ראש הקתדרה על שם הרב שמשון רפאל הירש לחקר תנועת תורה עם דרך ארץ

פרופ' אדם פרזיגר

בניין 410 חדר 37
    קורות חיים


    I. Academic Education

                2001    Ph. D. [Summa Cum Laude], Modern Jewish History, Bar Ilan University

                            Dissertation Advisor: Professor Gershon C. Bacon

                1990    M.A., Modern Jewish History, Bernard Revel Graduate School,

                            Yeshiva University     Thesis Advisor: Professor Jacob Katz z”l

                1990    B.A. [Cum Laude] - Political Science/Jewish History, Yeshiva College,

                            Yeshiva University

    II. Advanced Religious Education

                1990                Rabbinical Ordination, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary,

                                        Yeshiva University

                1987-90           Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University

                                        (New York and Jerusalem)

                1984-6             Yeshiva Program, Yeshiva University

                1983-4             Yeshivat Har-Etzion (Gush), Alon Shevut

                1982-3             Beit Medrash le-Torah (BMT), Jerusalem

    II. Academic Appointments

    2013-present   Professor Haver, Department of Jewish History

                            and Contemporary Jewry, Bar-Ilan University

    2008-13           Senior Lecturer with tenure and Vice Chairman

                            Graduate Program in Contemporary Jewry, Bar Ilan University

    2003-08           Lecturer and Gwendolyn & Joseph Straus Teaching Fellow

                                        in Jewish Studies, Graduate Program in Contemporary Jewry,

                                        Bar Ilan University

    1993-2003       Instructor, Foreign Students Program and Dept. of Jewish

                            History, Bar-Ilan University

    III. Previous Employment

    2001-2011 Senior Fellow, Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research

                1991-1997 Director, Bar-Ilan University Mechina (Pre-Academic Program)

                                        for New Immigrants

                1997-2005 Senior Historian, Heritage Seminars for University Students in Eastern Europe


    IV. Prizes, Fellowships, Grants, and Honors:

    2014    Memorial Foundation for Jewish Cutlture - Research Grant

    2013    Visiting Research Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Oxford

    2012    Shkopf Prize for Research on the History of the Modern Rabbinate

    2012    Pogatsch Prize for his Research on Jewish law and Modernity       

    2012    Mandelbaum Scholar, University of Sydney

    2012    Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Center for the Study of Women in Judaism – Research Grant

    2011    Outstanding Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University

    2010-present Editorial Board Member, Contemporary Judaism

    2010    Lookstein Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora – Research Grant

    2006    Finalist, American Association of Religion (AAR), First Book in History of Religion

    2006    Finalist, Salo Baron Prize for Best First Book in Jewish History

    2003    Gwendolyn & Joseph Straus Teaching Fellow in Jewish Studies

    2002    Jacob Katz Memorial Post-Doctoral Grant, Leo Baeck Institute

    2002    Ihel Foundation Research Grant

    2001    Rappaport Center for the Study of Assimilation Research Grant

    2001    Braun Chair in the History of Prussian Jewry Research Grant

    2000    “Shupf” Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Students

    1999    Mendel and Hannah Horowitz Fellowship

    1998    R. S.R. Hirsch Chair Fellowship

    1998    Program in Conflict Resolution Fellowship

    1996    Klein Chair in the History of the Modern Rabbinate Fellowship

    1996    Leo Baeck Institute Doctoral Fellowship     

    1995    Braun Chair in the History of Prussian Jewry Fellowship

    1994    Ihel Foundation Research Grant


    V. Biography

                Born November 10, 1964 in New York City. Grew up in Riverdale, N.Y. and attended the S.A.R. Academy and the Ramaz High School.  Married to Dr. Naomi (Weiss) Ferziger, with children: Ben-Zion (25), Yoel (23), Aviad (22), Dovie (20), Avital (17), and Adi (14). Living in Israel since September 1987, first in Jerusalem and since 1989 in Kfar-Sava.

    VI. Organization of International Academic Conferences

    Co-Convener, Oxford Summer Institute for Modern and Contemporary Judaism, Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford, June-July 2014.


    Conference Committee, “Chief Rabbis: Between Religious and Political Leadership,” Bar-Ilan University, June 2014.


    Co-Convener, Oxford Seminar on Orthodox Judaism in the 20th Century, Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford, January-June 2013


    Conference Co-Chairman, “Orthodox Judaism in the Twentieth Century,” Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford, January 2013.


    Conference Committee, “Gender and Jewish Identity,” Bar-Ilan Univeristy, June 2010.


    Conference Co-Chairman, "Schism, Sectarianism, and Denominationalism: Hungarian Jewry in a Comparative Perspective," Central European University, Budapest, October 2009.


    Conference Co-Chairman, "200 Years Since the Birth of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch," Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, June 2008.


    Conference Chairman, "The Role of Rabbis in Confronting Assimilation: Historical and Contemporary Models," Bar-Ilan University, June 2003.


    Conference Coordinator, "Brooklyn and Beyond," Bar-Ilan University and The Hebrew University, Ramat-Gan and Jerusalem, November 1998.


    תחומי העניין המחקריים

    1. תולדות הדת היהודית בעת החדשה וביהדות זמננו 
    2. הזרמים הדתיים ביהדות
    3. תולדות ההלכה בעידן המודרני
    4. יהדות ארצות הברית
    5. יהדות מרכז ומערב אירופה במאה ה19 וראשית המאה העשרים
    6. החברה הדתית בישראל
    7. התבוללות ותגובות להתבוללות.

    רשימת הפרסומים של פרופ' פרזיגר


    ספרים -מחבר:

    Beyond Sectarianism: The Realignment of American Orthodox Judaism (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2015).
    Jewish Denominations: Addressing the Challenges of Modernity (Jerusalem and Chicago: Melton Institute/The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012).
    Exclusion and Hierarchy: Orthodoxy, Non-Observance and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Identity (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005).
    ספרים )עורך(
    האורתודוקסיה היהודית: היבטים חדשים, עורכים: יוסף שלמון, אביעזר רביצקי, ואדם פרזיגר )ירושלים:
    מגנס, תשס"ו(.
    ולדימיר )זאב( חנין, אלק ד' אפשטיין, ומרינה ניזניק, ללא ספק, ישראלים: דוברי רוסית בארץ ובחו"ל זהות –
    ותרבות, עורך אדם פרזיגר )רמת גן: התכנית ביהדות זמננו אוניברסיטת בר אילן, תשע"א(. – -
    Journal of Modern Jewish Studies (Special Volume - Orthodoxy, Theological Debate, and Conteporary Judaism) - 14, 1 (Spring 2015) –, Guest Editors: Adam S. Ferziger and Miri Freud-Kandel.

    “On Fragmentary Judaism: The Jewish “Other” in the Worldview of Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein,” Tradition 47, 4 (2015), 34-68.
    “Hungarian Separatist Orthodoxy and the Migration of its Legacy to America: The Greenwald-Hirschenson Debate,” Jewish Quarterly Review 105, 2 (spring 2015), 250-283.
    "קונפליקט, פיוס וקירוב לבבות בין האורתודוקסיה החרדית לתנועת הרפורמה בארצות הברית בעידן של
    פוסט זרמיות," היהדות הרפורמית הגות, תרבות וחברה, עורך אבינועם רוזנק )ירושלים: מכון ון ליר, – -
    תשע"ד(, 914 . 743
    “The Role of Reform in Israeli Orthodoxy,” Between Jewish Tradition and Modernity, ed. Michael A. Meyer and David Myers (Detroit: Wayne University Press, 2014), 51-69.
    “Collective Self-Confidence, Outreach, and Moderation: Exploring the Realignment of American Jewish Orthodoxy,” From Fervor to Fanaticism, ed. Shmuel Hain (New York: Yeshiva University Press) [accepted for publication].
    “Syncretists, Rejectionists, and Beyond: The Life and Struggles of Rabbi Maier Lerner of Altona
    (1857-1930)," Essays for a Jewish Lifetime, eds. Menachem Butler and Marian E. Frankston,
    (New York: Hakirah Press) [accepted for publication].
    "From Lubavitch to Lakewood: The 'Chabadization' of American Orthodoxy," Modern Judaism
    33, 2 (2013), 101-124.
    "Abraham Geiger and the Denominational Approach to Jewish Religious Life," in Christian
    Wiese (ed.), Jüdische Existenz in de Moderne: Abraham Geiger und die Wissenschaft des
    Judentums (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, 2013), 179-192.
    "Ashes to Outcasts: Cremation, Jewish Law, and Identity in Early Twentieth Century Germany,"
    AJS Review 36 (April 2012), 71-102.
    "Religious Zionism, Galut, and Globalization: Exploring “Gush” Exceptionalism," in Reuven
    Ziegler (ed.), That Godly Mountain (Alon Shevut: Etzion Foundation, 2012), 109-121.
    "The Hamburg Cremation Controversy and the Diversity of German-Jewish Orthodoxy," Leo
    Baeck Institute Year Book 56, 1 (2011), 175-205.
    "The Road Not Taken: Rabbi Salamon Zvi Schück and the Legacy of Hungarian Orthodoxy,"
    Hebrew Union College Annual (HUCA) 79 (2011), 107-140.
    "Holocaust, Hurban, and Haredization: Pilgrimages to Eastern Europe and the Realignment of
    American Orthodoxy," Contemporary Jewry 31, 1 (2011), 25-54.
    "הציונות הדתית בת זמננו והחיפוש אחר 'עבר שימושי'," בתוך יוסף דעת – מחקרים בתולדות ישראל בעת
    החדשה לכבוד פרופסור יוסף שלמון, עורך יוסף גולדשטיין )באר שבע: אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון, תשע"א(, 532-
    "Between Catholic Israel and the ‘K’rov Yisrael’: Non-Jews in Conservative Synagogues (1982–
    2009)," Journal of Jewish Studies LXI (Spring 2010), 88-116.
    "From Demonic Deviant to Drowning Brother: Reform Judaism in the Eyes of American
    Orthodoxy," Jewish Social Studies [New Series] 15, 3 (Spring/Summer 2009), 56-88.
    "Feminism and Heresy: The Construction of a Jewish Metanarrative," Journal of the American
    Academy of Religion, 77, 3 (September 2009), 494–546
    “Centered on Study: Typologies of the American Community Kollel," Rappaport Center for
    Assimilation Research: Research and Position Papers #18 (Ramat-Gan: Rappaport Center for
    Assimilation Research, 2009), 111 pages.
    "The Road Not Taken: Rabbi Salamon Zvi Schück and Hungarian Orthodoxy," HUCA 79
    (2009), 107-140.
    "Religion for the Secular: The New Israeli Rabbinate," Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 7, 1 (March 2008), 67-90.
    "Holy Land in Exile: The Torah MiTzion Movement – Toward a New Paradigm for Religious Zionism," in Chaim I. Waxman (ed.) Religious Zionism: Future Directions (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 2008), 373-414.
    The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe: (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008) – 13 articles.
    "From Exclusion to Hierarchy: Orthodoxy and the Nonobservant Jew," Conversations 1 (Spring 2008), 11-16.
    "Church/Sect Theory and American Orthodoxy Reconsidered," in Stuart Cohen and Bernard Susser (eds.), Ambivalent Jew (New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 2007), 107-124.
    "הקנאי הדתי כפוסק הלכתי," קנאות דתית עורכים: מאיר ליטבק ואורה לימור ירושלים: מרכז שזר,
    115--. 52
    "The Community Kollel in America: An Emerging Model for Confronting Assimilation," Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research: Research and Position Papers #13 (Ramat-Gan: Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research, 2006), 61 pages.
    "זהות אורתודוקסית ומעמדם של יהודים שאינם שומרי הלכה: עיון מחודש בגישתו של הרב יעקב עטלינגר,"
    האורתודוקסיה היהודית: היבטים חדשים, עורכים: יוסף שלמון, אביעזר רביצקי, ואדם פרזיגר )ירושלים:
    מגנס, תשס"ו(, 504--. 134
    "Constituency Definition: The German-Orthodox Dilemma," in Jack Wertheimer (ed.), Jewish Religious Leadership: Image and Reality 2 (New York: JTS, 2005), 535-567.
    “Between Outreach and Inreach: Redrawing the Lines of the American Orthodox Rabbinate,” Modern Judaism 25 (2005), 237-263.
    "Religious Zealotry and Religious Law: Rethinking Conflict and Co-Existence," Journal of Religion 84, 1 (January, 2004), 48-77.
    "Training American Orthodox Rabbis to Play a Role in Confronting Assimilation: Programs, Methodologies and Directions," Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research: Research and Position Papers 4 (Ramat-Gan, 2003).
    “Between “Ashkenazi” and Sepharad: An Early Modern German Rabbinic Response to Religious Pluralism in the Spanish-Portuguese Community” Studia Rosenthaliana 35, 1 (Spring 2001), 7-22.
    “The Lookstein Legacy: An American Orthodox Rabbinical Dynasty,” Jewish History 13, 1 (Spring 1999), 127-149.
    “R. Moses Sofer (Hatam Sofer)”, G. Wigoder and R.J.Z. Werblowsky (eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (New York, 1997), 216.
    “R. Moses Schick (Maharam Schick)“, G. Wigoder and R.J.Z. Werblowsky (eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (New York, 1997), 264-65.
    "R. Akiva Eiger”, G. Wigoder and R.J.Z. Werblowsky (eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (New York, 1997), 611.
    “R. Shlomo Ganzfried”, in G. Wigoder and R.J.Z. Werblowsky (eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (New York, 1997), 649-650.
    “The Hungarian Orthodox Rabbinate and Zionism: The Case of R. Salamon Zvi Schück,” Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies 11, IIIC (1994), 273-80.
    “A Magyar Ortodoxia és Cionismus,” Múlt És Jövo 4 (December, 1993), 36-41.

    ביקורת ספרים:
    “Review: Marc B. Shapiro, Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites its History (Oxford and Portland: Littman Library, 2015), Marginalia (Feb. 16, 2016), http://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/the-sagacious-scholar-and-the-cen….
    “Review: Daniel B. Schwartz. The First Modern Jew: Spinoza and the History of an Image,” The American Historical Review 118, 3 (2013), 923-924.
    "Review: Marc Saperstein, Jewish Preaching in Times of War 1800-2001," (Oxford and Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2008), 619 pages, ISBN 978-1-904113-54-6, ZION 76, 3 (2011), 388-394 [Hebrew].
    “Review: Benny Kraut, The Greening of American Orthodoxy (Cincinnati: HUC Press, 2011), H-Judaic (October 2011), available at: www.hnet.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=32985.
    "Review: Nils Roemer. Jewish Scholarship and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2005. x, 251 pp." AJS Review 31, 2 (Nov. 2007), 427-430
    "Review: Berkovitz, Jay R. Rites and Passages: The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in France, 1650–1860. Jewish Culture and Context Series.

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 24/10/2023