קורות חיים
Moisés Orfali, Phd. of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1982), and former Chair of the Departments of Jewish History and General History at Bar Ilan University, has been elected Dean of the Faculty of Jewish Studies at the same University (2005-2009) where he holds the Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lau Chair for the Study of Leadership in Times of Crisis. He is the author of some books and articles on historical and cultural aspects of Jews and Conversos in the Iberian Peninsula and the Sephardi Diaspora. From December 2005, he has been nominated corresponding Academic Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of History in Madrid and actually is the Head of the Academic Division at Zefat Academic College.
For years have being devoted to the Judeo Christian dialogue both teaching courses at the University as well as participating in various activities and conferences in the Centers of Judeo-Christian Studies in Jerusalem, Madrid, São Paulo and Paris. Among the publications related to subject stand out his recent books: Talmud y Cristianismo: Historia y causas de un conflicto, Barcelona: Editorial Riopiedras 1998, and Tratado que fez mestre Jerónimo, médico do papa Bento XIII contra os judeus, Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2013. Also deserve attention his articles in Sefarad XXXIX (1979), pp. 111-120; Annuario di Studi Ebraici X (1980-1984), pp. 157-158; Immanuel XIX (1984-85), pp. 60-73; Zion LI (1986), pp. 411-433 (Hebrew); II Simposio Bíblico Español, Valencia-Córdoba (1987), pp. 671-681; Helmantica XLIII (1992), pp. 203-220; Hispania LIV/187 (1994), pp. 679-732; Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia IV (1995), pp. 183-198; Revue de l’histoire des religions”, 229/1 (2012), pp. 31-52, and others more.
I. Academic Positions
Dates Institutions Rank Position
1982-86 Bar Ilan Univ. Lecturer Lecturer Jewish History (half-time)
1982-86 Bar Ilan Univ. Lecturer Researcher Institute for Research on Sephardi &
Oriental Jewry (half-time)
1986-94 Bar Ilan Univ. Senior Lecturer Jewish History Lecturer (full-time with tenure)
1993-01 Tel Aviv Univ. Senior Lecturer & Adjunct Lecturer (teaching units), General &
Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Studies
1995-99 Bar Ilan Univ. Associate Professor Jewish History Lecturer
1999-2001 Tel Aviv Univ. Full Professor General & Interdisciplinary Studies
1999- Bar Ilan Univ. Full Professor Jewish History Professor
II. Supervision of Thesis Students
Student Name’s For Degree Tutoring Period
1 Uri Hacak M.A. 1993-95
2 Aharon Lazar M.A. 1994-96
3 Eitan Darshan M.A. 1995-97
4 Yoel Marciano M.A. 2000-01
5 Doron Danino M.A. 2000-02
6 Moshe Ovadiya M.A. 2002-03
7 Lior Ha-Levi M.A. 2004-05
8. David Halperin M.A. 2013-
9 Rinat Gordon Ph.D. 1998-01
10 Ruth Peres Ph.D. 2004-09
11 Dan Albo Ph.D. 2006-09
12 Yehuda Altshuler Ph.D. 2007-09
13 Moshe Obadiya Ph.D. 2007-10
14 Doron Danino Ph.D. 2007-10
15 Zvika Zehayek Ph.D. 2008-10
16 Hagit Amrani Ph.D. 2012-
III. Prizes, awards and research grants
- Accesit Prize for Doctoral Thesis in the XXX Consurso “Tesis Doctorales Hispanoamericanas”, Instituto
Iberoamericano de Cooperación, Madrid 1982.
- Researcher Fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – Centro de Estudios Históricos. Madrid (1989-90).
- Rothschild Foundation Grant for Publications in the Humanities (1994).
- Ihel Foundation Grant (1995-97).
- Maurice Amado Research Fund in Sephardic Studies, Distinguished Fellowship (2000-01),
UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, Los Angeles California.
- Touro National Heritage Trust Research Fellowship at The John Carter Brown Library, Brown University – Providence, USA (2001-02).
- Researcher Fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2002-03).
- The Joshua and Berakha Barzilai Prize for Researches on Bibliography in Jewish Studies (2004).
- Proyectos de Excelencia 2006, Junta de Andalucía, P06-HUM-1776: Maimónides – Traducción y
- Member of the Research Project "Die zehn Gebote zwischen frühneuzeitlicher spanischer Heterodoxie
und Orthodoxie" funded by the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" (DFG) in the framework of the
Aufbau internationaler Kooperationen" (Projekt Israel), reference number of the Project STR 278/24-1,
Under the direction of Prof. Christoph Stosetzki, Dean of the Faculty of Philology at the University of
Münster, and Prof. Ruth Fine, Director of the European Forum at the Hebrew University (2014).
IV. Additional Information
My article on “Community and Society among Spanish Jews in the Middle Ages”, Monthly Review – Journal on Security, Education, Society and State 2 (1992), The Israeli Ministry of Defense Publishing House, pp. 34-40, was selected by The Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture for activating youth by informal educational methods.
V. Academic Administrative Activities
Dates Position
1995-2000Counseling and general responsibility for master’s (both tracks) and doctorates in the
Department of Jewish History.
1995-2000Bar-Ilan Senate Committees: Member of the Committee for Foreign Students; Representative
of the Jewish Studies Faculty to the Library Committee; Member of the Council of the Jewish Studies Faculty; Member of the Advisory Committee for Basic Jewish Studies; Member of the Teaching Committee for the first degree and the Teaching Committee for the master’s degree and doctorate in the Department of Jewish History; Member of the Teaching Committee of the University
1995-2008 Membership of sixty professional committees for promoting academic staff from the
University and from outside.
1997-2001Chairman of the Paul and Helena Shulmann University School of Basic Jewish Studies.
1999-2000Head of the Institute for Research on Sephardi & Oriental Jewry.
2003-2004 Chairman of the Department of General History
2004-2005 Chairman of the Department of Jewish History
2005-2009 Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
2012- Head of the Academic Division, Zefat Academic College
VI. Member of International Associations and Academic Boards
- Member of the Scientific Council of Sefarad – Revista de Estudios Hebraicos, Sefardíes y de Oriente
Próximo del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos – Sección de Hebreo,
Universidad de Granada
- Member of the Editorial Board of Ladinar – Studies in the Literature, Music and the History of the
Ladino Speaking Sephardic Jews.
- Membre du comité de lecture de Yod – Revue des Études Hébraiques et Juïves, INALCO (Paris)
- Member of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales, Madrid.
- Membre Titulaire de la Societé Internationale pour l’Etude de la Philosophie Medievale (S.I.E.P.M.),
Lovain-la-Neuve, Belgique.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Indeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, BIU.
- Member of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, USA.
- Member of the Public Board of Zalman Shazar Centre for History, Jerusalem
- Member of the Academic Council of the Israel Historical Society.
- Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.
- Member of the National Committee for Evaluation and Budgeting of Humanities in Israel.
- Member of the Scientific Council of Estudios Bíblicos, Hebraicos y Judíos del CSIC, Madrid
- Member of the Scientific Council of Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies, Evora, (Portugal)
VII. Scientific Congresses Organized
-Congreso Internacional Xudeus e Conversos na Historia, Centro de Estudios Medievales de Ribadabia, 14-17 de Outubro 1991, Ribadabia-Spain (in collaboration with Profs. Carlos Barros, José Luis Lacave, Joseph Perez, Julio Valdeón, Bernard Vincent).
- International Conference on Society, Economy, and Culture in the Mediterranean Jewish Communities 1550-1850, Bar Ilan University, December 27-29, 1993 (in collaboration with Dr. E. Horowitz).
- International Conference on Social and Cultural History of the Jews on the Eastern Adriatic Coast till 1808 – First Dialogue, 8-10 October 1996, Dubrovnik-Croatia, under the auspices of Federico Mayor, Director-General UNESCO (in collaboration with Prof. Ivana Burdelez).
- International Conference on the Sherd Tradition of Babylonian and Aleppo Jewry: The Links between the Jews of Aram Zova and Aram Naharayim, December 20, 1998, Or-Yehuda, Israel - The Cultural Center of Babylonian Jewry (in collaboration with Prof. Yishaq Avishur).
- Conference on Ladino as a Jewish Cultural Language, March 26, 2000, in the Shimshon & Chana Feldman International Conference Center, Bar-Ilan University.
- International Conference on The Jews of Malta – Past and Present, April 2, 2000, - The Shimshon & Chana Feldman International Conference Center, Bar-Ilan University.
- II Conference on the Sherd Tradition of Babylonian and Aleppo Jewry: The Links between the Jews of Aram Zova and Aram Naharayim, May 15th, 2000. The Shimshon & Chana Feldman International Conference Center, Bar-Ilan University (in collaboration with Prof. Yishaq Avishur).
- Leaderhip in Times of Crises, Department of General History Congress, December 16th, 2003.
- Colóquio em memória de António José da Silva, “O Judeu” pour ocasião do 3o Centenário do seu nascimento, Universidade de Bar-Ilan, Faculdade de Estudos Judaicos, 7 de Maio de 2006.
- Symposium on Safed in Sephardi Legacy, May 16th, 2013. Zefat Academic College in collaboration with
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture.
1. M. Orfali, Los conversos españoles en la literatura rabínica: Aspectos jurídicos y opiniones legales durante los siglos XII-XVI, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca – Universidad de Granada 1982.
2. M. Orfali, El Tratado “De Iudaicis erroribus ex Talmut” de Jerónimo de Santa Fe, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid 1987.
3. M. Orfali, Imanuel Aboab’s Nomologia o Discursos Legales: The Struggle over the Authority of the Law, Ben-Zvi Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1997 [Hebrew].
4. M. Orfali, Biblioteca de autores lógicos hispano judíos (siglos XI-XV), Universidad de Granada 1997.
5. M. Orfali, Talmud y Cristianismo: Historia y causas de un conflicto, Barcelona 1998.
6. M. Orfali, Nomologia o Discursos legales de Imanuel Aboab, Universidad de Salamanca 2007.
7. M. Orfali, Tratado que fez mestre Jerónimo, médico do papa Bento XIII contra os judeus, Estudo e
transcrição por…, Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2014.
8. M. Orfali, Isaac Aboab da Fonseca: Jewish Leadership in the New World, Sussex Academic Press, United Kingdom-Canada (in press).
9. M. Orfali, Ḥemʼat ha-Ḥemdah le-R. Shet bar Yefet ha-Rofe, Tel Aviv University: The Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Centre (forthcoming).
Books edited
10. E. Horowitz – M. Orfali (eds.), The Mediterranean and the Jews: Society, Culture and Economy in Early Modern Times, Bar-Ilan University Press 2002.
11. M. Orfali, S. Regev, A. Toaff (eds.), East and Maghreb – Researches in the History of the Jews in the Orient and North Africa, VII, Bar-Ilan University Press 2003.
12. M. Orfali – E. Hazan, (eds.), Progress and Tradition: Creativity, Leadership and Acculturation Processes among the Jews of North Africa, The Bialik Institute Jerusalem and The Aharon and Rachel Dahan Center for Culture – Society and Education in the Sephardic Heritage (Bar-Ilan University) 2005.
13. M. Orfali (ed.), Leadership in Times of Crisis, Bar-Ilan Studies in History V [Bar-Ilan Departamental Researches – Department of General History], Ramat Gan 2007.
14. M. Orfali, S. Regev , A. Toaff (eds.), East and Maghreb – Researches in the History of the Jews in the Orient and North Africa, VIII, Bar-Ilan University Press 2008.
15. M. Orfali and Y.T. Assis, Portuguese Jewry at the Stake – Studies on Jews and Crypto-Jews, The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem 2009.
- M. Orfali, “Los albores de la Era Moderna en la historia del judaísmo europeo”, El Olivo II (1977), pp. 45-32.
- M. Orfali, “R. Selomoh Ibn Aderet y la controversia judeo-cristiana”, Sefarad XXXIX (1979), pp. 111-120.
- M. Orfali, “Jerónimo de Santa Fe y la polémica cristiana contra el Talmud”, Annuario di Studi Ebraici X (1980-1984), pp. 157-158.
- M. Orfali, “Establecimiento del Estatuto de Limpieza de Sangre en el Monasterio de los Jerónimos de Guadalupe”, Actas de las Jornadas de Estudios Sefardíes, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres 1980, pp. 245-250.
- M. Orfali, “Los traductores judíos de Toledo: Un nexo entre Oriente y Occidente”, Actas del II Congreso Internacional ‘Encuentro de las Tres Culturas’, Toledo 1983, pp. 253-260.
6.M. Orfali, “Anthropomorphism in the Christian Reproach of the Jews in Spain (XIIth-XVth cent.)”, Immanuel – A Journal of Religious Thought and Research in Israel XIX (1984-85), pp. 60-73.
- M. Orfali, “Alusiones polémicas a la exegesis de Rashi en la Controversia de Tortosa”, Helmantica XXXVI (1985), pp. 107-117.
8.M. Orfali, “The Jewish Question in Fray Alonso de Oropesa’s Doctrine”, Zion LI (1986), pp. 411-433 (Hebrew).
- M. Orfali, “Ciencia y Fe en la Nomología de Imanuel Aboab”, Sefarad XLVI (1986), pp. 373-380.
- M. Orfali, “El Talmud y la Cábala en la Epístola a los Judíos de Roma de Alfonso de Zamora”, II Simposio Bíblico Español, Valencia-Córdoba (1987), pp. 671-681.
11.M. Orfali, “A Lineage Relation of the Cansino’s family from Oran”, Asufot II (1987), pp. 345-358 (Hebrew).
12.M. Orfali, “New Christians in the Trading and Banking System of Spain (16th-17th Century)”, The Mediterranean and the Jews – Banking, Finance and International Trade XVI-XVII Centuries, (A. Toaff, S. Schwarzfuchs eds.), Bar-Ilan University Press 1989, pp. 179-188.
- M. Orfali, “L’utilisation polémique de Rashi lors de la Controverse de Tortosa (1413-1414)”, Archives Juives XXVI (1990), pp. 17-22.
14.M. Orfali, “The Portuguese Translation (1565) of Jeronimo de Santa Fe’s Treatises Contra Iudaeos”, Proceedings of the WCJS X, Jerusalem 1990, B, pp. 109-115 (Hebrew).
15.M. Orfali, M. Motis Dolader, “An Examination of the Texts of the General Edict of Expulsion”, Pe‘amim 46-7 (1991), pp. 148-167 (Hebrew).
- M. Orfali, “Maimónides ante el problema de las conversions simuladas: tolerancia y halajá”, Sobre la Vida y Obra de Maimónides (Jesús Peláez del Rosal, ed.), Córdoba 1991, pp. 375-394.
17.M. Orfali, “Danielillo de Livorno: Literary Fiction or Reality”, in A. Hayim (ed.), Society and Community, Misgav Yerushalayim 1991, pp. 145-160 (Hebrew).
18.M. Orfali, “R. Abraham Ibn Ezra and Jewish-Christian Polemics”, Te‘uda VIII (1992), pp. 193-205 (Hebrew).
- M. Orfali, “La cuestión de la venida del Mesías en un ‘Responsum’ de Rabbí Selomó ibn Adret al Cahal de Lérida”, Helmantica XLIII (1992), pp. 203-220.
20.M. Orfali, “Reforming and Conforming: A History of the Jews of Livorno, 1693-1707”, Mediterranean Historical Review VII (1992), pp. 208-218.
- M. Orfali, “Influencia de las sociedades cristiana y musulmana en la condición de la mujer Judía”, Arabes, Judías, y Cristianas – Mujeres en la Europa Medieval (Celia del Moral, ed.), Universidad de Granada 1993, pp. 77-89.
- M. Orfali, “Legado espiritual común a judíos y cristianos”, El Olivo XXXVIII (1993), pp. 105-126.
- M. Orfali, “Judaisme et marranisme: La question juive en Espagne en 1450 selon le hiéronymite Alonso de Oropesa”, Istina XXXVIII (1993), pp. 262-286.
- M. Orfali, “El judeoconverso hispano: Historia de una mentalidad”, Xudeus e Conversos na Historia (Carlos Barros, ed.), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 1994, vol. I, pp. 117-134.
- M. Orfali, “El ‘Dialogus pro Ecclesia contra Synagogam’: un tratado anónimo de polémica antijudía”, Hispania LIV/187 (1994), pp. 679-732.
- M. Orfali, “Contexto teológico y social de la Biblia de Ferrara”, Introducción a la Biblia de Ferrara (Iacob M. Hassán, ed.), Servicio de Publicaciones del CSIC y Universidad de Sevilla – Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario 1994, pp. 229-250.
27.M. Orfali, “The Correspondence Regarding the Plan to Expel the Jews of Oran (1666-1669)”, East and Maghreb VI (1995), pp. 183-198.
- M. Orfali, “El significado de Jerusalén y Sión en la tradición judía medieval”, Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia IV (1995), pp. 183-198.
29.M. Orfali, “The Portuguese Edition (1565) of Hieronymus de Sancta Fide’s Contra Iudaeos”, Texts and Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Judaism – 10 – Contra Iudaeos, Tübingen 1996, pp. 239-256.
30.M. Orfali, “Images and Stereotypes of Jews in Portuguese Literature of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”, Pe‘amim 69 (1996), pp. 8-23 (Hebrew).
31.M. Orfali, “Jews and Conversos in Fifteenth-Century Spain: Christian Apologia and Polemic”, Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien (Herausgegeben von der Herzog August Bibliothek) 11 (1996), pp. 337-360.
- M. Orfali, “Danielillo da Livorno: testo e contesto”, Zakhor – Rivista di Storia degli Ebrei d’Italia I (1997), pp. 207-220.
33.M. Orfali, “The Bible of Ferrara: From language to language”, in Ladinar –Studies in Literature, Music, and History of Ladino speakers, I (1998), pp. 37-60 (Hebrew).
- M. Orfali, “Ecología y estrategias sociales en la jurisprudencia hispanohebrea”, en Creencias y Culturas. Cristianos judíos y musulmanes en la Espana Medieval, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca – Universidad de Tel-Aviv 1998, pp. 181-201.
35.II, pp. 1267-1287.
36.M. Orfali, “The Image of Judaism in the Censura et confutatio libri Talmud”, in Y. T. Assis and Y. Kaplan (eds.), Jews and Conversos at the Time of the Expulsion, The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem 1999, pp. 63-83 (Hebrew).
37.M. Orfali, “Faith and Power in the Struggle over Rabbinic Judaism in Venice during the Baroque Period”, Pe‘amim 80 (1999), pp. 44-59 (Hebrew).
- M. Orfali, “La expulsion de Castilla y Portugal en la historiografía de Imanuel Aboab”, en Movimientos migratorios y expulsiones en la diáspora occidental, III Encuentros Judaicos de Tudela, ed. Universidad Pública de Navarra – Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona 2000, pp. 109-130.
- M. Orfali, “O desterro de Portugal na historiografia de Imanuel Aboab”, História - Revista da Faculdade de Letras, III Serie, I (2000), pp. 211-228.
- M. Orfali, “Le ‘Breve discurso contra a heretica perfidia do judaismo’ de Vicente da Costa Mattos”, en Etudes sur le marranisme, l’hétérodoxie juive et Spinoza – Memorial I.S. Révah, dans la Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives XXIII (2001), pp. 403-421.
41.M. Orfali, “The Portuguese Dowry Society in Livorno and the Marrano Diaspora”, Studia Rosenthaliana XXXV (2001), pp. 143-156.
- M. Orfali, “Del misticismo al mesianismo: la aventura sabetiana”, en J. Targarona Borrás, A. Sáenz-Badillos, R. Izquierdo Benito (eds.), Pensamiento y Mística Hispanojudía y Sefardí, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha 2001, pp. 296-322.
43.M. Orfali, “Doña Gracia Mendes and the Ragusan Republic: The Successful use of Economic Institutions in 16th-Century Commerce”, in E. Horowitz – M. Orfali (eds.), The Mediterranean and The Jews: Society, Culture and Economy in Early Modern Times, Bar-Ilan University (2002), pp. 175-202.
44.M. Orfali, “Ragusa and Ragusan Jews in the Effort to Ransom Captives”, Mediterranean Historical Review XVII (2002), pp. 14-31.
- M. Orfali, “La ‘ley del reino’y las aljamas hispanohebreas”, El legado de los judíos al Occidente europeo: De los reinos hispánicos a la monarquía española, IV Encuentros Judaicos de Tudela, ed. Universidad Pública de Navarra – Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona 2002, pp. 143-152.
- M. Orfali, “La retribución divina en la historiografía sefardí (siglos XVI-XVII)”, en E. Romero (ed.), Judaísmo Hispano: Estudios en memoria de José Luis Lacave Riaño, CSIC: Madrid 2002, vol. II, pp. 709-808.
- M. Orfali, “Aarão Cohen de Ragusa”, Estudos Judaicos (Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Judaicos) VI (2002), pp. 64-69.
- M. Orfali, “Esbozo histórico-halájico del seguro en el ámbito mediterráneo”, en Convivencia de culturas y sociedades mediterráneas, V Encuentros Judaicos de Tudela, ed. Universidad Pública de Navarra – Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona 2004, pp. 91-110.
- M. Orfali, “Panorámica cultural de la diáspora sefardí”, Estudios Mirandeses XXV (2005), pp. 150-160.
- M. Orfali, “Los responsa rabínicos y la vida interna en las aljamas aragonesas”, Aragón Sefarad, Diputación de Zaragoza, vol. I (2005), pp. 161-176.
- M. Orfali, “Maimónides y el martirologio en las conversiones forzadas”, El Olivo XXIX (2005), pp. 189-212.
52.M. Orfali, “The Library of Pope Benedict XIII: A Historical Glance”, in Y. Kaplan – M. Sluhovsky (eds.), Libraries and Book Collections, The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem 2006, pp. 105-126 [Hebrew].
- M. Orfali, “Aspectos sociales y espirituales de los sefardíes de Ragusa a través de la documentación testamentaria (siglos XVI-XVII)”, Sefarad LXVI (2006), pp. 143-181.
54.M. Orfali, “The Spanish Apologia Against the Black Legend”, in A. Hiscok (ed.), Mighty Europe 1400-1700 – Writing an Early Modern Continent, Peter Lang, Bern 2007, pp. 167-183.
- M. Orfali, “Del lujo y de las leyes suntuarias: Ordenanzas sobre la vestimenta femenina en su contexto social y halájico”, en Y. Moreno Koch (ed.), La mujer judía, Ediciones El Almendro de Córdoba 2007, pp. 161-179.
- M. Orfali, “Los judaizantes y su participación en la conquista holandesa de parte de Brasil y otros lugares”, en F. Díaz Esteban (ed.), América y los judíos hispanoportugueses – Estudios, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid 2009, pp. 161-189.
- M. Orfali, “Jews and Judaism in Christian Polemics in Portugal”, in M. Orfali and Y.T. Assis (eds.), Portuguese Jewry at the Stake. Studies on Jews and Crypto-Jews, Magnes Press -The Hebrew University- Jerusalem 2009, pp. 143-168.
- M. Orfali, “Pogled na drustveni i duhovni polozaj sefardskish zidova u Dubroniku na temelju zapisa jaonih biljeznika (XVI.-XVII. stoljece)”, Dubrovnik 3 (2009), pp. 62-93.
59. M. Orfali, “Kur mazref ha-emunot u-marʼeh ha-emet le-R. Isaac Lopes”, in Y.T. Assis et.al. (eds.), Aleppo Studies: The Jews of Aleppo – Their History and Culture, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 17-36. [Hebrew].
- M. Orfali, “Perfil humano de Maimónides”, Ma José Cano Peréz y Tania Ma García Arévalo (eds.), Actas de las I Jornadas Maimónides. La interculturalidad en al-Andalus, Editorial Universidad de Granada 2010, pp. 17-31.
61.M. Orfali, “The Sephardim – An Historical and Cultural Overview from 1492 to the Present”, in A. Demsky (ed.), Pleasant are Their Names. Jewish Names in the Sephardic Diaspora, University Press of Maryland 2010, pp. 5-22.
- M. Orfali, “El legado de Rabbí Aharón Cohén de Ragusa”, Publicaciones de Estudios Sefardíes 13 (2011), pp. 373-386.
- M. Orfali, “Observaciones sobre el Parafrásis comentado del Pentateuco de R. Isaac da Fonseca”, eHumanista 20 (2012), pp. 215-238.
- M. Orfali, “La prédication chrétienne sur les juifs dans l’Espagne du bas Moyen Age”, Revue de l’histoire des religions”, 229/1 (2012), pp. 31-52.
65.M. Orfali, “Sephardic Historiography on the Subject of Divine Retribution: The Case of the Iberian Royal Houses”, in E. Hazan & Sh. Refael (eds.), Maḥbarot Liyehudit – Studies Presented to Judith Dishon, Bar-Ian University Press 2012, pp. 207-228.
- M. Orfali, “La ‘palabra de Dios amordazada’: biblias castellanas y censura”, en José F. Forniés Casals y Paulina Numhauser (eds.), Escrituras Silenciadas: el paisaje como historiografía, Universidad de Alcalá 2013, pp. 315-336.
67.M. Orfali, “Provisions relating to Jewish Moneylenders in the Medieval Cortes of Castile-León”, Hispania Judaica Bulletin 10 (2014), pp. 93-108.
- M. Orfali, “Mémoire de l’exil s"efarade et éxiles de la Péninsule Ibérique dans le récit historique d’Imanuel Aboab”, en Michel Boeglin (dir.), Exils et mémoires de l’exil dans le monde ibérique, Bruxelles 2014, pp. 41-58
Book Reviews in refereed periodicals
- SEFARAD: XLIV (1989), 420-423; LI (1991), 204-206; 211-212, 216-217; LIV (1994), 425-426; LV
(1995), 214-216; LVI (1996), 204-206; 445-447; LVIII (1998), 432-436; LXI (2001), 444-448; LXII (2002), 432-437; LXIII (2003), 429-433; LXV (2005), 435-438; LXVI (2006), 483-485; LXVII (2007), 242-244; LXX (2010), 251-254; LXXI (2011), 488-492; LXXII (2012), 239-242; LXXIII (2013), 478-480
-JQR: LXXXIV 2-3 (1993-94), 340-343.
-KIRIAT SEFER: LXIII 2 (1990-91), 647-649.
-HISPANIA JUDAICA BULLETIN: I (1998), 7-10; IV (2004), 173-181; V (2007), 335-339.
-ZION: LXIV 4 (1999), 521-525; LXX 1 (2005), 116-121.
-RENAISSANCE STUDIES: XX 1 (2006), 115-118; XX 4 (2006), 599-602.
- EIAL (Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe):
Papers presented at Scientific Conferences (The Decade)
-Aleppo – The City and the Community, Institute Ben-Zvi and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 22-23, 2004: “R. Isaac Lopes’ Qur masref ha-emunot u-mareh ha-emet”
-The 3th Conference on Women and Society in the Middle Ages, Tel Aviv University , May 2-3, 2004: “New Archival Documents for the Study of Doña Gracia Mendes Commercial Network”.
-Social & Cultural History of the Jews on the Eastern Adriatic Coast, 5th Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia: August 18-21, 2004: “Some Psychological Insights in the Converso Experience”.
-Mistress-Court of Mighty Europe Conference, Department of English, University of Wales, Bangor (UK), 11-13 September 2004: “The Spanish Apologia against the Black Legend”.
-Rethinking European Jewish History, An International Conference, Tel Aviv University, 4-6 January, 2005, Session III: “Jew and Christian, Self and Other”. Respondent.
-Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Charleston College, South Carolina, March 10-13, 2005: “Fray Luis de León and Daily Intrigues at the University of Salamanca”.
-2nd International Conference on The Conversos and Moriscos Within and Without Spain, Plasencia 17-20 de mayo, 2005: “Maimónides y el dilema de las conversions forzadas”.
-20th International Congress of Historical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, 3-9 July, 2005: “The ‘Grana’: Portuguese Jews from Livorno in Tunis”.
-XIVth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, July 31 – August 4th, 2005: “Ladino Tales on the Ottoman Kings”.
-37th Annual Meeting of The Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Co-Hosted by the University of Kentucky and Eastern Kentucky University, April 6-9, 2006: “Médicos judíos y conversos en la España de los siglos XV-XVI”.
-Los conversos y los moriscos en España y su Imperio, III Congreso Internacional en Saint Louis University Madrid Campus y el Consejo Superior de Invesigaciones Científicas, 7-9, junio 2006: “Los judeoconversos portugueses: entre el acoso y la marginación”.
-VIth International Conference Social and Cultural History of the Jews on the Eastern Adriatic Coast with the co-operation of Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Dubrovnik, Croatia September 10-12, 2006: “An Appeal for Funds for the Holy Land from Trieste to the Jews of Ragusa”.
-39th Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Annual Meeting, Sponsored by Texas Christian University, April 3-6, 2008: “Jews and Conversos in Spanish Medieval Preaching”.
-International Conference Tolerance and Intolerance in Western Societies, 13-15, May 2008, Bar-Ilan University: “Coexistencia vs. Convivencia: The Case of Castille in the Middle Ages”.
-IV Congreso Internacional sobre Los Conversos y los Moriscos, 4-6 junio, 2008, La Alhondiga Segovia 2008: “Heterodoxia y Ortodoxia en la diáspora judeoconversa”.
-7th International Conference Social and Cultural History of the Jews on the Eastern Adriatic Coast: Jewish Women, Dubrobnik (Croatia), August 19-22, 2008: “Ordenanzas comunitarias contra el derroche y la ostentación en el vestir”.
-Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, Expulsion and Forcible Conversion: The Aftermath in the Life of the Sefardi Refugees and their Children, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 11-15, 2009: “Castilian Residues in the Language of the Taqqanot of Sephardi Exiles in Morocco”.
- I Jornadas Maimónides, La interculturalidad en al-Andalus, Universidad de Granada 30 de noviembre - 1 de diciembre 2009: “Perfil humano de Maimónides”,
- Quinto Congreso Internacional sobre los Conversos y los Moriscos, Saint Louis University y Universidad de Alcalá, 16-18 de junio, 2010: “Un tratado de jurisprudencia rabínica sobre la identidad judía de los conversos”
-The Sixteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, Queen Mary University of London, 13-15 July 2010: “Una versión en judeoespañol de las historias de los reyes osmanlíes de R. Yosef Sambari”.
-8th International Conference: Social and Cultural History of the Jews on the Eastern Adriatic Coast. Main Topic – Magic and Medicine –, University of Zagreb – Centre of Mediterranean Studies, August 17th – 19th , 2010: “Magia astral y medicina en el pensamiento hispanohebreo medieval”.
-International Conference on The Jews of Morocco, University College of London, 20-22 June, 2011: “Spanish Acculturation Processes among Moroccan Jews”.
- 3er. Congreso Internacional: Escrituras Silenciadas - El Paisaje como Historiografía, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, del 24 al 27 de enero 2012: encargado de la conferencia inaugural sobre el tema: “La palabra de Dios amordazada: Biblias castellanas y censura”.
-The Jews of Sefarad between Edom and Kedar – International Conference in Honor of Prof. Yom Tov Assis –, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem & The Ben Zvi Institute, 26-28 February, 2012: “Attitudes toward Jewish Usury as Reflected in the Laws Passed by the Castilian Medieval Cortes”.
- 17 Congreso de Estudios Judeoespañoles, Universidad Bar-Ilan en colaboración con University College London y CSIC, Madrid, martes 3 de Julio – miércoles 4 de Julio de 2012: Conferencia Inagural en memoria de Cynthia Crews “Parafraseando el pentateuco en judeo-español: juegos de palabras, ritos y costumbres”.
- Congrès International sur l'Exils et memoirs de l'exil dans le monde hispanique, Espagne, Amériques et Afrique hispanophones, Université Paul Valéry –Montpellier 3–, 29-30 Novembre et 1er décembre 2012: “Exilio y exiliados de la Península Ibérica en la historiografía de Imanuel Aboab”.
-Symposium on Safed in Sephardi Legacy, May 16th, 2013. Zefat Academic College in collaboration with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture. “Spanish and Portuguese conversos' contribution to the reconstruction and settlement of Safed”.
-Genesis of International Law: Political Readings of the Bible and the Iberian Legacy, International Workshop, Bar-Ilan University (Ramat-Gan), Wednesday 11th June, 2014.
- 18ᵒ Congreso de Estudios Sefardíes, CCHS-CSIC, Madrid (España), 30 de junio al 3 de Julio de 2014, en colaboración con el Naime & Yehoshua Salti for Ladino Studies (Bar-Ilan University) y el London University College: Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies. “Ediciones en Ladino del Séfer Yosipón”.
- Xth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Paris, 20-24 July 2014. “Les différents emplois de la Logique parmis les auteurs judeo-espagnols médiévaux”.
- IV Congreso Internacional Escrituras Silenciadas: Poder y violencia en la península Ibérica y América, Cusco, Perú del 16 a 18 de septiembre de 2014. “Control inquisitorial de libros y libreros en la España de los siglos XVI y XVII”.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 26/11/2023