ראש הקתדרה למנהיגות בעתות מצוקה ע"ש הרב משה חיים לאו וראש מרכז הלפרן למחקרי תודעה עצמית במסורת היהודית

פרופ' קימי קפלן

בניין 410 חדר 30
שעות קבלה
ניתן לתאם מראש במייל
    קורות חיים



    Kimmy Caplan, Ph.D.


    The Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry



    1992-1996       Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "The Lives and Sermons of American Immigrant Orthodox Rabbis, 1881-1924."

    1994                M.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1990-1991       Direct Doctoral Program, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1987-1990       B.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Cum Laude): Sociology, Anthropology, and Jewish Thought.



    1997-               Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry, Bar-Ilan University.

    1999-2002       Institute for Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1997-1999       Department of History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

    1997-1998       Secretary, Research Group on Jewish Orthodoxy, the Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.



    2017                Israel Science Foundation, Book Publication Grant, Amram Blau.

    2013-2016       Israel Science Foundation, Project: "Amram Blau: A Biography."

    2013                Outstanding Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University

    2007                Yehoshua and Bracha Barzilai Fund for Bibliographical Research, Bar-Ilan University.

    2001-2008       Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Project: "Israeli Haredi Society at Crossroads."

    2001                Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Center for the Study of Women, Bar-Ilan University.

    2000                Hadassah Research Institute on Jewish Women, Brandeis University.



    2008                Research Fellow, International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem.

    2000                Research Fellow, International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem.

    1999-2000       Post-Doctoral Fellow, Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies, Tel-Aviv.

    1997-1999       Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kreitman Foundation, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

    1996-1997       Harry Starr Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University.

    1995-1996       Herzl Fellow, Institute for Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.



    1994-1996       The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York.

    1993                Tuvya Meisel Foundation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    1993                American Jewish Archives, Hebrew Union College-JIR, Cincinnati.

    1993                Dov Sadan Foundation, Tel-Aviv University.

    1990-1996       The Institute for Judaic Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (except 1992-1993).

    1988-1990       Dean's List (Humanities), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.



    2021-               Editorial Board, Iyunim.

    2023-2025       Board Member, Association for Israel Studies

    2021-2024       Committee Member, Am Veolam Outstanding Article Prize, The Historical Society of Israel.

    2020-2022       Central Committee Member, Bar-Ilan University.

    2020-2022       Senate Member, Bar-Ilan University.

    2019-2023       Steering Committee Member, Information Center-The History of Jerusalem and Its Surroundings, The Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.

    2015-2020       Board Member, The Institute for Holocaust Research, Bar-Ilan University.

    2015-2020       Chair, Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry, Bar-Ilan University.

    2012-2020       Editorial Board, Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael.

    2012-2018       Board Member, The Association for Jewish Studies (AJS).

    2012-2016       Publications Committee Member, The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Sede Boker.

    2011-2019       Board Member, The Historical Society of Israel.

    2011-2015       Committee Member and Deputy Chair, Events and Conferences, Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History.

    2011-2013       Board Member, The Argov Center for the Study of Israel and the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University.


    תחומי עניין מחקריים


    היסטוריה דתית בחברה היהודית במאות ה-19 וה-20 (זרמים דתיים בחברה היהודית, דת עממית, הדרשה וספרות הדרוש).


    קורסים המועברים בשנת הלימודים תשפ"ה

    קוד הקורס שם הקורס סוג המפגש סמסטר יום שעה
    11566 מבוא לתולדות ישראל בעת החדשה ובדורות האחרונים: מקורות ומחקרים תרגיל א,ב ב 10:00 - 12:00
    116162 חוצים אוקיינוס: ההגירה הגדולה, 1924-1870 הרצאה א ג 12:00 - 14:00
    118960 מברלין לירושלים: הזרמים הדתיים בחברה היהודית בעת החדשה סמינריון א,ב ב 12:00 - 14:00
    118970 מברלין לירושלים: הזרמים הדתיים בחברה היהודית בעת החדשה הרצאה א,ב ב 12:00 - 14:00
    119403 מהישרדות להתבססות: החברה החרדית בישראל, 1985-1948 סמנריון א,ב ג 10:00 - 12:00
    119404 מהישרדות להתבססות: החברה החרדית בישראל, 1985-1948 הרצאה א,ב ג 10:00 - 12:00





    Kimmy Caplan, Ph.D.


    The Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry


    Books (as author)

    Amram Blau: The World of Neturei Karta's Leader, Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and the Ben-Gurion Research Institute, 2017 [Hebrew] (Recipient of the Association for Israel Studies Best Book Award, 2018)

    The Internal Popular Discourse in Israeli Haredi Society, Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2007 [Hebrew].

    Orthodoxy in the New World: Rabbis and Preaching in America (1881-1924), Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2002 [Hebrew].


    Books (as editor)

    Contemporary Israeli Haredi Society: Profiles, Trends and Challenges, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2023 (co-edited with Nissim Leon).

    Preachers, Sermons and Homiletics in Jewish Culture, Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2012 [Hebrew] (co-edited with Carmi Horowitz and Nahem Ilan).

    From Survival to Consolidation: Changes in Israeli Haredi Society and Its Scholarly Study, Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad and Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 2012 [Hebrew] (co-edited with Nurit Stadler).

    Leadership and Authority in Israeli Haredi Society: Challenges and Alternatives, Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad and Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 2009 [Hebrew] (co-edited with Nurit Stadler).

    Israeli Haredim: Integration without Assimilation?, Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad and Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 2003 [Hebrew] (co-edited with Emmanuel Sivan).


    Scholarly Articles

    "The Struggle over the Child (Yanuka) in Belz Hasidic Court, 1957-1966," Zion 88 (3), 2023, pp. 371-413 (co-authored with Gadi Sagiv) [Hebrew].

    "Extreme Haredi Leaders and the Isolation from the Zionist Enterprise: Between Ideology and the Challenges of Reality," Iyunim 36, 2021, pp. 199-227 [Hebrew].

    "Rabbi Yoel Moshe Teitelbaum (1887-1979): Image, Reality, and Historical Memory," Meir Hatina and Israel Gershoni (eds.), An Elusive Past: Myth, History and Memory in Islamic Societies and in Israel, Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2021, pp. 443-487 [Hebrew].

    "The Importance of Historical Perspective in Studying Israeli Haredi Society," Democratic Culture 17, 2017, pp. 267-291 [Hebrew].

    "A Survey of Jewish History: An Early Representation of Orthodox Historiography on American Soil," American Jewish History 101(3), 2017, pp. 227-247.

    "The Scholarly Study of Jewish Religious Society in Israel: Achievements, Missed Opportunities and Challenges," Megamot 51(2), 2017, pp. 207-250 [Hebrew].

    "Historical Surveys of American Jewish History: Contexts and Characteristics," Zion 81(3-4), 2016, pp. 497-509 [Hebrew].

    "Extreme Haredim and Arabs – Reality and Images," Zmanim 135, 2016, pp. 34-44 [Hebrew].

    "Post-World War II Orthodoxy," Oxford Bibliographies – Jewish Studies, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

    "Haredi Educational Institutions in Palestine during the Second Half of the British Mandate Period," Israel 21, 2013, pp. 179-203 [Hebrew].

    "Introduction: The Changing Faces of Israeli Haredi Society," (co-authored with Nurit Stadler), Kimmy Caplan and Nurit Stadler (eds.), From Survival to Consolidation: Changes in Israeli Haredi Society and Its Scholarly Study, Tel-Aviv 2012, pp. 11-29 [Hebrew].

    "The Development of Circles of Isolation among Extreme Haredim: Amram Blau as a Case Study," Zion 76(2), 2011, pp. 179-219 [Hebrew].

    "Cheeky Dirty Convert: The Marriage of Amram Blau and Ruth Ben-David," Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael 20, 2010, pp. 300-337 [Hebrew].

    "Introduction: Changes in Israeli Haredi Leadership and Its Sources of Authority" (co-authored with Nurit Stadler), Kimmy Caplan and Nurit Stadler (eds.), Leadership and Authority in Israeli Haredi Society: Challenges and Alternatives, Tel-Aviv 2009, pp. 9-29 [Hebrew].

    "Trends and Characteristics in the Study of Orthodoxy in the Israeli Academy," Zion 74, 2009, pp. 353-373 [Hebrew].

    "There is no Interest in Precious Stones in a Vegetable Market: The Life and Sermons of Rabbi Jacob Gordon of Toronto," Jewish History 23(2), 2009, pp. 149-168.

    "The Ever-Dying Denomination: American Orthodoxy, 1824-1965," Marc L. Raphael (ed.), The Columbia History of Jews and Judaism in America, New York 2008, pp. 167-189.

    "Studying Haredi Mizrahim in Israel: Trends, Achievements, and Challenges," Studies in Contemporary Jewry 22, 2007, pp. 169-192.

    "The First Generation of History Books for Schools in Israeli Haredi Society," Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael 17, 2008, pp. 1-42 [Hebrew].

    "The Formation of Israeli Haredi Collective Historical Memory: Textbooks for High School Students," Moshe Naor (ed.), Army, Memory and National Identity (= Selected Issues in the History of the Yishuv and the State of Israel, 5), Jerusalem 2007, pp. 177-194 [Hebrew].

    "Haredim and Western Culture: A View from Both Sides of the Ocean," Meir Litvak (ed.), Middle Eastern Societies and the West: Accommodation or Clash of Civilizations?, Tel-Aviv 2006, pp. 269-289.

    "Orthodoxy and Haredism in America and Israel: Historical-Comparative Aspects," Benjamin Lau (ed.), Am Lebadad, Tel-Aviv 2006, pp. 301-316 [Hebrew] (un-refereed).

    "Mizrahi Haredism and Popular Religion: Two Case-Studies," Aviezer Ravitzky (ed.), Shas: Cultural and Ideological Perspectives, Tel-Aviv 2006, pp. 443-484 [Hebrew].

    "Synagogue Pamphlets in Contemporary Israeli Orthodox Society," Yosef Kaplan and Moshe Sluhovsky (eds.), Libraries and Book Collections, Jerusalem 2006, pp. 447-483 [Hebrew].

    "Innovating the Past: The Emerging Sphere of the 'The Torah-true Historian' in America," Studies in Contemporary Jewry 21, 2006, pp. 270-288.

    "Profiles in the Haredi Press in Israel: History, Development, and Characteristics," Segmental Media in Israel 3, Tel-Aviv 2006, pp. 1-47 [Hebrew].

    "The Holocaust in Popular Haredi Religion in Israel," Dan Michman (ed.), The Holocaust in Jewish History, Jerusalem 2005, pp. 609-637 [Hebrew].

    "'Absolutely Intellectually Honest': A Case-Study of American Jewish Modern Orthodox Historiography," Rachel Elior and Peter Schafer (eds.), Creation and Re-Creation in Jewish Thought: Festschrift in Honor of Joseph Dan on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, Tubingen 2005, pp. 239-262.

    "Studying Israeli Haredi Society," Kimmy Caplan and Emmanuel Sivan (eds.), Israeli Haredim: Integration Without Assimilation?, Tel-Aviv 2003, pp. 224-278 [Hebrew].

    "The Internal Popular Discourse of Israeli Haredi Women," Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 123, 2003, pp. 77-102.

    "The Holocaust in Contemporary Israeli Haredi Popular Religion," Modern Judaism 22(2), 2002, pp. 142-169.

    "'The Significance of a Jewish University': A Sermon on the Founding of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem," American Jewish Archives 53(1-2), 2001, pp. 65-83.

    "Israeli Haredi Society and the Repentance (Hazarah Biteshuvah) Movement," Jewish Studies Quarterly 8(4), 2001, pp. 369-399.

    "The Media in Haredi Society in Israel," Kesher 30, 2001, 18-31 [Hebrew].

    "Have 'Many Lies Have Accumulated in History Books'?: The Holocaust in Ashkenazi Haredi Historical Consciousness in Israel," Yad Vashem Studies 29, 2001, pp. 321-377 (appeared simultaneously in Hebrew).

    "Self-Criticism in the Haredi Society of Israel," Shulamit Volkov (ed.), Being Different: Minorities, Aliens and Outsiders in History, Jerusalem 2000, pp. 299-331 [Hebrew].

    "East European Jewish Life as Reflected in American Orthodox Sermons," Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress for Jewish Studies, Division B, Jerusalem 2000, pp. 173-182 [Hebrew Section].

    "The Life and Sermons of Rabbi Israel Herbert Levinthal (1888-1982)," American Jewish History 87(1), 1999, pp. 1-28.

    "The Beginnings of 'Hamizrahi' in America," Yahadut Zemanenu 13, 1999, pp. 173-206 [Hebrew].

    "Contemporary Ashkenazi Haredi Confrontations with the Holocaust – New Trends?," Alpayim 17, 1999, pp. 176-208 [Hebrew].

    "The Concerns of an Immigrant Rabbi: The Life and Sermons of Rabbi Moshe Shimon Sivitz," Polin 11, 1998, pp. 192-216.

    "In God We Trust: Salaries and Income of American Orthodox Rabbis (1881-1924)," American Jewish History 86(1), 1998, pp. 77-107.

    "God's Voice: Audio Taped Sermons in Israeli Haredi Society," Modern Judaism 17(3), 1997, pp. 253-280.

    "Rabbi Jacob Joseph, New York's Chief Rabbi – New Perspectives," Hebrew Union College Annual 67, 1996, pp. 1-43 [Hebrew Section].

    "Reactions of Five Orthodox Rabbis to the Founding and Opening of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem," Yahadut Zemanenu 10, 1996, pp. 139-164 [Hebrew].

    "Live and Recorded Sermons in the Haredi Society," Yahadut Zemanenu 9, 1994, pp. 169-201 [Hebrew].

    "On Communication and Audio Cassettes in Haredi Society," Kesher 14, 1993, pp. 51-63 [Hebrew] (co-authored with Menachem Blondheim).

    "Rabbi Isaac Margolis: From Eastern Europe to America," Zion 58(2), 1993, pp. 225-240 [Hebrew].

    "Between Tradition and Modernity: Rabbi Sivitz and Jewish Preaching in America," Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 11, 1993, pp. 187-242 [Hebrew].


    Book Reviews

    "A Society Undergoing Change," Kriot Yisraeliot 2, 2022 [Hebrew] (Online Journal).

    "Orthodox Judaism and the Politics of Religion," AJS Review 45(2), 2021, pp. 480-483.

    "Historical Overviews on the Jews in America: Contexts and Characteristics," Zion 81(3-4), 2016, pp. 497-509 [Hebrew].

    "Religion and Media in Israel," Studies in Contemporary Jewry 28, 2015, pp. 311-314.

    "The Hazon Ish," Zion 78(1), 2013, pp. 132-146 [Hebrew].

    "The Forverts for Mankind," Israel 15, 2009, pp. 219-226 [Hebrew].

    "Rabbis and Their Communities," American Jewish History 94(1-2), 2008, pp. 131-135.

    "Jewish Orthodoxy," Zion 73(2), 2008, pp. 231-243 [Hebrew].

    "Louis Brandeis," Cathedra 124, 2007, pp. 180-184 [Hebrew].

    "An American Orthodox Dreamer," American Jewish History 92(1), 2005, pp. 123-126.

    "Shas," Israeli Sociology 4(1), 2002, pp. 241-245 [Hebrew].

    "Missions to the Jews in America," Zion 67(1), 2002, pp. 96-103 [Hebrew].

    "The Rav," Gesher 47(143), 2001, pp.184-188 [Hebrew].

    "Tradition Renewed: A History of the JTS," Zion 64(2), 1999, pp. 243-250 [Hebrew].

    "Mordecai Kaplan and American Jewish Orthodoxy," Menorah Review 45, 1999, pp. 7-8, 10.

    "American Jewish Orthodoxy in Historical Perspective," Zion 63(2), 1998, pp. 231-238 [Hebrew].

    "Orthodox Judaism in America," American Jewish Archives 48(2), 1996, pp. 221-229.

    "Haredi Thought during the Holocaust," Yahadut Zemanenu 10, 1996, pp. 289-299 [Hebrew].


    Encyclopedia Entries 

    1) "Rabbi Yosef Shelomoh Kahaneman," The Yivo Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, New York 2008, Vol. 1, p. 848.

    2) "Rabbi Zalman J. Friederman," "Rabbi Jacob Gordon," "Rabbi Gedalyah Silverstone," Encyclopedia Judaica, New York 2007.

    3) "Rabbi Jacob Joseph," J.A. Garraty and M.C. Carns (eds.), American National Biography, New York and Oxford 1999, Vol. 12, pp. 279-281.

    4) Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (4th. ed.)

    Alfasi, Isaak (Ha-Rif)

    Armenfusorge (Im Judentum, Mittelalter und Neuzeit)

    Bar Mitzwa

    Benediktionen (Im Judentum, Mittelalter und Neuzeit)

    Beth Din

    Beth Midrash


    LECTURES (March 2023, partial list)

    Agudat Israel during the British Mandate: Double Faced Strategy, Cherrick Center for the Study of Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 15.3.2023.

    Religious Zionism: History, Impact, Relevance, Jewish Studies Program, University of Colorado-Boulder, 15.2.2023.

    Religious Zionism – A Term that Lost its Relevance?, Association for Jewish Studies, 54th Annual Conference, Boston, 19.12.2022.

    Is Religious Zionism a Relevant Term?, 18th World Congress for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 11.8.2022.

    Are Religious Fundamentalisms a Useful Tool to Study Jewish Orthodoxies? Association for Jewish Studies, 52nd Annual Conference, Online, 13+17.12.2020.

    Against the Tide?: Comprehensive Historical Narratives of American Jewish History, Association for Jewish Studies, 50th Annual Conference, Boston, 18.12.2018.

    Haredim: The Complexities of Religious Trans-Communal Identities, International Workshop: Israeli, Palestinians and other Diasporas in Comparative Perspective, Boston University, 13.12.2018.

    The Haredim in Jerusalem – Image and Reality, International Conference: Forever in Our Hearts? – The National, International, and Theological Status of Jerusalem from the 19th Century to the Present in Thought and Deed, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, 5.7.2018.

    When the Periphery of the Periphery is at the Center of Attention, International Conference: Israel – A Case Study, Sede Boker, 16.5.2018.

    The Missing Link: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Jewish Religious Societies in Israel, International Conference: Israel – A Case Study, Sede Boker, 15.5.2018.

    Catch 22: Extreme Haredim, Rabbinic Authority, and (Non) Obedience, Association for Jewish Studies, 49th Annual Conference, Washington DC, 17.12.2017.

    Where is Yoselle (Shukhmacher)?, 17th World Congress for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 6.8.2017.

    "I'm a Jew – not a Zionist": Extreme Ultra-Orthodoxy in Israel, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford, 31.1.2017.

    "How Many Neturei Karta are there in the World?": Jews and Israeli Write to Amram Blau, The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, 18.7.2016.

    Religious Zionists in Entanglement and Their Scholarly Study in a Trap, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 9.5.2016.

    Achievements and Challenges in Studying Religious Communities in Israel, Conference: Trends in the Study of Israeli Society: Marking 65 Years of the Journal Megamot, The Open University, 15.10.2015.

    Shaping Religious Memory in the Wake of the Holocaust, International Workshop: 50 Years of German Israeli Diplomatic Relations – Remembrance Culture, Wannsee House and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 24.6.2015.

    Rabbi Jacob Joseph (1840-1902): Revised, Reconsidered, Re-Contextualized, Association for Jewish Studies, 46th Annual Conference, Baltimore, 15.12.2014.

    Extreme Haredim and Arabs: Realities and Images, Conference: Jews and Arabs in the Middle East: Social and Cultural History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 20.11.2014.

    Orthodox Monopolies: A Trojan Horse?, International Conference: How Jewish is the Jewish State?: Religion and Society in Israel, American University, Washington DC, 28.10.2014.

    Yoselle Schukhmacher: The Struggle over What is a Jew, Association for Israel Studies, 30th Annual Conference, Sede-Boqer, 23.6.2014.

    "A Sermon Worth $5000": the Episode of the "Rav Kollel" (Chief Rabbi) of New York's Orthodox Jews,1888-1902, International Conference: Chief Rabbis: Between Religious and Political Leadership, Bar-Ilan University, 8.6.2014.

    Sex, Lies and the Holy City: The Marriage of Amram Blau and Ruth Ben-David, University of Maryland, 3.2.2014.

    Where is Yosele (Schukhmacher)?, Association for Jewish Studies, 42nd Annual International Conference, Boston, 15.12.2013.

    Amram Blau, Neturei Karta, and the Sabbath Demonstrations, 1948-1963, Association for Israel Studies, 28th Annual Conference, Haifa, 26.6.2012.

    Circles of Conflict: The Edah Haredit in Israel, International Conference: Conflicts and Disputes in Jewish Communities, Bar-Ilan University, 21.6.2012.

    The Struggles of Amram Blau and Neturei Karta with the Zionist Enterprise, Conference: Marking 25 Years of the 'Herzl Fellows', The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 21.11.2011.

    Should I Stay or Should I go?: The Response of Rabbinic Leadership to the Holocaust, Toronto, 10.11.2011.

    Mizrachi Haredim in Israel, Yad Yizchak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, 22.9.2011.

    Wall Posters in Haredi Society in Historical and Social Perspective, The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, 14.9.2011.

    Between Isolation and Integration: Studying Haredi Society within the Context of Israeli Society, Conference: Marking 20 Years of 'Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael', Tel-Aviv University, 15.5.2011. 

    Haredim and Army Service – Historical Perspectives and Social Contexts, The Institute for National Security Studies, Tel-Aviv, 13.1.2011.

    "Cheeky Dirty Convert": The Marriage of Amram Blau and Ruth Ben-David, Association for Jewish Studies, 42nd Annual Conference, Boston, 21.12.2010.

    Contemporary Haredi Society in Historical Perspective, The Israel Democracy Institute, Jerusalem, 13.10.2010.

    Sermons as a Scholarly Source – The Haredi Scene, International Conference: The Future of the Jewish Past (50 years of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 6.5.2010.

    The Haredim and Greenbaum – Sayings and Silences, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 22.2.2010.

    Building and Rehabilitation of Israeli Haredi Society, 1945-1967, Conference: Leaders and Leadership in the First Years of the State of Israel, Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Sede Boqer, 11.1.2010.

    Rabbi Amram Blau – Haredi Zealots' Seclusion in its Historical Context, Conference: Cultures in Israel: Contacts and Conflicts, The Open University, 28.12.2009.

    Haredi Zealotry – Between Rhetoric and Reality, Plenary Session, 15th World Congress for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 5.8.2009.

    "What Time Will Not Do, Money Will Not Either"?: Haredim in Israel, Israeli Haredim, International Conference: Walls: Antecedents and Consequences of Segregation and Integration, Bar-Ilan University, 12.1.2009.

    The Extreme Haredim and the Holocaust – Confrontations and Dilemmas, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 15.5.2008.

    The Yedida Chalfon Stilman 10th Annual Memorial Lecture, Binghamton University (SUNY), 28.2.2008.

    Life between the Written and the Oral: Popularity and the Spoken Word in the Society of Learners, International Conference in Honor of Professor Menachem Friedman: The Society of Learners, Trends and Processes, Bar-Ilan University, 12.6.2007.

    American Orthodoxy: Organizational Challenges, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 10.5.2007.

    Haredi Identities: Expressions and Developments, International Conference: The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3.1.2007.

    Are the Haredim in Israel Becoming More Israeli?, Brandeis University, Waltham, 9.11.2006.

    "From a Bird's-eye View": Importing Rabbi Dr. Auerbach's Orthodox Historiography to America, International Conference: Modern Orthodoxy 1940-1970, University of Scranton, 13.6.2006.

    Israeli Haredim, The Bernard Cherrick Center for the Study of Zionism, the Yishuv, and the State of Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18.5.2006.

    Indeed a Miracle?: The Foundations for the Restoration of Israeli Haredi Society after the Holocaust, International Conference: Haredi Society and the Holocaust, Tel-Aviv University, 4.1.2006.

    Orthodoxy from Both Sides of the Ocean, Haifa University, 22.12.2005.

    History Books for Schools in Israeli Ashkenazi Haredi Society, 1944-1970, 14th World Congress for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 2.8.2005.

    The Sermons of Rabbi Jacob Gordon of Toronto, International Conference: The Canadian Jewish Sermon, Montreal, 24.10.2004.

    Fundamentalism, Women, and the Challenges of Contemporary Society: The Internal Discourse of Israeli Haredi Women, McGill University, Montreal, 21.10.2004.

    Israeli and American Haredim: Local and Trans-Atlantic Contexts, The 35th Annual Conference of the Association of Sociology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, 25.2.2004.

    Theological Discourse and the Social-Historical Reality, Tel-Aviv University, 19.1.2004.

    Haredim in Israel or Israeli Haredim?: Integration Without Assimilation, Association for Jewish Studies, 35th Annual Conference, Boston, 22.12.2003.

    The Internal Discourse of Israeli Haredi Women, Program in Gender Studies, Bar-Ilan University, 12.2.2003.

    Haredim and Western Culture: A View from Both Sides of the Ocean, International Colloquium: Middle Eastern Societies and the West, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel-Aviv University, 16.12.2002.

    The Internal Discourse of Israeli Haredi Women, The Historical Society of Israel, 26th Annual Conference, 25.6.2002.

    American Jewish Orthodox Historiography – A Case Study, Association for Jewish Studies, 33th Annual Conference, Washington DC, 18.12.2001.

    The "Feminine Mystique" in a Fundamentalist Society: The Internal Popular Discourse of Israeli Haredi Women, International Workshop: Resurgent Religious Movements and Violence, Helsinki, 19.6.2001.

    Weekly Pamphlets in Israeli Synagogues, The Historical Society of Israel, 24th Annual Conference, 27.6.2000.

    Are the Haredim Becoming More Israeli?, International Workshop: Resurgent Religious Movements and Violence in Europe and the Mediterranean, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 6.6.2000.

    On Haredim and Communication, Haifa University, 16.5.2000.

    Contemporary Haredi Historiography of the Holocaust, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 15.3.2000.

    “Many Lies Have Accumulated in History Books”: Contemporary Haredi Historiography, International Conference: Between Nostalgia and Hope, The Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem, 17.1.2000.

    Challenges in Researching Returnees to Religion, Conference, Ben-Gurion University, 6.5.1999.

    Rabbi Jacob Joseph: New Perspectives, Yeshiva University, New York, 28.4.1999.

    The Place of the Holocaust in Popular Ultra-Orthodox Religious Perceptions, International Conference: The Holocaust and Jewish History, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 7.1.1999.

    Politics of the American Orthodox Immigrant Rabbinate, International Conference: Jewish Politics and Political Leadership in Historical Perspective, Bar-Ilan and Harvard Universities, 6.1.1999.

    Brooklyn's Jews and Rabbi Israel Levinthal's Sermons, International Conference: In and Out of Brooklyn, Bar-Ilan and Hebrew Universities, 25.11.1998.

    Women Preachers in Israeli Haredi Society, Tel-Aviv University, 4.6.1998.

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Sephardi Haredim, The Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem, 26.5.1998.

    The Relationship Between Israeli and Haredi Society in Israel, The Historical Society of Israel, 22nd Annual Conference, Jerusalem, 8.4.1998.

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    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 16/02/2025