan offers the first extensive analysis of Jewish poor relief in early modern German cities and towns, focusing on three major urban Ashkenazic Jewish communities from the Western part of the Holy Roman Empire: Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek, Frankfurt am Main, and Worms. She demonstrates how Jewish charitable institutions became increasingly formalized as Jewish authorities faced a growing number of people seeking aid amid limited resources. Kaplan explores the intersections between various sectors of the population, from wealthy patrons to the homeless and stateless poor, providing an intimate portrait of the early modern Ashkenazic community. -
The Jews in Italy Their Contribution to the Development and Diffusion of Jewish Heritage
תקצירAll twenty-two original articles in the current volume are based on lectures given at the conference “The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Diffusion of Jewish Heritage”, which was convened in September 2011, at the University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage. Geographically, the articles range from Italy to the Ottoman Empire (the Balkans and Aleppo), from France and Germany to the Middle East, including Israel, North and East Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Ethiopia). Chronologically, articles begin with the Roman period, through the Middle Ages and Renaissance until modern times. In this collection, the reader will find a wide range of subjects reflecting various scholarly perspectives such as history; Christian-Jewish relations; Kabbalah; commentary on the Bible and Talmud; language, grammar, and translation; literature; philosophy; gastronomy; art; culture; folklore; and education.
מעשה רב : שיקול הדעת ההלכתי ועיצוב הזהות היהודית
תקצירכיצד נפסקת ההלכה למעשה? מה הם שיקולי הדעת שפוסקי הלכה מפעילים בבואם לפסוק? דעה רווחת רואה בפסיקת הלכה תוצר של לימוד ועיון במקורות ההלכה הסמכותיים, שאת דרישותיהם הפוסקים מחילים בחיי הציבור. על פי דעה זו שיקול הדעת המרכזי המנחה פוסקים הוא התאמתה של פסיקתם לספרות ההלכתית המחייבת.
ספר זה מבקש להציע התבוננות אחרת בחשיבה ההלכתית ולראותה כשדה מערכה שבו מתקיימים מאבקים על עיצוב החיים היהודיים. הכוחות המניעים את החשיבה ההלכתית המעשית קשורים באופן הדוק לשאלות של זהות קולקטיבית, והם כרוכים בשיקולי דעת מגוונים, החורגים מן הדרישות העולות מן הספרות ההלכתית המחייבת. עיקר השיקולים נוגעים לתוצאותיה של הפסיקה ולהשלכותיה האפשריות על זהותו הדתית של הציבור. משום כך, החשיבה ההלכתית המעשית היא אחד מן האתרים המרכזיים שבהם מתעצבים המסורת והחיים היהודיים לאורך הדורות. -
Intrigue and Revolution: Chief Rabbis in Aleppo, Baghdad, and Damascus, 1774-1914
תקצירThis is a book of unexpected drama: all eleven chief rabbis appointed in this period of unprecedented change in the Jewish communities of the Fertile Crescent became the subject of controversy and were subsequently dismissed. This took place against a background of events rarely discussed in the context of Jewish society: crime, hooliganism, slander, power struggles, sexual promiscuity, and even assaults and assassination attempts on rabbis. Using a wide range of testimonies gleaned from Ottoman Jewish, Arabic, and European sources, Yaron Harel paints a colourful picture of these upheavals set firmly in the social and political context of the time and far removed from the commonly accepted image of Jewish communities in the Ottoman empire.
Jews were also affected by modernization and political conflict in the wider society of the time, and these too gave rise to power struggles. The chief rabbis were at the forefront of these confrontations, especially those that resulted from the new inclination towards Western culture. Most of them recognized that the challenges of modernization had to be met, although in a way that did not endanger religious principles. Their openness to change stemmed from a concern for the future of the communities for which they were responsible, but they were often vociferously opposed by those who were free from such responsibility. The communal politics that ensued were sometimes heated to the point of violence.
In the latter years of the empire, many Jews came to support the Young Turks, with their promise of liberty and equality for all. The atmosphere of the time was such that rabbis had to develop political awareness and engage in Ottoman politics. This was another source of tension within the community since the new regime punished anyone suspected of opposition severely.
This lively and fascinating study based on little-known sources offers a lens through which to view the Jewish society of the Ottoman empire at a time when all the traditional norms were being challenged.
zionism in Damascus: Ideology and Activity in the Jewish Community at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
תקצירThe beginning of the twentieth century was a period that saw far-reaching change in the political and geographical landscapes of the Middle East. From the impact of the revolution of the Young Turks in 1908 to the devastation of World War I and the subsequent British and French mandates in the region, Syria was particularly affected. Yaron Harel adds to the understanding of this period by examining an understudied aspect: the rise of Zionist intellectual thought and activity in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Through meticulous research, Harel highlights the fact that, during these difficult years, those parts of the Jewish community affected by the economic collapse of October 1875 were able to take solace in the rising trend of Zionist thought. He therefore demonstrates Zionism in Damascus was not a religiously motivated movement, but rather was class related. In particular, Harel examines what avenues of identity were available for the Jewish community in Damascus at a time when identification with Arab nationalism was on the rise in Syria. Were they to be Jewish - Arab? Or Jewish - Zionist?It is by examining issues such as Zionist education, health provision, women's political engagement and philanthropic activity that Harel offers an in-depth analysis of Zionism in the context of Jewish society.
He also offers an account of the eventual dismantling of the movement, in the wake of the establishment of the French mandate. With external forces beyond Syria's borders beginning to have an effect (such as the King - Crane Commission and efforts to establish a Jewish Homeland taking shape), as well as internal struggles within Zionist circles in Syria itself, the leaders of the Zionist movement in Damascus began to leave the city. Zionism in Damascus tracks those involved in this ideological wave (Zionist intellectuals, journalists, secular thinkers and rabbis) from its early days to the eventual abandonment of Damascus following the Balfour Declaration and the establishment of the French Mandate. -
BrothersEstranged: Heresy ,Christianity, and Jewish Identity in Late Antiquity, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010,
תקצירThe emergence of formative Judaism has traditionally been examined in light of a theological preoccupation with the two competing religious movements, 'Christianity' and 'Judaism' in the first centuries of the Common Era. In this book Ariel Schremer attempts to shift the scholarly consensus away from this paradigm, instead privileging the rabbinic attitude toward Rome, the destroyer of the temple in 70 C.E., over their concern with the nascent Christian movement. The palpable rabbinic political enmity toward Rome, says Schremer, was determinative in the emerging construction of Jewish self-identity. He asserts that the category of heresy took on a new urgency in the wake of the trauma of the Temple's destruction, which demanded the construction of a new self-identity. Relying on the late 20th-century scholarly depiction of the slow and measured growth of Christianity in the empire up until and even after Constantine's conversion, Schremer minimizes the extent to which the rabbis paid attention to the Christian presence. He goes on, however, to pinpoint the parting of the ways between the rabbis and the Christians in the first third of the second century, when Christians were finally assigned to the category of heretics.