Prof. Judy Baumel-Schwartz
Topics of Academic Study:
- Zionism and the history of the State of Israel (with emphasis on the topics of gender and memory).
- American Jewry during the Twentieth Century (with emphasis on the American Jewish radical right wing).
- The Holocaust.
- Gender, Commemoration and Memory in the Twentieth Century Jewish Experience.
- The Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox (with emphasis on gender) since the Second World War.
Sept 2024
Publications – Prof. Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz
Books (as author)
- Unfulfilled Promise: The Jewish Refugee Children in the United States
1934-1945, The Denali Press, Juneau 1990. (228p.)
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Unfulfilled-Promise-Resettlement-Children-1934-1945/dp/093873721X
(The book received the First Prize: Honorable Mention - The Sixth Janusz Korczak Literary Competition Honoring Books Published in 1990 or 1991, The Anti- Defamation League of Bnai Brith, New York.)
- A Voice of Lament: The Holocaust and Prayer, [Heb.] Bar-Ilan University
Press, Ramat Gan 1992. (240p.)
Link: https://kotar.cet.ac.il/KotarApp/Viewer.aspx?nBookID=96458498#1.1568.6.default
3a. Kibbutz Buchenwald, [Heb.], Kibbutz Hameuchad, Beit Lochamei Hagetaot, Tel-Aviv 1995. (191p.)
Link: https://www.kibutz-poalim.co.il/page_52914
3b. Kibbutz Buchenwald: Survivors and Pioneers, New Brunswick, N.J,: Rutgers University Press, 1997. (xi + 195p.)
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Kibbutz-Buchenwald-Survivors-Judith-Baumel/dp/0813523362
4. Double Jeopardy: Gender and the Holocaust, London: Vallentine Mitchell, 1998, 292p.
Link: https://www.vmbooksusa.com/products/9780853033462?_pos=1&_sid=468245ce1&_ss=r
5a. From Ideology to Propaganda: The "Irgun" Delegation in the USA
1939-1948, [Heb.] Jerusalem: Magnes, 1999, 236p.
5b. The "Bergson Boys" and the Origins of Contemporary Zionist Militancy,
Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2005, 331p.
6a. Perfect Heroes: The World War II Parachutists from Palestine and The Collective Israeli Memory, (Heb.), Sde Boqer: Sde Boqer and Ben-Gurion University Press, 2004, 348p.
Link: https://bgri-press.bgu.ac.il/cgi-webaxy/item?16
(The book received the Reuben and Edith Hecht Prize for the best book on Zionism or State of Israel published in 2004)
6b. Perfect Heroes: The World War II Parachutists from Palestine and the
Making of Collective Israeli Memory, University of Wisconsin Press, 2010,
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Heroes-Parachutists-Israeli-Collective/dp/0299234843
7. The Incredible Adventures of Buffalo Bill of Bochnia (68715): The Story of a Galician Jew – Persecution, Liberation, Transformation, Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2009, 228 p.
8. Never Look Back: The Jewish Refugee Children in Great Britain 1938-1945, West Lafayette, In.: Purdue University Press, 2012, 286p.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Look-Back-1938-1945-Supplements/dp/1557536120
9. Identity, Heroism and Religion in the Lives of Contemporary Jewish Women, Bern: Peter Lang, 2013, 474p.
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1052966
10. My Name is Freida Sima: The American-Jewish Women's Immigrant Experience Through the Eyes of a Young Girl from the Bukovina, Bern: Peter Lang, 2017, 367p. (in Hebrew: Korim Li Freida Sima: Olam Hamehagrot Beartzot Habrit Be'einei Na'ara MiBukovina, Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2019, 393p.)
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1064047
Link: https://resling.co.il/product/%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%99%D7%9D-%D7%…
11. A Very Special Life: The Bernice Chronicles. One Woman's Journey Through Twentieth Century Jewish America, Bern: Peter Lang, 2017, 433p. (in Hebrew Eleh Toldot Bernice: Masa Nitzachon Shel Isha Yehudiya MeHaBronx, Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2021, 462p.
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1063847
12. For the Love of Shirley: One Woman's Challenges and Choices in Postwar Jewish America, Bern: Peter Lang, 2020, 404p.
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1063462
13. The Next Generation: A Jewish Immigrant's Granddaughter and her Life in Late 20th Century and Early 21st Century America and Israel, Bern: Peter Lang, 2024, 233p.
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1455333
Books and Journals (as editor)
- Voices from the “Canada Commando”: Testimonies of Seven Women from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp, Jerusalem: Emuna, 1989 100p. [in Hebrew]
- Great Figures in Jewish History (together with Prof. Joseph Dan), the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv 1991 240p. [in Russian]
- The Israel State Archives, vol. 13, in the series Archives of the Holocaust (Henry Friedlander and Sybil Milton, series eds.) New York, Garland Press, 1991. (365p.)
- Guest Editor, Jewish History 11/2 (1997), 134p.
Link: https://link.springer.com/journal/10835/volumes-and-issues/11-2
- The Holocaust Encyclopedia (Associate Editor with Walter Laqueur), New
Haven and London: Yale UP, 2001, 765p. (in English, Italian[2002], Russian [2003] and Japanese [2004])
Link: https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300084320/the-holocaust-encyclopedia/
- Gender, Place, and Memory in the Modern Jewish Experience: Re-Placing Ourselves, (with Prof. Tova Cohen, co-editor), London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2003, 297p.
Link; https://www.vmbooksusa.com/products/9780853034889?_pos=1&_sid=a3c62e191&_ss=r
- Loving and Beloved: The Diary of Susi Adler, a child of the Kindertransport, (Heb.) Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2004, 83p.
- Editor of the Bulletin of the Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research, [English and Hebrew.] no. 1-9 (1988-2001).
- To Save the Children. Buchenwald – A Story of Loss and Rescue, (Hebrew scientific edition of Jack Werber and William Helmreich, Saving Children: Diary of a Buchenwald Survivor and Rescuer) Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2010, 177p.
- Dalia Ofer, Francoise Ouzan and Judith Baumel-Schwartz (eds.), Holocaust Survivors: Resettlement, Memories, Identities New York and Oxford: Berghahn Press, 2012.
Link: https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/OferHolocaust
- Co-Editor of online Encyclopedia of America's Response to the Holocaust, The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. http://enc.wymaninstitute.org
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Dalia Ofer (eds.), Her Story, My Story? Writing and Women and the Holocaust, Bern: Peter Lang, 2020, 382p. Finalist National Jewish Book Award 2020
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1063494
- Michal Ben-Ya'akov, Ben-Tsion Klibansky, and Judith Baumel-Schwartz (eds.) "A World in Turmoil": World War I and its Impact on the Jewish World, History, Thought, Reality, (Hebrew) Jerusalem: Efrata, 2021, 206+41p.
Link: https://efrata.emef.ac.il/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%99%D7%97%D7%94.pdf
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1137095
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Barbara Getzoff Schoenfeld, Eretz. Moledet: Fifty Years of American Jewish Women's Aliyah 1967-2017 (Heb.), Haifa; Herzl Institute, University of Haifa, 2021, 277p.
Link: https://herzl.haifa.ac.il/images/eretzmoledet.pdf
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Alan Schneider (eds.), All Their Brothers and Sisters: Jews Saving Jews During the Holocaust, Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, 2021, 334p.
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1059138
- Nathan Stolfuss, Mordecai Paldiel and Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz
(eds.), Women Defying Hitler: Rescue and Resistance Under the Nazis,
London: Bloombsbury Academic, 2021, 221p.
Link: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/women-defying-hitler-9781350201552/
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1137126
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Shmuel Refael (eds.), Researchers Remember: Research as an Arena of Memory, Descendants of Holocaust Survivors at the frontline of research (Hebrew), Tel-Aviv: Yediot Aharonot and Sdei Hemed, 2022,
Link: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1166656
Link: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/holocaust-literature-and-representation-9781501391590/
- (with Chanan Yitzchaki, Yossi Spanier eds.), Zikaron Lekulam Yiyihu: Historia, Hagut, Realia (A Memory for all Will Be: History;, Thought, Reality) vol. 9, Jerusalem: Efrata, 2023.
- Lori Weintrob and Judith Tydor Baumel Schwartz (eds.), Heroines of the Holocaust: New Frameworks of Resistance, London: Routledge, forthcoming 2025.
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwarz and David Clark (eds.), Memory and the Holocaust: Descendants of Survivors and Family History, London: Routledge, forthcoming 2026.
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Martin Herskovitz (eds.), Creating Holocaust Memory: Reworking Trauma for Future Generations, London: Routledge, forthcoming 2026.
Chapters in Books:
- “Religious Life of the Jewish Refugee Children in Britain 1938-1945" [Heb.], Nethaniel Katzburg, (ed.) Pedut: Rescue During the Holocaust [Heb.], Ramat Gan, 1984, pp. 125-201.
2. “Kibbutz Buchenwald", Y. Gutman and A. Saf (eds.), She'erit Hapletah, 1944 - 1948: Rehabilitation and Political Struggle, Jerusalem 1990, pp. 437-449.
(also in Hebrew)
3. “The Ninety Three Bais Yaakov Girls of Cracow: History or Typology” [with Jacob J. Schacter], J. J. Schacter (ed.), Reverence, Righteousness, and Rahamanut: Essays in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung, New York: Jason Aronson, 1992, pp. 93-130.
4. “Teaching the Holocaust Through the Diary of Anne Frank”, Alex Grobman
and Joel Fishman (eds.), Anne Frank in Historical Perspective: A Teaching Guide for Secondary Schools, Los Angeles 1995, pp. 49-54.
5. “Rochka and the Two Rivkas: The Leadership of the Zehnnershcaft in Plaszow” (Heb.) in Avihu Ronen and Yehoyakim Kochavi (eds.) Third Person Singular vol 2, Givat Haviva: Yad Ya’ari 1995, pp. 133-159.
- "Women's Holocaust Literature", Jacob Kabakoff, ed., Jewish Book Annual,
New York: Jewish Book Council, 1996, pp. 92-102.
- “Non-Zionists and Anti-Zionists and the Question of the Establishment of the
State of Israel, Before and After the Holocaust" in N. Barzel (ed.), Founding
a State, Tel-Aviv: HaKibbutz HaMeuchad, Reches, Oranim, 1997, pp. 324-332.
- “The ‘Parachutist’s Mission’ From a Gender Perspective”, Ruby Rohrlich
(ed.), Resisting the Holocaust, Oxford and New York: Berg, 1998, pp. 95-113.
- “Gender and Family Studies of the Holocaust", Donald G. Schilling, ed., Lessons and Legacies II: Teaching the Holocaust in a Changing World, Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1998, pp. 105-117.
- “Kehilath Morya: Portrait of a Refugee Community in New York City, 1943-1987", Dan Michman (ed.), Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews. Belgians. Germans, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1998, pp. 499-521.
- “Gender and Holocaust Studies” (Heb.), R. L. Melamed (ed.), “Lift Up
Your Voice”: Women’s voices and Feminist Interpretation in Jewish Studies, Tel-Aviv: Yediot Acharonot and Sifrei Hemed, 2001, pp. 159-165.
- "We Were There Too: Women’s Commemoration in Israeli Military Memorials” (Heb.), in: Margalit Shilo, Ruth Kark, Galit Hasan-Rokem (eds.), Jewish Women in the Yishuv and Zionism: A Gender Perspective, Jerusalem, Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 2001, pp. 434-456. (in English: "We Were There Too: Women's Commemoration in Israeli War Memorials", in: Ruth Kark, Margalit Shilo and Galit Hasan-Roken (eds.), Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel: Life History, Politics, and Culture, Waltham: Brandeis UP and Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 2008, pp. 321-337.)
- Muetter und Kaempferinnen: Geschlechterbilder in israelischen
Shoah-Denkmaelern”, in Insa Eschebach, Sigrid Jacobeit, Silke Wenk (Hg.),
Gedaechtnis und Geschlecht: Deutungsmuster in Darstellungen des
National-Sozialistischen Genozids, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag,
2002, pp. 343-361.
14. “Introduction”, Phillip K. Jason and Iris Posner (eds.), Don’t Wave Goodbye:
The Children’s Flight from Nazi Persecution to American Freedom, Westport Ct. and London : Praeger, 2004, pp. 1-18.
15. "The Study of Women, Gender and Family during the Holocaust: The Development of an Historical Discipline” (Heb.), in: Esther Hertzog (ed.),
Women and Family in the Holocaust, Tel-Aviv: Otzar Hamishpat, 2006, pp. 1-26. (in English: "Gender and Family Studies of the Holocaust: The Development of a Historical Discipline", in Esther Hertzog (ed.), Life, Death and Sacrifice: Women and Family in the Holocaust, Jerusalem and New York: Gefen, 2008, pp. 21-40.
- "Women's Commemoration in Israel" (Heb.) Ariel 185 (Sept. 2008), pp. 66-79.
17. "The Identity of Women in the She'erit Hapleta: Personal and Gendered Identity as Determinants in their Rehabilitation, Immigration and Resettlement", in: Dalia Ofer, Francoise Ouzan and Judith Baumel-Schwartz (eds.), Holocaust Survivors: Resettlement, Memories, Identities, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Press, 2012, pp. 16-45.
18. "Gender Religion and Violence During the Holocaust", in: Andrew R. Murphy, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Religion and Violence, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 379-388.
19. "The German-Jewish Children's Aid's Efforts to Resettle Jewish Refugee Children in the United States during the Holocaust", Fruma Mohrer and Ettie Goldwasser, New York and the American Jewish Communal Experience, New York: YIVO, 2013, pp. 61-78.
20. "Orthodox Jewish Women as a Bridge Between Israel and the Diaspora", Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Judit Bokser Liwerant and Yosef Gorny (eds.), Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014, pp. 203-222.
21. "The Iconography of Gendered Sacrifice: Women’s Army Corps Memorials in
Israel and Great Britain" in, Alberdina Houtman, Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua
Schwartz and Joseph Turner eds.), The Actuality of Sacrifice: Models of
Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in Past and Present, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015, pp. 401-420.
22. " Jewish Refugee Children in the USA (1934-45): Flight, Resettlement, Absorption", in: Simone Gigliotti and Monica Tempian (eds.), The Young Victims of the Nazi Regime: Migration, the Holocaust and Postwar Displacement, London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2016, pp.11-30.
23. "Mechkar zugiyut vekol ma shebeineihem: Dapim Miyoman shel Zug Akademi" (Research, Relationships, and everything in between: Pages from the diary of an Academic Couple), in Eyal Baruch and Avraham Faust (eds.), Yerushalayim VeEretz Yisrael 12-13: Sefer Yehoshua Schwartz, Ramat Gan: The Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, 2020, pp. 37-58.
24. "Ma Taasi Im Toar Behistoria ubli Teudat Horaa? Keitzad Hayiti Lehistoriyonit ulichokeret Medinat Yisrael" (What will you do with a degree in history and no teaching certificate? How I became a historian and Researcher of Israel Studies), in: Ofer Schiff and Avner Ben Amos (eds.) . Kavim Lidmuteinu: Lachkor et yisrael, Lichtov al atzmeinu (Profiles of Ourselves: Researching Israel, writing our stories), Sde Boqer, pp. 613-635.
25. How will they ever take you seriously if you write about Veibers?", in: Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwart and Dalia Ofer (eds.), Her Story, My Story? Writing about Women and the Holocaust, Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, 2020, pp. 61-72.
26. "Resisting Obliteration – the lives and deaths of Jewish Women During the
Holocaust" in: Nathan Stolfuss, Mordecai Paldiel and Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz (eds.), Women Defying Hitler: Rescue and Resistance Under the Nazis, London: Bloombsbury, 2021, pp. 63-75.
27. "Individual and Communal Holocaust Commemoration in Israel", in: Maoz Azarhahu, Ulrike Gehring, Fabienne Meyer, Jacques Picard, Christina Spaeti (eds.), Between Commemoration and Amnesia: Forms of Holocaust Remembrance in Swiss and Transnational Perspectives", Boehlau Verlag, Wien, Koeln, Weimar, 2021, pp. 121-131.
28. "Religious Practice in Nazi Camps" in: Thomas Rahe, Gabrielle Hammermann
and Ilse Eschebach (eds.), Beiträge zur Geschichte der
nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung: Religiosität in nationalsozialistischen
Konzentrationslagern und anderen Haftstätten, v 2 (2021), pp. 22-33.
29. "In the Beginning there was Auschwitz" in: Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Shmuel Refael-Vivante (eds.), Researchers Remember: Research as an Arena of Memory for Offspring of Holocaust Survivors, A collection of academic autobiographies, Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, 2021, pp. 107-119.
30. "Saving Jews in Buchenwald and Auschwitz: The Story of Chaskel Tydor", in
Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Alan Schneider (eds.), All Their Brothers and Sisters: Jews Saving Jews During the Holocaust, Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, pp. 271-287.
31. "A Lifelong Journey to My Homeland", in Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Barbara Schoenfeld Getzoff (eds.), Goodbye America: Fifty Years of American Jewish Women's Aliyah 1967-2017, Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, 2021, pp. 47-62
32. "Remember, Research, Commemorate: The (Re)Making of a Holocaust Research Institute", Zev Eleff and Saul Seidler-Feller (eds.), Emet LeYa'akov: Facing the Truths of History: Essays on Reception and Memory in Honor of Jacob J. Schacter Boston: Academic Studies press, 2023, pp. 457-479
33. "Then Came Hitler: A Lifetime of Choices on my Path to Post-Memorial Work", in Rony Alfandary and Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz (ed.), Psychoanalytic and Cultural Aspects of Trauma and the Holocaust: Between Postmemory and Postmemorial Work, London: Routledge, 2023: 31-43.
35. " Identity, Memorialization, and Memory: A Journey into the Meaning of Two Forms of Holocaust Commemoration", in Chanan Yitzchaki, Yossi Spanier, Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz (eds.), Zikaron Lekulam Yiyihu: Historia, Hagut, Realia (A Memory for all Will Be: History;, Thought, Reality) vol. 9, Jerusalem: Efrata, 2023, pp. 141-156.
36. "In Search of the Lost Tydors; An Exercise in Holocaust Documentation", in: Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Lea Ganor (eds.), Holocaust History: Holocaust Memory: Jewish Poland and Polish Jews During and After the Holocaust, London: Routledge, 2024, pp. 181-191.
- "Esh Kodesh", Book of the Admor of Piaseczno and its Role in Furthering the Understanding of Religious Life in the Warsaw Ghetto", (Heb.), Yalkut Moreshet 29 (Spring 1980), pp. 173-187.
- "The Kitchener Transmigration Camp at Richborough", Yad Vashem Studies 14, Jerusalem 1981, pp. 233-246. (also in Hebrew)
- "Great Britain and the Jewish Refugee Children 1933-1943", European Judaism 15 (Winter 1981), pp. 19-25.
- "Towards a Historical Evaluation of Two Halakhic Problems Arising During the Holocaust" [Heb.], Sinai 91 (Summer 1982), pp. 157-167.
- "Twice A Refugee: The Jewish Refugee Children in Great Britain During Evacuation 1939-1943", Jewish Social Studies 45 (Spring 1983), pp. 174-184.
- “En Route to the Promised Land: Youth Aliyah and the Jewish Refugee Children in Great Britain During the Second World War" [Heb.], Masuah 12 (April 1984), pp. 71-80.
- “The Adoption Plan of Children from Germany 1938" [Heb.] Dapim Leheker Tekufat Hashoah 3, Haifa University/Ghetto Fighters House, 1985 pp. 212-229.
- Prayers and Fast Days in the Free World During the Holocaust" [Heb.] Keshev: Studies and Sources 1 (1985), pp. 23-32.
- “Transfer and Resettlement in the United States of Young Jewish Refugees From Nazism", American Jewish History 77 (March 1988), pp.413-436.
- “Everlasting Memory: Prayers and Days of Mourning for Holocaust Victims after the Holocaust" [Heb.] Sinai 101 (Spring 1988), pp. 271-284.
- “'The Prisoner's Cry': Prayer in Occupied Europe Under Nazi Rule" [Heb.], Sinai 104 (Summer 1989), pp. 163-177.
- “The Jewish Refugee Children in the United States 1934-1945" [Heb.], Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem 1990, pp. 513-520.
- “Orthodoxy: A Guided Tour Through a Changing World", [Heb.] Gesher 121 (Summer 1990), pp. 62-78.
14a. “The Politics of Religious Rehabilitation in the DP Camps", The Simon
Wiesenthal Center Annual 6 (1990) pp. 57-79
14b. "Prayer Books and Felt Hats: The Spiritual Life of the She'erit Hapletah, [Heb.] Yalkut Moreshet 48 (April 1990), pp. 55-68.
14c. Prayer Books and Felt Hats: The Spiritual Life of the She'erit Hapletah", [Heb.] in Y. Rappel (ed.) Bonds of Silence, Massuah Yearbook 28 (2000), pp.73-87.
15. "The Jewish Refugee Child Issue in the American Press and Public Opinion Surveys", Holocaust and Genocide Studies v. 5 n. 3 (1990) pp. 293-312.
16. "From Buchenwald to Kibbutz Buchenwald: The Creation and Activities of the First Hachschara Kibbutz which was Founded in Germany After the Second World War", Yahadut Zemanenu, (Contemporary Jewry: A Research Annual) [Heb.] 7 (1992), pp. 191-218.
17. “Jewish Heroism During the Holocaust", [Heb.] Skira Hodsheet [Monthly
Review] 7 (November 1992), pp. 5-10.
18a. "Die 'Zehnerschaft' als Beispiel fuer weibliche Selbsthilfe unter dem NS-Regime", Tel Aviver Jahrbuch fuer deutsche Geschichte (1992) pp.271-288.
18b. "The 'Zehnerschaft' as an example of Mutual Assistance Among Women During the Holocaust", [Heb.] Dapim Leheker Tekufat Hashoah 10 (1993), pp.107-128.
19. "Through A Child's Eyes: Teaching the Holocaust Through Children's Holocaust Experiences", British Journal of Holocaust Education, 2 (1993) pp. 189-208.
20. Gender and Family Studies of the Holocaust: A Historiographical Overview", [Heb.] Yahadut Zemanenu 9 (1995) pp. 45-60.
21a. “The Jewish Heroine During the Holocaust”,Crisis and Reaction: The
Hero in Jewish History, Menahem Mor (ed.), Omaha, Nebraska, Creighton University Press, Omaha 1995, pp. 217-228.
21b. 'She Girds Herself With Strength': Holocaust Heroines in Collective Memory", [Heb.] Dapim Leheker Tekufat Hashoa 13 (1996), pp. 189-201.
- "The IZL Delegation in the USA 1939-1948: Anatomy of an Ethnic Interest/Protest Group, Jewish History, 9:1 (1995) pp. 79-89.
23a. "In Everlasting Memory: Individual and Communal Holocaust Commemoration in Israel", Israel Affairs 3:1 (1995) pp. 146-170.
23b. "In Everlasting Memory: Individual and Communal Holocaust Commemoration in Israel", Robert Wistrich and David Ohana, The Shaping of Israeli Identity: Myth Memory and Trauma, London: Frank Cass, 1995, pp. 146-170.
23c. "In Everlasting Memory: Individual and Communal Holocaust Commemoration in Israel", [Heb.] Iyyunim Betekumat Yisrael, 5 (1995), pp. 364-387.
23d. "In Everlasting Memory: Individual and Communal Holocaust Commemoration in Israel", Y. Rappel (ed.), Memory and Awareness of the Holocaust in Israel, [Heb.] Tel-Aviv: Masuah and Ministry of Defense, 1998, pp. 19-43.
24. "Social Interaction Among Jewish Women in Crisis: A Case Study", Gender and History 7:1 (1995), pp. 64-84.
25. “The Absorption of She'erit Hapletah in Eretz Yisrael - the case of Kibbutz Buchenwald" [Heb.] Cathedra 76 (1995), pp. 173-190.
26. “Women in Israeli Holocaust Memorials", Beshvil Hazikaron 12 (March 1996), pp. 9-13.
27. "Kibbutz Buchenwald and Kibbutz Hafetz Hayyim - Two Experiments in the Rehabilitation of Jewish Survivors in Germany", Holocaust and Genocide Studies 9:2 (1995), pp. 231-249.
28. “The Ultra-Orthodox Response to the Armed Uprisings During the Holocaust", [Heb.] Dapim Leheker Tekufat Hashoa 12 (1995), pp. 289-308.
29. Parachuting to their People: The Parachutists from Eretz Yisrael during the Second World War in historical perspective", Yad Vashem Studies 25, (1996), pp. 137-180.
30. "Gender and Family Studies of the Holocaust", Women: A Cultural
Review 7 (1996), pp. 114-124.
- “The Heroism of Hannah Senesz: An Exercise in Creating Collective National Memory in the State of Israel”, Journal of Contemporary History 31(1996), pp. 521-546.
32. “Rachel Laments her Children: Representation of Women in Israeli
Holocaust Memorials”, Israel Studies 1 (1996), pp. 100-126.
33. “Kibbutz Buchenwald: The First Hachshara Kibbutz to be established in Post-war Germany", YIVO Annual 23 (1996), pp. 145-170.
34. “Bridging Myth and Reality: The Absorption of She'erit Hapletah, 1945-1948", Middle Eastern Studies 33 (1997), pp. 362-382.
35. “DP’s Mothers and Pioneers: Women in the She’erit Hapletah”, Jewish
History 11:2 (Fall 1997), pp. 99-110.
- “Commemorating the Yishuv's World War II Parachutist Emissaries
to Europe, 1945-1949", Cathedra 84 (July 1997), pp. 107-132.
37. “Right-wing Ideologies among American Jews: The Seductive Myth of Power in Crisis", Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 4:4, Winter 1998, pp. 75-109.
38. “From 'Mapai with a Yarmulkeh' to Gush Emunim: Religious Jewry in the State of Israel", Mifne 20-21 (May 1998), pp. 52-55.
39. “Women's Agency and Survival Strategies During the Holocaust", Women's Studies International Forum 22:3 (1999), pp. 329-347.
40. “Kahane in America: An Exercise in Right-Wing Urban Terror", Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 22:4 (1999), pp. 311-329.
41. “You Said the Words You Wanted Me to Hear But I Heard The Words You Couldn't Bring Yourself To Say": Women's First Person Accounts of the Holocaust", Oral History Review 27:1 (Winter/Spring 2000), pp. 17-56.
42. “In Perfect Faith: Jewish Religious Commemoration of the Holocaust”, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 30:1 (2001), pp. 5-23.
43. Review essay of: Roni Stauber, Lessons for this Generation: Holocaust and Heroism in Israeli Public Discourse in the 1950’s, Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak ben-Zvi and Mercaz Moreshet Ben-Gurion, 2000, in: Zion 66:4 (2001), pp. 561-565.
44. “’Can Two Walk Together if They Do Not Agree’? Reflections on the Compatibility Between Holocaust Studies and Women’s Studies”, in: Women: A Cultural Review 13:2 (Summer 2002), pp. 195-206.
45. “Founding Myths and Heroic Icons: Reflections on the Funerals of Theodor Herzl and Hannah Szenes”, Women’s Studies International Forum 25:6 (2002), pp. 679-695.
46. “Teacher, Tiller, Soldier, Spy: Women’s Representation in Israeli Military Memorials”, Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture 21: 1-2 (Spring-Autumn 2002), pp. 93-117.
47. “Strange Bedfellows: The Revisionist Movement and Agudat Yisrael during the Holocaust” (Heb.), Iyunim Betikumat Yisrael 12 (2003), pp. 465-492.
48. “Through A Woman’s Eye”, Yad Vashem Studies 32 (2004), pp. 479-486.
49. Review Essay of: Walter Laqueur, Generation Exodus: The Fate of Young Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany, Hanover NH and London, University Press of New England [for] Brandeis UP, 2001, and Zeev W. Mankowitz, Life Between Memory and Hope: The Survivors of the Holocaust in Occupied Germany, Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2002, in: The Jewish Quarterly Review 94:3 (Summer 2004), pp. 563-569.
50. “Bridges Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: The Role of Diaspora Culture in the Stories of Fifth Aliyah Heroines” (Heb.), Cathedra 144 (December 2004), 121-148.
51. (together with Dov Schwartz) “Reflections on the Study of Women’s Status and Identity in the Religious Zionist Movement”, ”, Review of Rabbinic Judaism: Ancient, Medieval, Modern, v. VIII (2005), pp. 189-209. (in Hebrew: "Prolegomena to the Study of Women's Status and Identity in the Religious Zionist Movement", in: Yishai Arnon, Yehuda Friedlander, Dov Schwartz (eds), Studies in Religious Zionism: Developments and Changes, Ramat Ban: Bar Ilan Universitiy Press, 2012, pp. 309-329)
52. The Last Will and Testimony of Uri Ilan” (Heb.), Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael 15 (2005), pp. 209-238.
53. “Pioneers, Teachers, and Mothers: Ultra Orthodox Women among She'erit Hapletah”, Yad Vashem Studies 36:1 (2008), pp. 145-179.
54. "Frum Surfing: Orthodox Jewish Women's Internet Forums As a Historical and Cultural Phenomenon", Journal of Jewish Identities (2009), 2:1, pp. 1-30.
55. The Lives and Deaths of Female Military Casualties in Israel During the 1950s", Israel Studies 14:2 (2009), pp. 134-157.
56. Female Icons of the Zionist Movement: The Making of a National Heroine in Israel", Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 11:3-4, (2011) pp. 249-270.
57. "The Rescue of Jewish Girls and Teenage Young Women to England and the USA during the Holocaust from the Gendered Perspective", Jewish History 26:1 (2012), pp. 223-245.
58. "'It is Our Custom from Der alter Heim': The Role of Orthodox Jewish Women's Internet Forums in Reinventing and Transmitting Historical and Religious Tradition", Journal of Jewish Identities 6(1) (Jan. 2013), pp. 27-70.
59. "One Thousand Children: Jewish Refugee Children in the USA (1934-1945)", Prism: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators 6 (Spring 2014), pp. 38-43.
60. Review Essay: "The Holocaust and its Aftermath in the Yishuv and the State of Israel", review of Shlomo Bar-Gil and Ada Schein, Viyshavtem betah: nitzolei hashoah bahityashvut ha'ovedet 1945–1955 (Dwell in safety: Holocaust survivors in the rural cooperative settlement). Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2010. 357 pp. Dina Porat, Israeli Society: The Holocaust and Its Survivors. London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2010. 459 pp. in: Uzi Rebhun (ed.), The Social Scientific Study of Jewry: Sources, Approaches, Debates, Studies in Contemporary Jewry: An Annual, 25 (2014), pp. 267-273.
61. (With Joshua Schwartz) "Welcome to the Middle East", Iggeret 86 (Fall 2014) p. 86.
62. " From Refugee to Citizen – The Absorption of Jewish Refugee Children in the United States during the Holocaust", (Heb.) in Yalkut Moreshet 95, (Dec. 2014), pp. 259-281.
63. "Beloved Beasts, Reflections on the History and the Impact of the British 'Animals in War' Memorial", History and Memory 29:1 (Spring/Summer 2017), pp. 104-133.
64. "My Grandmother's Tkine: Immigrant Jewish Women's Lives, Identites and Prayers in Early Twentieth-Century America", Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and Gender Issues 31 (Spring-Fall 2017), pp. 146-168.
65. "Enzo Sereni: The Nobelman who became a Parachutist" (Heb.), Yalkut Moreshet 98 (Dec 2017), pp. 80-105.
66. "Unearthing the 'Polonskis': A Historian's Odyssey in Family Research", Genealogy 2:1 (2018), 10 doi.10.3391/genealogy/2010010 http://www.mdpi.com/2313-5778/2/1/10/html.
67. "The Travels of a Shofar from a Death Camp to the Auschwitz Exhibition", Hauma 217 (February 2020), pp. 84-89.
68. "Women, Holocaust, Gender: A historiographical survey" (Heb.), Yalkut Moreshet 100 (2020), pp. 40-61 in English Moreshet 17 (2020), pp. 255-285.
69. "Auschwitz: Women used Different Survival and Sabotage Strategies then Men at Death Camp", The Conversation March 27, 2020: https://theconversation.com/auschwitz-women-used-different-survival-and-sabotage-strategies-than-men-at-nazi-death-camp-132296.
70. "Pesach Between Despair and Hope" (Heb.), Pesach, Pass(ing)over and Everything in Between, Bar Ilan University, April 2020: 21-22.
71. "Holocaust Education in Israel in the Age of Covid, Second Generation Voices 70 (October 2020): 9-10.,
72. "Chanukah in Buchenwald", Shalom 49:4 (Nov. 2020), pp. 9-11.
73. "The Myth of Hannah Szenes" (Heb.), Bamah (2011), pp. 152-163.
74. "Why Study About Women in the Holocaust as a Separate Topic?" Yalkut
Moreshet 101 (2020), pp. 201-221.
75. "What is International Holocaust Remembrance Day", in: European Eye on Radicalization, Jan. 27, 2021, https://eeradicalization.com/what-is-international-holocaust-remembrance-day/ and in Arabic: https://www.qposts.com/%d9%85%d8%a7-%d9%87%d9%88-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%88%d9%85-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%af%d9%88%d9%84%d9%8a-%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%ad%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d8%b0%d9%83%d8%b1%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%87%d9%88%d9%84%d9%88%d9%83/
76. "Celebrating Life, Sanctifying Death, and Creating Identity Through Two Forms
of Holocaust Commemoration", in Phyllis Lassner and Victoria Aarons, special
guest eds. Journal of Jewish Identities (2023) 16:1&2: 149-164.
77. "A Special Journal" (Heb.), in: Hauma 226 (May 2022), p. 159.
79. "Spotlight on Contemporary Antisemitism", in: European Eye on Radicalization, Jan. 27, 2023 https://eeradicalization.com/spotlight-on-contemporary-antisemitism/ and in Arabic: https://eeradicalization.com/ar/%d8%a3%d8%b6%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d8%a7%d9%85%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d8%b5%d8%b1%d8%a9/
80. (with Dalia Ofer) "Joan Ringelheim (1939-2021) – In Memoriam", Yad Vashem Studies 50:2 (2022): 11- 15.
81. "Identity, Memorialization, and Memory: A Journey into the Meaning of Two Forms of Holocaust Comemmoration", in Chanan Yitzchaki, Yossi Spanier, Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz (Heb.), Zikaron Lekulam Yiyihu: Historia, Hagut, Realia (A Memory for all Will Be: History;, Thought, Reality) vol. 9, Jerusalem: Efrata, 2023: 141-156.
82. "Programs and Projects for 2024 of the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel", Second Generation Voices 84 (Oct 2023) pp. 8-9.
83. "Seeing is Believing: Reflections on Teaching the Holocaust Through Film", Jewish Film and New Media 11:1 (Spring 2023): 138-156.
Reviews of Books in Periodicals
1. "Advisors on the D.P. Question" [Heb.] (Review of Haim Genizi, The Advisers on Jewish Affairs to the American Army and the Displaced Persons 1945-1949,[Heb.] Tel-Aviv, Moreshet, Sifriat Hapoalim, 1987), Gesher 117 (Spring 1988), (Heb.) pp. 151-152.
2. "A Broad Spectrum" [Heb.] (Review of Menachem Kaufman (ed.),Yahadut Zemanenu (Contemporary Jewry: A Research Annual) 5, Jerusalem 1989) Gesher 120 (Winter 1989/1990), (Heb.) pp. 120-121.
3. "About Zaddikim, Decrees and Holocaust" [Heb.] (Review of Mendel Piecarz, Hassidism in Poland between the Wars and During the Holocaust [Heb.], Tel-Aviv 1990). in Yahadut Zemanenu (Contemporary Jewry: A Research Annual) 6 (1990) (Heb.) pp. 349-355.
4. "A Different Kind of Co-existence" [Heb.] (Review of Charles Liebman (ed.), Living Together: Religious and Secular in Israel [Heb.]., Jerusalem, Keter, 1990). in Gesher 123 (Summer 1991) (Heb.) pp. 124-126.
5. Review of George Eisen, Children and Play in the Holocaust: Games Among the Shadows, Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 1988, in Jewish Quarterly Review, 81 (1991), pp. 435-436.
6. "In the Footsteps of the Muse of the Ghetto Poet" [Heb.] (Review of Yechiel
Sheintuch, Itzhak Katznelson - Writing saved from the Warsaw Ghetto and
the Vittel Camp, Jerusalem, Magnes Press and Ghetto Fighter's House, 1990) in Dapim Leheker Tekufat Hashoah 9 (Heb.) pp. 270-273.
7. "Memoirs of an American Jew" [Heb.] (Review of Eli Ginzberg, My Brother's
Keeper, New Brunswick, N.J. Transaction Press, 1989), in Yahadut Zemanenu
(Contemporary Jewry: A Research Annual) 7 (1992) (Heb.) pp. 371-375.
+8. "A Different Type of Underground" [Heb.] (Review of Dov Levin, Spark and Flame [Heb.], Ramat-Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1987) in Bulletin of the Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research 5 (1992).
9. Survey of Yehuda Ben-Avner, Vom orthodoxen Judentum in Deutschland zwischen zwei Weltkriegen, Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 1987, in Bulletin of the Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research 5 (1992).
10. Review of Aaron Berman, Nazism, the Jews and American Zionism: 1933-1948, Detroit, Wayne State University Press 1991 in Studies in Zionism 13 (1992) pp. 82-83.
11. Review of Judith R. Baskin, ed., Jewish Women in Historical Persepctive, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1991, Jewish History 7 (1993), pp. 145-147.
12. Review of Menahem Kaufman, An Ambivalent Partnership: Non Zionists and Zionists in America 1939-1948, Jerusalem and Detroit, Magnes and Wayne State University Press, 1991 in Yahadut Zemanenu (Contemporary Jewry: A Research Annual) 8 (1993) (Heb.) pp. 357-360.
13. "She'erith Hapleita in the New World" [Heb.] (Review of William B. Helmreich, Against All Odds: Holocaust Survivors and the Succesful Lives They Made in America, Simon and Schuster, New York 1992, in Yahadut Zemanenu (Contemporary Jewry: A Research Annual) 8 (1993) (Heb.) pp. 399-402.
14. Review of Lawrence L. Langer, Holocaust Testimonies: The Ruins of Memory, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1991, in Gesher 127-128 (1993) (Heb.) pp. 131-132.
15. "The Never Ending Refugeeism", Review of Dalia Ofer and Hannah Wiener, The Kladovo Affair [Heb.], Am Oved: Tel-Aviv 1993. in Yahadut Zemanenu 9 (1995), pp. 281-284.
16. "And Thou Shall Tell", Review of Yona Immanuel, It Should Be Told to a Generation: The Story of a Jewish Family During the Holocaust" [Heb.], Jerusalem: Mossad Yitzhak Breuer, 1994, in HaMa'ayan 35 (Sept. 94), (Heb.) pp. 61-63.
17. "The Women's Tractate", Review Essay on Tamar Elor, Enlightened and Boors (Heb.), and Yehudit Rotem, Distant Sisters (Heb.) in Gesher (Heb.) 131 (1995), p. 127-130.
18. "Hannah Senesz as a National Hero", Review of Hannah Senesz: diaries, poetry and testimony, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz HaMeuchad Publishers, 1994, [Heb.] in Yahadut Zemanenu: Contemporary Jewry, A Research Annual 10 (Heb.) pp. 299-307.
19. "Living With the Past", Review of Aaron Hass, The Aftermath: Living with the Holocaust, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, in Gesher 134 (Winter 1996) pp. 110-111.
20. Review of Chaya Brasz, Removing the Yellow Badge: The Struggle for a Jewish Community in the Postwar Netherlands, 1944-1955, Jerusalem: The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, The Ben-Zion Dinur Institute for Research on Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995, in Jewish History 10:1 (1996), pp. 123-124.
21. "In the Pincers of Memory", (review of Geoffrey Hartman, The Longest Shadow: Aftermath of the Holocaust, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1996) in Gesher 135 (summer 1997), pp. 111-112.
22. Review of Ilana Shamir, Commemoration and Remembrance: Israel's Way of Molding its Collective Memory Patterns, Tel-Aviv: Am Oved, 1996), in Zion 62:4 (1997), pp. 437-440.
23. "Short Notices" (Moshe Prywes, Prison of Hope, Hanover and London, Brandeis University Press, 1996) in Jewish History 11:2 (Fall 1997), p. 133.
24. "Short Notices" (Yisrael Gutman and Avital Sar (eds.), Major Changes Within the Jewish People in the Wake of the Holocaust: Proceedings of the Ninth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1996) in Jewish History 11:2 (Fall 1997), pp. 133-134.
25. "Short Notices" (Davis S. Wyman (ed.), The World Reacts to the Holocaust, Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins UP, 1996) in Jewish History 11:2 (Fall 1997), p. 134.
26. "Women in the Malestrom of Progress", (Paula Hyman, Jewish Women in Historical Perspective [Heb.] Jerusalem, Mercaz Shazar 1997; Sylvia Barack Fishman, A Breath of Life: Feminism in the American Jewish Community, New York: The Free Press, 1993) in Gesher 138 (Winter 1998-9), pp. 110-112.
27. Review of Marcia Sachs Little and Sharon Weissman Gutman, eds., Liturgies on the Holocaust: An Interfaith Anthology, Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1996), in: The Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 88, no. 3-4 (Jan.-April 1999), pp. 280-281.
28. "The Rebels Among Us", (Review of Neima Barzel, Sacrificed Unredeemed: The Encounter Between the Leaders of the Ghetto Fighters and the Israeli Society, Jerusalem: Hasifria Haziyonit - the Zionist Library, 1998), Cathedra 94 (1999), pp. 177-181.
29. "Women and Gender in the Holocaust", (Review of Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (eds.), Women in the Holocaust, Yale UP, 1998,) in: Yahadut Zemanenu: Contemporary Jewry: Zionist, the State of Israel and the Diaspora 13 (1999), pp. 303-307).
30. Review of Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (eds.), Women in the Holocaust, Yale UP, 1998, in Women's Studies International Forum 24:5 (June-July 2000), pp. 133-134.
31. "Sex, Sexuality and their Impact on Jewish Thought", (review of Mordecai Rotenberg, The Yetzer: A Kabbalistic Psychology of Eroticism and Human Sexuality (Heb.), Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem: Shocken, 1998 and Gad Freudenthal (ed.), AIDS in Jewish Thought and Law, Hoboken NJ,: Ktav, 1998), in Gesher 141 (Summer 2000), pp. 118-119.
32. Review of: Women and the Holocaust: Narrative and Representation (ed. by Esther Fuchs), Studies in the Shoah vol 22, Lanham MD. University Press of America 1999, in: Women’s Studies International Forum, 24:1, p. 124.
33. “The Shoah, Creativeness, and the Daughters of the ‘Second Generation’” (Heb.), review of Ronit Lentin, Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah: Reoccupying the Territories of Silence, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2000, in: Gesher 143 (Summer 2001), pp. 96-97.
34. “The Lesson of the Holocaust in the State of Israel” (Heb.), review of Roni Stauber, Lessons for this Generation: Holocaust and Heroism in Israeli Public Discourse in the 1950’s, Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak ben-Zvi and Mercaz Moreshet Ben-Gurion, 2000), Mifne (October 2001), pp. 46-47.
35. “Ostjuden and Westjuden during the 1930’s”, (Heb.) review of Yifat Weiss,
Ethnicity and Citizenship: German Jewry and Polish Jewry 1933-1940,
Jerusalem: Magnes and Leo Baeck, 2000, in: Gesher 144 (Winter 2001), pp.
36. “Questions of Identity”, (Heb.) review of Asher Cohen and Bernard Susser, Israel and the Politics of Jewish Identity: The Secular-Religious Impasse, Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000, in Gesher 145 (Summer 2002), pp. 106-107.
37. “The Two Pillars of Holocaust Research” (Heb.) review of Shmuel Almog, David Bankier, Daniel Blatman, Dalia Ofer (eds.), The Holocaust: The Unique and the Universal; The Holocaust: History and Memory (Heb.), Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and the Institute for Contemporary Jewry, 2002) in Gesher 146 (Winter 2002), pp. 105-107.
38. Review of: Jozeph Michman and Marion Aptroot (tr. And intro.), Storm in the Community: Yiddish Polemical Pamphlets of Amsterdam Jewry 1797-1798, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2002, in: Gesher 146 (Winter 2002), p. 136.
39. “The Memory of the Holocaust in Germany: Then and Today”. Review of: Dan Michman (ed.), Remembering the Holocaust in Germany 1945-2000: German Strategies and Jewish Responses, in: Gesher 147 (Summer 2003), pp. 102-103.
40. Review of: Dan Michman, Holocaust Historiography: A Jewish Perspective. Conceptualizations, Terminology, Approaches and Fundamental Issues, London and Portland Oregon: Vallentine Mitchell 2003, 435p., in Gesher 148 (Winter 2003), pp. 134-135.
41. Review of: Tamar El-Or, Next Year I Will Know more: Literacy and Identity among Young Orthodox Women in Israel, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2002, 331p.), in Nashim 6 (Fall 2003), pp. 216-221.
42. “Tabenkin is not only a taxi stand”, review of Baruch Kanari, Tabenkin in Eretz Yisrael, Ramat Efal: Yad Tabenkin, Ben-Gurion Research Center, The Academic press of Ben-Gurion University, 2003, 881p., in Hauma 155 (2004), pp. 111-113.
43. Review of : Ruth Gay, Safe Among the Germans: Liberated Jews After World War II, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2002, 347pp., in Gesher (summer 2004), pp. 112-113.
44. “Twenty Viewpoints about Jabotinsky”, review of Avi Bareli and Pinhas Ginnosar (eds.), Man in the Storm: Essays and Studies about Ze’ev Jabotinsky” (Heb.), Iyunim Betkumat Yisrael, topical books, Sde Boqer: Machon Ben-Gurion for the Study of Israel, Ben-Gurion Uiversity, Herzl Institute for the Study of Zionism, The Jabotinsky Institute in Israel, The Menachem Begin Institute, 2004, in: Hauma 157 (2004), pp. 95-99.
45. Review of: Joseph Berger, Displaced Persons: Growing up in America after the Holocaust. New York; Scribner, 2001, 347p. in; Dire Times, Dire Decisions: Jews and Communism. Studies in Contemporary Jewry: An Annual XX (2004), pp.320-323.
46. Review of Adrienne Kurtzer, My Mother's Voice: Children, Literature and the Holocaust, Peterboro, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2002, 384p, in: Shofar 23:4 (Summer 2005), pp. 147-148.
47. “Begin Before Jabotinsky and Raziel” (Heb.), review of: Lexicon Ha’etzel, Tel-Aviv, Ministry of Defense and Brit Hayalei Hatetzel, 2005, in: Hauma 162 (Winter 2005), pp.97-100.
48. “Caution: Psycho-history” (Heb.), review of: Ofer Grozbard, Menachem Begin: Portrait of a Leader – A Biography, Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2006, 374p, in: Hauma 166 (Winter 2006), pp. 90-92.
49. “ A Tragic Footnote”, Review of: Gabrielle Herz, The Women's Camp in Moringen: A Memoir of Imprisonment in Germany, 1936-1937, in: Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and gender Issues 13 (Spring 2007), pp. 272-275.
50. "The Movement that Combined the Religious with the National", review of: Shaul Avishai, Brit Hachashmonaim, Bema'avak Leherut Yisrael, Reuven Maas, Jeruslaem, 2007, 228p. in: Hauma 171 (Spring 2008), pp. 130-133.
51. "A Society in the Chains of Memory", review of: Eli Schiller and Gavriel Barkai (eds.) Uvedamam Haboker Ya'aleh: Zikaron Vehantzacha Beyisrael (Ariel 171-172), in: Cathedra 127 (Spring 2008), pp. 190-192.
52. Review of: David Bankier, The Jews Are Coming Back: The Return of the Jews to their Countries of Origin After WWII, Yad Vashem and Berghahn Books, 2005, 320p. in: European Historical Quarterly 38:2 (2008), pp. 312-313.
53. Review of: Rochelle G. Saidel, The Jewish Women of Ravensbrueck Concentration Camp, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2004, 279p. in: Studies in Contemporary Jewry 22 (2007), pp. 286-288.
54. Review of Beth B. Cohen, Case Closed: Holocaust Survivors in Postwar America, New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, published in association with the United States Holocasut Memorial Museum, 2007, xiii+223p. in American Jewish History 93:3 (Sept. 2007), pp. 363-365.
55. Review of: Yossi Achimeir (Ed.), Ilan Hageri (artistic direction), Yitzchak Shamir Kisela Eitan (Yitzchak Shamir as a Rock), Tel-Aviv: Yediot Acharonot – Sifrei Chemed, Machon Jabotinsky in Israel, 2008, 272p. in Hauma 174 (Winter 2008), pp. 97-101.
56. Review of: Phyllis Lassner, Anglo-Jewish Women Writing the Holocaust: Displaced Witnesses. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 225p. in Shofar 28:1 (Fall 2009), pp. 171-172,
57. Review of: Nir Man (ed.) Veha'anglim Az Ba'aretz: Iyunim BaPan HaBitchoni Shel Tekufat Hamandat Habriti BiEretz Yisrael. Alei Zayit Vacherev: Sugiyot Bitoldot Habitachon Shel Hayishuv Hayehudi Umedinat Yisrael (And the English were in the Land: Studies of Security Issues During the Mandate Period. Olive Leaves and a Sword: Studies in the History of the Security of the Jewish Yishuv and the State of Israel) 9 (2009), 288p. in Hauma 176 (2009), pp. 106-108.
58. Review of: The Impact of the Holocaust in America: The Jewish Role in American Life: An Annual Review, Volume 6 edited by Zev Garber. W. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press for the Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life, University of Southern California, 230 pp. in: Shofar 28:2 (2010), pp. 188-191.
59. Review of: Rinaya (Gorodenchik) Robinson, Sa'ara Mesayat: Hatenuah Harevisionistit 1925-1940 (A Helping Storm, the Revisionist Movement 1925-1940), Yad Yitzchak Ben-Zvi and Machon Jabotinsky Beyisrael, Jerusalem, 2010, 344 pages in: Hauma 181 (2011), pp. 99-102.
60. "No more Dichotomy between Heroines and Female Survivors", Review of: Sharon Geva, El Ha'achot Halo Yeduah: Giborot Hashoah Behevra Hayisraelit (To the Unknown Sister: Holocause Heroines in Israeli Society), Bnai Brak: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, Migdarim, 2010, 302p. in Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly 115 (Summer 2011) pp. 112-113.
61. "A Hanging Memory", Review of: Amir Goldstein, Gevura Vehadara: Olei Hagardom Vehazikaron Beyisrael (Heroism and Exclusion: The "Gallows Martyrs" and Israeli Collective Memory) Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and Machon Jabotinsky in Israel, 2011, 355p. in: Israel: Studies I Zionism and the State of Israel, History, Society, Culture 20 (2012), pp. 225-230.
62. "The History of a Movement by Dates", Review of Mina Grauer (ed.), "Yimei Hatzohar: chronologia shel hatnua harevizionistit (The Days of the Tzohar: Chronology of the Revisionist movement), Machon Jabotinsky in Israel, Tel Aviv, 2013 438p. in: Hauma 190 (Summer 2013), pp. 109-113.
63. Review of: Yehuda Bauer, The Death of the Shtetl, New Haven: Yale UP, 2009, viii+208pp. in: Uzi Rebhun (ed.), The Social Scientific Study of Jewry: Sources, Approaches, Debates, Studies in Contemporary Jewry: An Annual, 25 (2014), pp. 305-308.
64. Review of : Sonja Schoepf Wentling and Rafael Medoff, Herbert Hoover and the Jews: The Origins of the “Jewish Vote” and Bipartisan Support for Israel, Washington, DC: The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, 2012, 225 pp., in: American Jewish Archives Journal 65 1,2 (2013), pp. 125-126.
65. "A New Look at the Past as Seen on the Wall", Review of Yoram A. Shamir (ed.), "A Gentle Whisper will not Reach only a Shout", Poster Collections of The Jabotinsky Institute, (Heb.) The Jabotinsky Institute, Tel Aviv, 2014, 157 pp. in Hauma 196 (winter 2014), pp. 112 – 117.
66. "The Man behind the Tombstone", review of Maoz Azaryahu with Menashe Shani, Bimotam Tzivu: Adrichalut Batei Hakevarot Hatzevaiim Beyisrael: Hashanim Harishonot (With their Death they commanded: Architecture of Military Cemeteries in Israel, the early years,) Tel Aviv: The Division for Soldier Commemoration, Ministry of Defense, 2012, 96pp. in Cathedra 153 (Tevet, 2014), pp. 205-209.
67. "The Hatred and the Tear", Review of Yalkut Moreshet 94 (11) Dec. 2014, 195p. in Zemanim 130 (Summer 2015), pp. 107-109.
68."History, Memory and the Ultra Orthodox Holocaust" (Heb.) Review of: Michal Shaul, Pe'er Tachat Efer: Hachevra Hacharedit Beyisrael Bitzel Hashoah 1945 – 1961, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, 2014, in: Yalkut Moreshet 96 (Jan. 2016), pp. 231-234
69. Review of: Federica K. Clementi, Holocaust Mothers and Daughters: Family, History and Trauma, Waltham, Mass: Brandeis, UP, 2013, in Holocaust and Genocide Studies 30:2 (Fall 2016): 374-376.
70. Review of: Michal Shaul, Pe'er Tachat Efer: Hachevra Hacharedit Beyisrael Bitzel Hashoah 1945 – 1961 (Beauty for Ashes: Holocaust Memory and the Rehabilitation of Haredi Ashkenazi Society in Israel 1945-1961), Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, 2014, in: Studies in Contemporary Jewry 29 (2016), pp. 275-277.
71) Review of: Dalia Ofer (ed.), The Jewish Ghetto in Williampole: A Document from the Kovno Ghetto, (Heb.) Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2016, in Yalkut Moreshet 98 (Dec 2017), pp. 246-250.
72) Review of: Yossi Katz, The Tombstone in Israel’s Military Cemetery since 1948: Israel’s Transition from Collectivism to Individualism (Berlin: De Gruyter; Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2014), 437p. in: Israel Studies Review 33:1 (Spring 2018), pp.112-115.
73) Alvin H. Rosenfeld, Deciphering the New Antisemitism, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2015 258p. in Studies in Contemporary Jewry 30 (2018), pp. 231-233.
74) Andrea Peto, Louise Hecht and Karolina Krasuka (eds.) Women and the Holocaust: New Perspectives and Challenges, Warszawa: Instytut Badan Literackich Pan Wydawnictwo, 2015, 268p. in: Nashim 32 (Spring 2018), pp. 162-165.
75) "Artzi Partza Sof Sof Bivechi" ["My Country Finally Broke out in Tears"] review of Ephraim Zuroff and Ruta Vanagaita, "Masa Im Haoyev, Hishtatfutam shel Litaim Befishei Hashoa" [Travels with the Enemy: The participation of Lithuanians in Holocaust Crimes], Yediot Acharonot and Sifrei Hemed, Tel Aviv, 2018, 207p. in: Hauma 211 (Fall 2018), pp. 119-123.
76) Review of: Rafael Medoff (ed.), Too Little and Almost Too Late: The War Refugee Board and America's Response to the Holocaust, Washington: The Wyman Institute, 2017 314p. in: American Jewish History 103:1 (2019):104-106.
77) Review of Jennifer Craig Norton, The Kindertransport, Contested Memory, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019, 364pp. in: AJS Review 44;2 (Nov. 2020): 444-446.
78) "Yesh Li Shem Patrioti" (I have a patriotic name), Review of; Yehiam Weitz, Havey Bracha Lanearim: Yehiam Weitz; Hayav, Nefilato, Hantzachato, Vehantzachat Bnai Doro (Yehiam Weitz: His Life, Death, Comemmoration and Commoration of his generation), in Hauma 224 (Nov. 2021), pp. 118-122.
79) The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture, edited by Victoria Aarons and Phyllis Lassner, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, 840 p. in; Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, published online 29 April 2022.
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences:
- The Seventh International Conference of Yad Vashem on the She'erit Hapletah, Jerusalem, October 1985. (lecture topic: Kibbutz Buchenwald).
- The first International Conference on Religious Life and Thought During and After the Holocaust, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, May-June 1986. (lecture topic: The story of the 93 girls from Beth Jacob - Myth or Reality)
- The First International Conference on Belgian Jewry During the Holocaust, Bar-Ilan University, June 1989. (lecture topic: Kehilath Morya)
- The Tenth International Conference on Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1989. (lecture topic: The Jewish Refugee Children in the USA During the Holocaust)
- The Conference on Daily Life During the Holocaust, Haifa University and Ghetto Fighters House, June 1991. (lecture topic: Mutual Assistance among Jewish Women During the Holocaust)
- Issues in the History of the Revisionist Movement, Herzl Institute for the Study and Teaching of Zionism, Haifa University, June 1991. (lecture topic: Cooperation between Agudath Israel and the Revisionist Movement)
- Issues in the History of the Revisionist Movement, Herzl Institute for the Study and Teaching of Zionism, Haifa University, June 1992. (lecture topic: The IZL Delegation in the USA)
- Lessons and Legacies II: Teaching the Holocaust, Chicago, October 1992. (lecture topic: Historiography of Women and Children during the Holocaust)
- The Conference on Resistance During the Holocaust, Strochlitz Institute for Holocaust Research and Ghetto Fighters House, March 1993. (lecture topic: The Ultra-Orthodox Attitude towards Armed Resistance)
- Issues in the History of the Revisionist Movement, Herzl Institute for the Study and Teaching of Zionism, Haifa University, June 1993. (lecture topic: Women in the Revisionist Movement)
- The Eleventh International Congress on Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, June 1993. (lecture topic: Absorption of She'erit Hapletah in Eretz Yisrael - the Case of Kibbutz Buchenwald)
- Crisis and Reaction: The Hero in Jewish History, Creighton University, Omaha Nebraska, October 1993. (lecture topic: Women as Heroines During the Holocaust)
- Remembering for the future II, Berlin, March 1994. (participation in academic discussion on the Holocaust and Historiography).
- International Center for the Teaching of Jewish Civilization, workshop on Holocaust, Jerusalem, June 1994. (lecture topic: Teaching the topic of "Women During the Holocaust" in Israel)
- First International Workshop on Women During the Holocaust, Jerusalem, June 1995. (lecture topic: Women in the She'erith Hapletah.)
- Jewish Historiography Towards the End of the Twentieth Century, the Israel Historical Society, Haifa, March 1996 (Respondent, response topic: Holocaust Memorials in Israel as a Form of New Jewish Historiography)
- Zionist and Zionist Policy vis a vis the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Nov. 1997 (lecture topic: Revisionists and "Irgun" members vis a vis the Holocaust 1939-1945)
- Gendered Communities: the Challenge to Religion, Nation and Race, The Historical Society of Israel in cooperation with the Universities of Israel, Tel Aviv, March 1998 (lecture topic: Women's Single-Sex and Gendered Communities During the Holocaust)
- Women in the Yishuv and the Early State, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, June 1998 (lecture topic: "We Were There Too: Gender Commemoration in Israeli War Memorials")
- Issues in Revisionist-Zionist History, University of Haifa, June 1999 (lecture topic: "The Irgun Delegation in the United States Between Ideology and Propaganda")
- The Impact of Women's and Gender Studies on Jewish Studies, The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, July 1999 (lecture topic: Gender and Holocaust Studies in Israel and Abroad)
- Gedaechtnis und Geschlecht. Zum Umgang mit der Geschichte der Konzentrationslager in beiden deutschen Nachkriegs-gesellschaften, Ravensbrueck, October 1999 (lecture topic: "Women's Commemoration in Israeli Shoa Memorials").
- The Jewish Community: Historical and Cultural Perspectives, Haifa, January 2000 (lecture topic: "Jewish Women's Communal Agency During the Holocaust.)
- Gender, Place and Memory in the Modern Jewish Experience, Bar Ilan University, January 2001. (Active chair in the session entitled: “Engendered Memories of the Holocaust and the Second World War in Memory of Sybil Milton” and delivery of historical survey and analysis of Milton’s pivotal role in Holocaust Gender Scholarship.
- The Study of Jewish Orthodoxy: New Perspectives, The Hebrew University, August 2001 (active chair in the session entitled “Jewish Orthodoxy in the United States” and a discussion of the Israeli-American perspective of the topic).
- One Thousand Children: Historical Perspective, Chicago, June 2002, (keynote Address: “The Jewish Refugee Children in the USA 1934-1945”).
- The Wandering Jewess: Women in Immigration and Aliya, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, March 2003. (lecture topic: “Bridges Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: ‘Diaspora Culture’ in the lives of Israeli heroines”.
- Women at War, Special Exhibition, the Imperial War Museum, London, March 2004 (lecture topic: “Questions and Answers about women during the Holocaust”)
- Symposium in Honor of the Innauguration of the Shkopf-Frankel-Hindes-Ilan archives and presentation of scholarships and research prizes from the Uri Ilan Fund and the Dr. Shoshana Shkopf-Frankel Memorial Fund, Bar-Ilan University, 29 December 2004. (Lecture topic: “Guidelines towards the Creation of the Ilan Archives: A Few Closing Remarks at the Symposium).
- Enzo Sereni: A 100 anni dalla nascita, a 60 anni dalla scomparsa, Jerusalem, 5-7 April 2005 (lecture topic: Enzo Sereni: The nobleman who became a parachutist”)
- The Demographic Problem and Demographic Policy of Israel: A Symposium in Memory of Dr. Reuven Hecht, Haifa, 17 May 2005. (lecture topic: “The Yishuv Parachutists During the Second World War, Circles of Memory and Commemoration”).
- Women and Economy: Production, Work, Volunteerism, and Slavery, the 6th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Feminist and Gender Studies, Rishon Lezion, 26 May 2005. (Participation in a panel about “male and female writers speak” moderated by Merav Michali).
- The 14th World Congress of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 2005 (Active chair in the session entitled: “Contemporary American Orthodoxy: Sociological and Historical Perspectives).
- Gender Issues in Holocaust Studies: Third International Conference, Beit Berl, Beit Terezin, Ghetto Fighters House, 5-7 Sept. 2005. (lecture topic: “Sex, Gender, and Identity among the DP Youth”.
- The Max and Rita Haber Chair of Holocaust Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dec, 26, 2005. (lecture topic: “Male and Female Parachutists during WWII in the Israeli Collective Memory”)
- Orthodox Jewry and the Holocaust, Tel Aviv University, Jan 3-5 2005. (lecture topic: “Mother, Students and Halutzot: Haredi Women among the DP’s”)
- Songs from Bergen Belsen, Yad Vashem, Feb. 28, 2006 (lecture topic: “Bergen Belsen, Concentration Camp and DP Camp, historical overview and analysis”)
- Holocaust Survivors in their Countries of Resettlement: Space, Memories and Identities, The Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jan. 29-30, 2007, (lecture topic: “Where did I come from, Where am I going, and who am I? Personal and Gendered Identity among Women of the She’erit Hapletah”)
- "Preparing Entires of Professional Terms in Holocaust Encyclopedias and Thesauruses”, Invited lecture before an international group of archivists at Yad Vashem in preparation for creating the international multi-lingual thesaurus of Holocaust related terms appearing in the Yad Vashem Archives, May 9, 2007.
- Haredi Women in Israel: Images, Myths and Reality, Bar Ilan University, June 10, 2007 (Active Chair in Session: The Role of Haredi Women in the Press and in Literature).
- Israel as an Immigrant Society: Between the Melting Pot and Multiculturalism, 23rd Annual AIS Conference, the Open University of Israe, Raanana, June 11-13, 2007 (lecture topic: “Hayalot Olot Noflot: The Life and Death of Immigrant Women Soldiers in the IDF During the 1950s”)
- International Graduates Seminar: Teaching About the Holocaust, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, August 12-16, 2007 (lecture topic: “Holocaust and Gender”)
- Jewish Resistance Reconsidered, New York, Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, 28 October 2007 (lecture topic: “Variations of Women’s Resistance During the Holocaust”.
- Children and Childhood Under the Third Reich – a Gendered Perspective, Beit Berl, Beit Terezin and Beit Lochamei Hagetaot, 29-31 October 2007 (lecture topic: “Rescue of Jewish Girls and Teenagers During the Holocaust”)
- Jewish Education: A Torch in the shadow of the Holocaust, The Michlala in Jerusalem, the Holocaust Study Center, 5 Dec. 2007 (lecture topic: "Educating a New World: Issues in the Education of the Jewish DPs after the Holocaust").
- Conference of the Association of Jewish Studies, Toronto, 16-18 Dec., 2007 (lecture topic: Reconstruction of Gender Identity among Jewish Postwar DPs")
- Annual Keynote Lecture in Honor of Elchanan and Miriam Elkes, University of Leicester, October 2008 (Lecture topic: "Resisting Obliteration: The Lives and Deaths of Jewish Women During the Holocaust").
- The Fifteenth World Congress in Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 2-6 August 2009 (lecture topic: "Orthodox Jewish Women's Internet Forums as a Cultural and Historical Phenomenon")
- "The Actuality of Sacrifice; Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in Past and Present, Jerusalem and Ramat Gan, January 9-12, 2011. (lecture topic: "The Iconography of Gendered Sacrifice: Women’s Army Corps Memorials in Israel and Great Britain").
- "The Bergson Group and America's Response to the Final Solution", Jerusalem, 17 July 2011, (participation in panel discussion).
- "Religion and Identity, Europe and Beyond: Between Ethnicity and Hybridity", Ramat Gan, June 13-14, 2012 (active session chair for "Religion and Modernity" session).
- "Conflicts and Divisions Among Jewish Communities Throughout the Generations", Ramat Gan, June 20-21, 2012, (active session chair "Divisions in Zionism" session).
- "Religious Parties and Movements: Past Present and Future: Conference marking the 90th anniversary of the Hapoel Hamizrach, 100 years of agudath Israel and 110 years of the mizrachi", Ramat gan, December 19, 2012 (Active chair, session on women in the religious and ultra orthodox movements)
- Seventh International Symposium, the Klal Yisrael Project, Reconsidering Israel-diaspora Relations, Tel Aviv, January 8, 2013 (lecture topic: "Orthodox Jewish Women as a bridge between Isral and the diaspora").
- Symposium in Honor of Prof. Haim Genezi's 80th Birthday, General History Department, Bar Ilan Univerity, May 26, 2014 (lecture topic: "Jewish Refugee Children in the United States, a Historical Glimpse").
- Women Recall the Holocaust: A Conference to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht and in memory of Fanya Gottesfeld Heller, Ramat Gan Nov. 12, 2018 (lecture topic:"Why should one deal with women in the Holocaust as a separate topic?")
- Thoughts on Contemporary Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial on the International Day of Holocaust Remembrance, Yad Vashem, Amutot Dorot Hahemshech and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research, Tel Aviv, Jan. 27, 2019 (lecture topic: "What? There was a Holocaust? Surely it was the Jews' own fault: Thoughts on Contemporary Antisemitism")
- Book Launching: My Name is Freida Sima, Ramat Gan, April 8, 2019 (lecture topic: "About Freida Sima: A Response").
- Far Past Far Future: Perspective in the Study of Greek Jewry During the Holocaust, Ramat Gan April 30, 2019 (lecture topic: "Paths of Memory of Communities Destroyed During the Holocaust").
- Women Recall the Holocaust Forum, New York May 5, 2019 (lecture topic: "We Could Have Been Them: Women Scholars Writing about Women in the Holocaust")
- Research Panel at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, May 6, 2019 (lecture topic: Auschwitz in a Different Perspective).
- Shofar Event, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, Sept. 23, 2019 (lecture topic: The Shofar from Auschwitz)
- "Spiritual Reisistance in Auschwitz", Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, Nov. 24, 2019.
- "Nava Semel my friend: Shared Memories of an Uncommon Past", Depicting Violated Women During the Holocaust, Bar-Ilan University, Jan 8, 2020.
- "Women and Gender During the Holocaust", Zoom workshop, Women 2 Women, April 21, 2020.
- "Women in Auschwitz", Women in Auschwitz and During the Holocaust, Zoom Conference under joint auspices with the Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, June 4, 2020.
- "Women During the Holocaust", Women in Auschwitz and During the Holocaust, Zoom Conference under joint auspices with the Museum of Jewish Heritage, June 7, 2020.
- " To become a Heroine during the Holocaust", Women's Power At a Time of Crisis, Zoom Conference under the auspices of the Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Center for the Study of Women in Judaism, Oct. 13, 2020.
- "Concluding Remarks on Postmemorial Work", Writing the Unwritable, an Inter-disciplinary approach to Holocaust Postmemory", International Conference under the auspices of the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research and the School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University and the School of Social Work, University of Haifa, Jan. 24, 2021.
- "They were all our daughters: Fallen Women Soldiers of the Yishuv and of the State of Israel and everything in between", Zoom lecture as part of a lecture series entitled "Women in Security During the Yishuv: About Fallen Women Soldiers, Commemoration and Memory", sponsored by the Department of Land of Israel Studies, the Heller Center for the Study of Women in Judaism, the Begin Center for the Study of Underground Movements and the Jabotinsky Institute in Israel, May 31, 2021.
- Discussion Moderator, zoom Breakout discussion room in Heroines of the Holocaust, zoom conference, Wagner College, Staten Island, June 3, 2021
- "Jewish Women During the Mass Immigration", opening lecture in a zoom lecture series sponsored by Yad Vashem entitled "Women, Holocaust and Shaping Memory", June 6, 2021.
- "Yehiam Weitz and Yehiam Weitz: The Author and the Book Subject", conference and book launch for Yechiam Weitz, "Haveh Bracha Lenaarim: Yechiam Weitz, Hayav, Nefilato, Hantzachato ve Hantzachat Bnei Doro" of the "Bama for the History of Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish People", Herzl Institute for the Study of Zionism, University of Haifa, June 13, 2021 zoom conference.
- "Concluding remarks about Jewish Rescuers during the Holocaust", Jews Saving Jews, Part of Collective Holocaust Memory?, Bnai Brith International Center and Bar Ilan University, International Zoom symposium, June 14, 2021.
- "Jewish Rescue of Jewish During the Holocaust", All Our Brothers and Sisters- A Panel discussion and podcast recording, Bnai Brith World Center, Jerusalem and Finkler Institute Bar Ilan University, Zoom symposium, June 15, 2021.
- "How it All Began", Women Defying Hitler, Resistance and Rescue Under the Nazis, Book Launch, Florida State University Rintels Holocaust Professorship and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research, Bar Ilan University, Zoom Symposium, Oct. 25, 2021.
- "How Jews Saved Jews", Book Launch for All OurBrothers and Sisters: Jews Saving Jews During the Holocaust", Bar Ilan Library Zoom event, Nov. 9, 2021.
- "Holocaust Research: How the Holocaust Determines the Professional
Choices of the Second Generation and the Third Generation", Zoom
Symposium of the Second Generation Network, London, Dec. 16, 2021
- "How many Jews were Killed in the Holocaust? – Fighting Holocaust Denial", Zoom lecture at the Second Conference of the Knesset Group to combat Antisemitism and BDS, For international Holocaust Memorial Day, Jan. 26 2022.
- "Teaching the Holocaust in This Contemporary Climate" Keynote Speech, Evidence Against Intolerance: A Virtual Symposium on Teaching the Holocaust in the Digital Disinformation Era, Zoom Conference, Towson University, February 23, 2022.
- "A Canon of Heroines", Keynote Panel participant, Heroines of the Holocaust: New Frameworks of Resistance, In-Person + Zoom Conference, Wagner College, June 15, 2022.
- "Research as an Arena of Memory", Panel Moderator and Participant, Researchers Remember: Research as an Arena of Memory for Descendents of Holocaust Survivors, Zoom Conference, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, Sept. 9, 2022.
- "The List and Second Generation Internet Groups", The List: The Making of an Online Transnational Second Generation Community, Zoom, Bar-Ilan University, Nov. 9, 2022.
- "Jewish Life in Europe Before the Holocaust" Round table discussion speaker and moderator, Museum of Jewish Heritage and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research (zoom), 7.11.22
- The List Book Launch (zoom), Bar Ilan Library Zoom event: The List: The Making of an Online Transnational Second Generation Community, 9.11.22.
- "Escape to the Soviet Union", Round table discussion speaker and moderator, Museum of Jewish Heritage and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research (zoom) 9.1.23
- Widerstand und Märtyretum als religiose Pflicht", Jüdisches Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus, Touro University, Berlin, Staatsministerium des Innern and Jüdischen Gemeinde Chemnitz (Zoom) Jan 26, 2023.
- "Women in the Ghettos", Roundtable discussion speaker and moderator, Museum of Jewish Heritage and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research (zoom), 13.3.23
- "The Holocaust in Transnistria", Roundtable discussion speaker and moderator, Museum of Jewish Heritage and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research 15.5.23
- "The Free World and the Holocaust", Roundtable discussion speaker and moderator, Museum of Jewish Heritage and the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research 10.7.23
- "Thoughts about Postmemorial Work: Closing Remarks", closing remarks at the zoom book launch for Rony Alfandary and Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz (eds.), Psychoanalytic and Cultural Aspects of Trauma and the Holocaust: Between Postmemory and Postmemorial Work 7.5.23
- "The Development of the Academic Discipline of Jewish Women During the Holocaust", zoom lecture in the academic series of the Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Center for the Study of Women in Judaism in cooperation with Meteg - "Jewish Somen During the Holocaust", November 6, 2023.
- "On the Use of Holocaust Like Terminology", lecture at the symposium "Hamas = Nazism? The Black Sabbath = Holocaust? Panel discussion at the annual symposium to commemorate the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, held by the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research, November 9, 2023.
- "The Holocaust After October 7", lecture at online symposium with ZIH for International Holocaust Memorial Day, January 16, 2024.
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day Sumposium (Zoom), The Finkler Institute together with Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Jan. 16, 2024: Prof. Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz, Mrs. Monika Krawczyk, Dr. Lea Ganor, Dr. Yaakov Falkov, Kamil Kopera, Inbal Raz, Prof. Katarzyna Person, Agnieszka Witkowska-Kryc, Agnieszka Żółkiewska, Andrzej Żbikowski .
- Museum of Jewish Heritage, "The Curatorial Process and Acquisitions: Chaskel Tydor Curatorian Internship Program Talk", with Miriam Entin, January 17, 2024.
- "Understanding Jewish pre-Holocaust Traditions", Collection Showcase: Jewish Women's Marriage Customs (zoom webinar), with Allison Ruman, Museum of Jewish Heritage, April 3, 2024.
- "A New Language in Holocaust Memory", at the symposium: Creation and Healing in Holocaust Memory: Book Launch for Martin Herskowitz's book Shenot Dor, The Hartman Institute, Jerusalem, May 24, 2024.
- " Commemorating the Holocaust After October 7th", lecture at the zoom webinar "Commemorating and Mourning the Shoa after October 7: Reflections of children of survivors of the Nazi Holocaust (together with the International Center for Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma and Dr. Yael Danieli, May 6, 2024.
Encyclopedic Entries:
1. "Rescue of Children to Great Britain during the Holocaust", Israel Gutman (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, vol. 2 New York, 1989, pp. 607-610. [Hebrew version published by Sifriat Hapoalim, Tel-Aviv, vol. 1 pp. 220-222]
2. "Rescue of Children to the United States during the Holocaust", Israel Gutman (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, vol. 3, New York, 1989, pp. 607-609. [Hebrew version published by Sifriat Hapoalim, Tel-Aviv]
- Biddle, Francis (350 words); Bradley, Omar (350 words); Klausner, Abraham (350
words); Clay, Lucius (350 words); Eisenhower, Dwight D. (350 words); Hoover,
Herbert (350 words); Hopkins, Harry (350 words); La Guardia, Fiorello (350
words); Niebuhr, Reinhold (350 words); Nimitz, Chester W. (350 words); Patton,
George (350 words); Pearl Harbour (350 words); Quakers (350 words); Rifkind,
Simon (350 words); Smith, Walter Beddell (350 words); U. S.Committee for the
Care of European Children (350 words): in The Computerized Encyclopedia of the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.
- “Bermuda Conference", Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor Baumel (eds.), The Holocaust Encyclopedia, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2001, pp. 75-76.
- “Concentration Camps", Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor Baumel (eds.), The Holocaust Encyclopedia, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2001, pp. 133-135.
- “Evian Conference", Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor Baumel (eds.), The Holocaust Encyclopedia, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2001, pp. 172-174.
- “Extermination Camps", Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor Baumel (eds.), The Holocaust Encyclopedia, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2001, pp. 174-179.
- “ Parachutists’ Mission”, Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor Baumel (eds.), The Holocaust Encyclopedia, New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2001, pp. 467-471.
- “Hannah Szenes 1921-1944”, in : Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, ed. Paula E. Hyman and Dalia Ofer (a computerized encyclopedia by Shalvi Publications), 1000 words, 2007.
- “Haviva Reik 1914-1944”, in: Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, ed. Paula E. Hyman and Dalia Ofer (a computerized encyclopedia by Shalvi Publications), 900 words, 2007.
Book Reviews in the Daily Press
- Adon Haslichot” (The Master of Forgiveness), Review of: Simon Weisenthal, The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, Schocken Books, 2nd ed., 271pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Nov. 19, 1997, p. 4.
- “Haedut Kehistoria” (Testimony as History), Review of: Devora Frank, Shmona Shenitzlu Biyimeu Hashoa (Eight who were rescued during the Holocaust), author’s publishing, POB. 1019 Bat Yam 174p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, April 30, 1997, p. 10.
- “Laga’at Bakor, Laga’at Bahoshekh” (To touch the cold, to touch the darkness), Review of Aharon Appelfeld, Mihreh Hakerah (The Ice Mine), Keter, 190p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, April 22, 98, p. 6.
- “Has Kategor” (Silence Prosecutor), Review of: Shabtai Tevet, Ben Gurion and the Holocaust, Harcourt and Brace, lxiv+310pp, Ha’aretz Sefarim May 25,1998, p. 6. In English, “Debunking the myths of Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, May 25, 1998, p. 11.
- “Akhvat Nashim Bitzel Hamavet” (Women’s solidarity in the shadow of death), Review of: Felicia Karai, Pagazim Veharuzim: Mahane Nashim Hassag Leipzig (Mortars and Rhymes: The Hassag Women’s Camp in Leipzig), Moreshet, 278p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, July 22, 1998, pp. 12-13.
- “Bifashtut Akh Bikessem Rav” (Simply but with great Magic), Review of Ze’ev Tzahor, Yekitza: Halom Hamedina Uma Shehaya (Awakening: The Dream of the State and What Happened), Modan 239pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Sept. 2, 1998, p. 5. In English, “Awakening from the illusion of togetherness”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Sept. 4, 1998, p. 11.
- “Masa Letokh Heavar” (Journey into the Past), Review of Avraham Landsman; Vayisu Vahakhanu: Hamishim Shanim Lehakamat Medinat Yisrael (And they Traveled and they Made Camp: Fifty Years since the establishment of the State of Israel), Hotza’at Ben-Yosef, 615p. Ha’aretz Sefarim, Jan. 27.1999, p.11.
- “Vehayu Livasar Ehad” (And They Became One Flesh), Review of: Rabbi Shmuel Boteach, Sex Kasher: Matkon Litshuka Uleintimiyut (Kosher Sex: Recipe for Desire and Intimacy), translated by Nurit Levinson, Modan, 272p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Feb. 22, 1999, p.5. In English, “Having your apple – and eating it too”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Feb. 22, 1999, p. 17.
- “Bihayehen Uvimotan Lo Nifridu” (Separated Neither in Death nor in Life), Review of: Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (eds.), Women and the Holocaust, Yale UP 402p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, April 14, 1999, p.4.
- “Al Banim Veal Bnai Banim” (About Sons and Grandsons), Review of: Gabrielle Rosenthal (ed.), The Holocaust In Three Generations: Families of Victims and Perpetrators of the Nazi Regime, Kassel 308pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim Aug. 11,1999, p.5.
- “Pnim Hamahbesa Hamishpahtit” (The Inside of the Family Washing Machine), Review of: Yehonatan Geffen, Isha Yekara (Dear Woman), Dvir, 203p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Oct. 13, 1999, p. 7.
- “Hayehudi Hanoded, Hayehudi Hasored” (The Wandering Jew, the Surviving Jew), Review of Yael Vered, Felix Rav HaAlilot (Felix of the Great Stories), Zmora Bitan, 355pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim Dec. 29, 1999, p. 5.
- “Shtika Sheminasa Laga’at” (Silence that Tries to Touch), Review of: Aharon Appelfeld, Masa El Hahoref (Journey into the Winter), Keter, 212pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim April 5,0 200, pp. 6,8.
- “Bein Mirdaf Levrikha”(Between Chase and Escape), Review of: Paltiel Horowitz, Pogon, author’s publishing, 480pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim April 25, 2000, p. 6.
- “Darko Shel Haborei Lehishaer Anonimi”(The Lord’s Way of Remaining Anonymous), Review of: Eta Halberstam and Judith Leventhal, Nisim Ketanim: Tzerufei Mikrim Bilti Regilim Mechayei Hayom Yom (Small Miracles: Unusual Coincidences in Everyday Life) , trans. Nili Shalev, Modan, 190pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim July 26, 2000, p. 3.
- “Latzet Mehalahatz” (To De-stress), Review of: Lucinda Bassett, Milahatz Lehatzlaha: Keitzad Lehishtahrer Milahatz, Metah Veharada ulehasig shlita meleya al hayeha (From Stress to Success: How to Remove Stress, Tension and Anxiety and achieve full command of your life), trans. Esther Levin. Focus, 319pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim Aug., 23, 2000, p. 8.
- “Poalei Kol HaOlam Hitakhedu?” (Workers of the world unite?), Review of: Deborah S. Bernstein, Constructing Boundaries: Jewish and Arab Workers in Mandatory Palestine, SUNY Press, 277p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Nov. 29, 2000, p. 12. In English: “Brick by brick, a wall was built between them”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Nov. 31, 2000, p. 14.
- “Odeseya Nashit” (A Women’s Oddessey), Review of: Erica Jong, Lehamtzi Et Hazikaron: Sipuran shel Imahot Uvanot (Creating Memory: The Story of Mothers and Daughters), Trans: Sara Rifin, Zmora Bitan 299pp.Ha’aretz Sefarim, Dec. 20, 2000, p. 6.
- “Nifrad Akh Lo Shaveh” (Separate But equal), Review of: Ruth Lamdan, A Separate People: Jewish Women in Palestine, Syria and Egypt in the Sixteenth Century, Brill’s Series in Jewish Studies, vol. 26, 307pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Jan. 17, 2001, p. 6, 13. In English, “In the bosom of their families”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Jan. 19, 2001, p. 12.
- “Shualim Ketanim Mehablim Keramim” (Little Foxes Trampling the Vines), Review of: Yochi Brandes, Lekhabot Et Ha’ahava (Extinguishing Love), Yediot Aharonot, 300pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim Feb. 21, 2001, p. 6.
- “Hashtika Vehayetzira Shel Bnot Hador Hasheini”(The Silence and Creativity of the Second Generation of Girls), Review of: Ronit Lentin, Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah: Reoccupying the Territories of Silence, Berghahn, 256pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, April 18, 2001, p. 6.
- “Aza Kamavet Ahava” (Love is Stronger than Death), Review of: Shelly Yechimovitch, Eshet Ish (Wife), Keshet, 352pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, May 9, 2001, p. 14.
- “Za Rodino Za Stalina” (“For the nation, for Stalin”), Review of: Ya’akov Ingerman, Yehudi be”sherut” HaReich (Jew in the “Service” of the Third Reich), Bitan, 254p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, May 30, 2001, p. 14.
- “Yahadut Kefi Shehi Tzricha Lihiyot” (Judaism as it should be), Review of: Emanuel Rackman, One Man’s Judaism: Renewing the Old and Sanctifying the New, Geffen, 424pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, June 20, 2001, p. 13. In English: “They Trod Water, he took the Plunge”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, June 22, 2001, p. 13.
- “Mitos HaOtzma Hayehudit HaAmerikait”(The Myth of American Jewish Power), Review of: Gulie Ne’eman Arad, America, Its Jews, and the Rise of Nazism, Indiana UP, 314pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, July 11, 2001, p. 12. In English: “They Who Hesitated – are they who lost”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, August 10, 2001, p. 11.
- “The ‘Solutions’ Company”, Review of: Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust, Crown 519pp., The Jerusalem Report, July 30, 2001, pp. 44-46.
- “Gam Habayit Eno Tamid Mivtzar” (The Home was not always a castle), Review of: Renee Levine Melammed, Heretics or Daughters of Israel? The Crypto-Jewish Women of Castile, Oxford UP, 256pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Aug. 8.2001, p. 5. In English: “Home was hardly her castle”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, August 10, 2001, p. 11.
- “Sochnot Semuyot Shel HaHaskaha” (Secret agents of Enlightenment), Review of: Iris Parush, Nashim Korot: Yitrona Shel Shuliyut Bahevra Hayuehudit Bemizrakh Eiropa Bamea Hatsha Esreh (Literary Women: The Advantage of Apprenticeship in Jewish Society in Eastern Europe during the 19th century), Sidrat Ofakim, Am Oved, 345pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim Aug. 15, 2001, p. 6.
- “Kol Bahur Vetov Laneshek?” (Every good may to his gun?), Review of: Proyekt Tzava-Hevra, Nashim Bitzahal (Women in the IDF), Jerusalem, Zahal Vehamakhon Hayisraeli Lidemokratiya, 116pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Nov., 14 2001, p. 11.
- “Neurim Ba’Moledet Haaduma’” (Youth in the Red Motherland), Review of: Mary M. Leder, My Life in Stalinist Russia: An American Woman Looks Back, edited by Laurie Bernstein, Indiana UP, 344pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Dec. 5, 2001, p. 5.
- “Mehonat Hatzilum Hee Oyvatam Shel Kitvei Ha’et Haeklektim” (The Photocopying Machine is the Enemy of Eclectic Periodicals), Review of: Yechiam Weitz (ed.), Yahadut Zemanenu: Tziyonut, Medinat Yisrael Vehatfutzot, (Contemporary Jewry: Zionism, State of Israel and the Diapora) vol. 14. Machon Leyahadut Zemanenu BaUniversity HaIvrit uMosad Herzl Lehker Hatziyonut Beuniversitat Haifa, Ha’aretz Sefarim, March 20, 2002, pp. 8, 27.
- “Misahakim Bemilhama, Misahakim Bahayim” (Playing War, Playing Life), Review of: Ben-Ami Feingold, Tashakh Beteatron (1948 in the Theater), Hakibbutz Hameuhadd 192pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim June 5, 2002, p. 69. In English: “All the War’s a Stage”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, June 14, 2002, p. 15.
- “Saba Sheli Haya Kommunist” (My Grandfather was a Communist), Review of: Uri Ohrbach, Saba Sheli Haya Rav (My Grandfather was a Rabbi), Illustrations, Noam Nadav, Keter, 148pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim July 31, 2002, p. 11. In English: Rescued Bones and Separate Swimmers”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Editon, p. 9.
- “Po Ani Over, Nitzav Liyad Ha’even” (Here I Pass, Standing Near the Rock), Review of : Yoav Harpaz, Derekh Esh: Hagedud Hahamishi shel Hapalmach Bemilhemet Ha’atzmaut (The Path of Fire: The Fifth Battalion of the Palmach During the War of Independence), author’s publishing, 197pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Aug. 14, 2002, p. 4. In English: “Balancing out the Harel Story”, The Herald Tribune-Ha’aretz English Edition, Aug. 23, 2002, p.8.
- “Saruf Alekha” (Burnt Crazy about you) , Review of: Ray Bradbury, Farenheit 451, trans. Noa Mannheim, Odessey, 204pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Aug. 21, 2002, p. 6, 13.
- “Kah Holefet Tehitat Olam” (Sic Transit Gloria Mundi), Review of: Ruth Ellen Gruber, Virtually Jewish: Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe, University of California Press 304pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Oct. 2, 2002, p. 12.
- “Milim Umashmautam” (Words and their Meaning), Review of Shalom Oren, Bimlo Muvan Hamila: Al Motza’an shel milim beinleumiyot (The Full Meaning of the Word: About the source of international words), Keter, 178pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Dec. 11, 2002, p. 10.
- “Lirot Lo Kikro” (To see, not to Read), Review of: Tzilum: Dubi Tal, Katav: Sefi Ben Yosef, Eretz Yafa: 50 Hamekomot Hayafim Bemdinat Yisrael (Beautiful Counrty: The 50 Most Beautiful Places in the State of Israel), Albatross and Mapa, 240pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Sept. 25, 2002, p10.
- “Hu Gadol, Hu Gadol, Hu Gadol” (He is Great, He is Great, He is Great), Review of: Ronen Kedem and Shaul Meizlish, Harav Ovadia (Rabbi Ovadia), Yediot Aharonot, Sefrei Hemed, 176pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Jan. 8, 2003, p. 4. In English: “Larger Than Life”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Jan. 10, 2003, p.8.
- “Tzair, Ashir, Uvari” (Young, Rich and Healthy), Review of: Sara Hamo, The Golden Path to Natural Healing, The Natural House Publishing, 243pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, March 26, 2003, p. 13. In English: “Leaf Through This Book”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, April 11, 2003, p. 8.
- “Nashim Sovlot Mana Gedola, Lo Mutzdeket, Shel Zarot” (Women Suffer a Larger Dose of undeserved troubles than do Men), Review of: Shulamit Frederika Michman, “Ish Eino Yoda Ma Leled Yom”: Mikhtavim Ishi’im Mitekufat Hashikum Sheleahar Hashoa Beholand” (No One Knows What Tomorrow Will Bring: Personal Letters from the Period of Rehabilitation After the Holocaust in Holland), Gevanim, 127p, Ha’aretz Sefarim, 22.4.2003, p. 4,13. In English: “What Tomorrow Brought”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, April 25, 2003, p. 8.
- “Hatzanhan Shehazar Mehashoa”,(The paratrooper who returned from the Holocaust) Review of: Yoel Palgi, Into the Inferno: Memoir of a Jewish Paratrooper Behind the Nazi Lines, Rutgers UP, 279pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, 11.6.2003, p. 24. In English: “What Did Really Happen in Hungary”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, June 13, 2003, p. 7.
- “Hashiva Lehayyim” (Return to Life), Review of: Zeev W. Mankowitz, Life Between Memory and Hope: The Survivors of the Holocaust in Occupied Germany, Cambridge UP, 335pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, 18.6.2003, p. 12, 15. In English: “Before the Wounds had healed”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, June 20, 2003, p. 8.
- “Al Banim Veal Bnai Bnai Banim” (About children and Great Grandchildren), Review of: Melvin Jules Bukiet (ed.), Nothing Makes You Free: Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, W.w. Norton and Co, 394pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, 3.9. 2003, p. 11, In English: “Other Kids Parents Had Parents”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Sept. 5, 2003, p. 8.
- “Barukh Sheasani Dosit?” (Blessed are Thou who made me an ultraorthodox woman?), Review of: Margalit Shilo (ed.), Lihiyot Isha Yehudiya: Divrei Hakenes Habenleumi Hasheni, Isha Viyahaduta (To be a Jewish Woman: The Second International Conference about Women in Judaism), Kolech – Forum Nashim Datiyot, Urim, 432p. Heb. And 128p. Eng., Ha’aretz Sefarim, 10.9.2003, p. 4. In English: “You’ve Still got a long way to go, baby”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Sept. 12, 2003, p. 9.
- “Hashoa Beveit Hamitbakhayim”(Holocaust in the Slaughterhouse), Review of: Roberta Kalechofsky, Animal Suffering and the Holocaust: The Problem with Comparisons, Marblehead MA: Micah, 59pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Dec. 24, 2003, p. 8.
- “Akh Sheli Yotzi Oti Gam MiTizi El Nabi” (My Brother will get me out of Hell), Review of: Hadas Hamerov, Akhim Ledror (Dror’s Brothers), Barkai, 303pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Jan. 28, 2004, p. 8.
- “Hatrauma Hamitmashehet Sheitzva et Hayeihem Biterem Noldu” (The Continuous Trauma that Formed Life before they were born), Review of: Iris Milner: Kirei Avar: Biografia, Zehut, Vezikaron Bisiporet Hador Hasheni (Tears of the Past: Biography, Identity and Memory in Second Generation Prose), Hamakhon Leheker Hazionut Veyisrael Al Shem Haim Weitzmann Beuniversitat Tel Aviv ve Am Oved, 247pp., Ha’aretz Sefarim, April 14, 2004, p. 1, 13.
- “”Etz Hayim Hi Lamahazikot Ba” (A Tree of Life for those women Holding it), Review of: Tamar Ross, Expanding the Palace of Torah: Orthodoxy and Feminism, Brandeis UP 324p. Ha’aretz Sefarim, 1.9. 2004, p. 10. In English, “Torah For Everyone”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, Sept. 3, 2004, p. B8.
- “Sipur Al Ahava Vezman” (A Story of Love and Time), Review of: Yossi Waxman, Leibschen, Yediot Aharonot, 255p., Makor Rishon, Sept. 3, 2004, p. 37.
- “Habedidut Shel Hahok Vehaseder” (The Loneliness of Law and Order), Review of: Mark Haddon, Hamikre Hamuzar Shel Hakelev Bisha’at Layla (The Strange Case of the Dog in the Nightime), Trans. Ehud Tagri, Mahbarot Lesifrut 248p., Makor Rishon, Oct. 8, 2004, p. 33.
- “Hamilchama Shebalev” (The war in the heart), Review of: Haim Guri, Ani Milhemet Ezrahim (I am a civil war), Daniela Di-nur, Mossad Bialik and Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 328p., Ha’aretz Sefarim, Oct. 20, 2004, p. 8.
- “Hatoanot vehatoanot” (The female rabbinical pleader-advocates and the complaints), Review of: Shlomo Riskin, Yad Laisha – haisha vehagerushin al pi hahalacha, pitron hilchati liva’ayat haagunot (Yad Laisha – woman and divorce according to Jewish law, a halakhic solution to the problem of the agunot), Or Torah Stone, 174p., in: Makor Rishon, Nov. 5, 2004, p. 41.
- “Bizman Sheyisral Mistaklim Klapei Ma’ala” (While Israel Looks Towards Above”), Review of: Yisrael Segal, Vehi Nahash Memit (And Does a Snake Kill?), Keter 2004, 249 pp., in: Makor Rishon, Nov. 12, 2004’ p. 21.
- “Harav Yotze Bahutz” (The Rabbi Went Out), Review of: Nitzan Hen and Anshil Pfeffer, Maran: Ovadia Yosef, Habiografia (Maran: Ovadia Yosef, The Biography, Keter 437pp.), in: Makor Rishon, Nov. 12, 2004, p. 41.
- “Keyiladim Akhalnu Lema’anekh” (“As Children we Ate for You”), Review of: Hong Ying, Bat Hanahar (The Daughter of the River, Kinneret 285p.) in: Ha’aretz Sefarim, Nov. 24, 2004, p. 10.
- “Makom She’enenu od” (“A Place which is no More”), Review of: Shalom Holavsky, Kama Ga’aguim, Kama Hen: Neisvizh-Vilna-Rakov (Such Longings, Such Beauty: Neisvizh-Vilna-Rakov), in: Ha’aretz Sefarim, Dec. 1, 2004, p. 12.
- “Shirei Yaldut, shirei historia”, (“Children’s songs, historical songs”), Review of: Yoram Teharlev, Ein Kvar Derekh Hazara: Shirim Vesiupirm al Yisrael Akheret (There is no way back: Songs and Poems on a Different Israel), in: Makor Rishon, December 10, 2004, p. 45.
- “Encyclopedia Refuit Leshigaon” (“Medical Encyclopedia for Insanity”), Review of: Lili Perry and Yoram Barak, Shigyonot Ketanim (Little Insanities, Yediot Aharonot and Sifrai Hemed), in: Pnai Isha (Magazine of Makor Rishon), Dec. 31, 2004, p. 9.
- “Retzach, Ta’avat Betza, Goyim-Yehudim Veyehudim-Goyim” (Murder, Mercenariness, Gentile-Jews and Jewish Gentiles”), Revies of Rachel Kritch, Kaspei Damim (Blood Money, Ma’ariv, 308p.), in Ha’aretz Sefarim, Jan 5, 2005, p. 12.
- “Haratzon Lichyot, Haratzon Lif’ol, Haratzon Lehargish, Haratzon Le’ehov Vilihiyot meuhevet” (“The desire to live, the desire to act, the desire to feel, the desire to love and be loved”), Review of Tehila Ofer, Ze’ev Ofer, Haviva: Sippur Hayeha, Shlihuta Venefilata shel hatzanhanit Haviva Reik (Haviva: The story of the life, mission and death of the parachutist Haviva Reik, Sifriyat Poalim, Moreshet 395p.), in: Ha’aretz Sefarim, Jan 12, 2005, p. 4.
- “Datiyim Okhlim, Datiyim Yishenim” (“Religious Eating, Religious Sleeping), Review of Aviad Kleinberg (ed.), Lo Leha’amin: Mabat Aher al Datiyut vehiloniyut (Not to be Believed: A Different Look at Religion and Secularim), in: Makor Rishon, Jan. 28, 2005, p. 23.
- “Habanaliyut shel hasafa hamisubekhet” (“The Banality of Complicated Language”), Review of: Idit Zartal and Moshe Zukerman (eds.), Hannah Arendt: Hatzi Mea shel Pulmus (Hannah Arendt: a half century of debate), Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuhad, Sidrat Kav Adom, 224p., in: Makor Rishon, Feb. 4, 2005, p. 24.
- “Ulay Od Namut Mize” (“Maybe We Will Yet Die of It”), Review of: Ulla Berkevitch, Ulay Anahnu Bichlal Mishtadim: Madrich Hashva’ati Lehitmatzut Bekanaut (Maybe Will Are Just Going Crazy: A Comparative Guide to Understanding Fundamentalism), Hakibbutz Hameuhad, Sidrat Kav Adom: Adom Keheh, 112 p. in: Makor Rishon, Feb. 11, 2005, p. 24.
- “Al Bnai Adam Vekhuldot Akherot” (About human beings and other rats), Review of: Lauren Slater, Liftoah Et Hateva shel Skinner (Opening Skinner’s Box) Aryeh Nir, 271 p. , Makor Rishon, Feb. 26, 2005, p. 25.
- “Ahava, Hagshama, Tzaytanut” (Love, Fulfillment, Obedience), Review of: Marilyn Yalom, Toldot Hara’aya: Ma’amad Haisha Hanesua Miymei Kedem Ve’ad Yameinu (A History of the Wife), Dvir, 411 p., Makor Rishon, March 4, 2005 p. 23.
- “Poalei Kol Haolam Hitachedu Vegam Haolam Haeyhudi” (“Workers of the World Unite and also the Jewish World”), Review of Moshe Mishkinsky, Iyunim Bisotzialism Hayehudi: Asufat Ma’amarim (Studies in Jewish Socialism: Collected Articles), Machon BenGurion Leheker Yisrael, Hatziyonut Umoreshet Ben Gurion, Ben Gurion University Publishing, Machon Leheker Hatefutzot, Tel Aviv University, Machon Gotteiner for the Study of the Bund and the Jewish Labor Movement, Haifa University, 2004, 413p, Ha’aretz Sefarim, March 9, 2005, p. 11. (In English: “Tied with Jewish-Socialist String”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, March 18, 2005, p. B8).
- “Yehudim, Rusim, Mehagrim, Bnai Adam”, (“Jews, Russians, Immigrants, People”), Review of Lara Vafnier, Yesh Yehudim Babayit Sheli – Sipurim (There are Jews in My House – stories), Simanim 14p., in: Makor Rishon: Hashevuon, March 25, 2005, pp. 21-22.
- “Nashim Tamid Yisbelu Yoter” (Women will Always suffer more), Review of Katherine Mansfield: Bipension Germani: 13 sippurim (In a German Pension: 13 stories), Resling, 164p., in: Makor Rishon: Pnai Isha, 8 April 2005, p. 13.
- “Lechol Yeled, Bichol Milchama, Bechol Makom”, (For every child, in every war and in every place), Review of Suzanna Raveh and Dafna Schoenwald, Hasippur shel Savta yalda (The story of Grandmother child), shufra lesifrut yaffa, 11 p., in Makor Rishon, 29 April 2005, pp. 21-22.
- “30 Months of Incubation” (review of: “Christopher R. Browning, with Jurgen Matheus, tr. Eva Breuer, The Road to the Final Solution, Yad Vashem, 544p.) (Heb.), in Makor Rishon, 10 June 2005, p. 25.
- “Limalei et Hehaser” (Filling the Missing Pieces), (review of: Rabbi Meir Azari (ed.), Hoshvim Yahadut Mitkademet: Masa Lehevrat Hayahadut Hareformit (Thinking a Progressive Judaism: Essays into the Society of Reform Judaism, Babel, 223p.), in Makor Rishon, 10 June 2005, p. 25. In English: “Reform 101”, The Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, 12 June 2005, p. B7.
- “Lestudentim Atzlanim” (For lazy students), review of: Daniel Cahanaman et. al (ed.) Maya Bar-Hillel, Ratzionalism, Hognut, Osher: Mivhar Ma’amarim (Rationalization, Fairness, Happiness: Selected Essays, Keter 348p) in: Makor Rishon, 17 June 2005, p. 22.
- “Haim Titachen Itonut Obyektivit” (Is there such a thing as objective journalism), review of: Robert Albin, Kronika shel Sildul hatvuna: etika bipraktika haitonait (Chronicle of losing Wisdom: Ethics in Journalistic Practice), Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 207 p. in: Makor Rishon, 24 June 2005, p. 24.
- “Harei Hakol Meahorenu, Mahaknu” (After all, everything is behind us, we erased it”), review of Pinhas Guvrin, Hayinu Keholmim: Megilat Mishpaha (We Were as Dreamers, the story of a family), Carmel, 217p. in: Makor Rishon, 1 July 2005, p. 25.
- “Keilu Hayinu Pisat Shamayim Mukefet Ananim” (“As if we were a piece of Sky surrounded by Clouds”), review of: Josephine Pol and Angela Bart, Anne Frank, Keter and Ilmur, 32p. in Makor Rishon, 22 July 2005, p. 22.
- “Hasheda Veha’agenda” (“The Demon and the Agenda”), review of: Ohad Ezrahi and Mordechai Gafni, Mi Mefahed Mililit (Who is Afraid of Lilith), Modan, 370 p. in Makor Rishon, July 29, 2005, p. 26.
- “Parodia al Halom Belahot” (“A Parody of a Nightmare”), review of: Daniel Galery, Malachim Bishmei Yehuda (Angels in the Judean Sky), Sivan, 404p., in Makor Rishon, Aug. 5, 2005, p. 25.
- “Oseh Lanu Universita” (“Making us a University”), review of: Ami Volansky, Akademia Besviva Mishtana: Mediniyut Hahaskala Hagevoha shel Yisrael 1952-2004 ( Academy in a Changing Surroundings: Policy of Higher Education in Israel 1952-2004), Hakibbutz Hameuhad and Mossad Shmuel Ne’eman, 422p., in Makor Rishon, Aug. 28, 2005 p. 23.
- “Habelorit Vehakipa” (“The Hairlock and the Skullcap”), review of : Mordechai Freidman, Hayehidot Hadatiyot Ba”hagana” ubaPalmach, (The Religious units in the Hagana and the Palmach), Bar Ilan University Press, 244p., in: Ha’aretz Sefarim, August 31, 2005, p. 10.
- “Historiya Ketana Gedola” (“Little Big History”), review of: Carlo Ginzburg, Hagevina Vehatolaim: Olamo Shel Tochen Ben Hamea Hashesh Esreh (The Worms and the Cheese: The World of a Sixteenth Century Miller), tr: Ora Ayal, Afterward: Joseph Kaplan, Carmel 320 p., in: Makor Rishon, Sept 9, 2005, p. 25.
- “Siyur Babotz”, (“An Excursion in the Mud”), review of: Karen Duve, Geshem (Rain), tr: Gado Goldberg, Hargol, 224p., in: Makor Rishon, September 23, 2005, p. 27.
- “Tlat Kiyum” (“A Triple Existence”), review of Shimon Redlich, Yahad Velehud Bibzazani: Polanim, Yehudim Veukrainim 1919-1945 (Together and Separately in Bzazani: Poles, Jews and Ukranians 1919-1945), tr. Ayelet Sexteen, Ben-Gurion University, 227p. in: Makor Rishon, Oct 7, 2005, p. 26.
- “Noach, Yona, Semel” (Noah, Dove, Symbol), review of Na’ava Semel, Izrael, Yediot Acharonot, 278p. in: Makor Rishon, Oct. 21, 2005, p. 25.
- “Lenagen Lasatan” (“To play for the devil”), review of: Richard Neuman with Karen Ktiterly, tr from the English by Daphna Levi, Kinneret, 400p. in: Makor Rishon, Oct. 28, 2005, p. 25.
- “Mi Tzarich ‘Amana’ Kisheyesh Petichut Vesovlanut Lazulat” (“Who needs a contract when there is openness and tolerance for others”), review of “Uro Dromi (ed.), Shevet Achim: Yachasei Hilonim-Datiyim (Brothers Sitting together: Secular-Religious Relations), Hamachon Yahisraeli Lidemokratiya, 442p., in: Ha’aretz Sefarim, Nov. 2, 2005, p. 11.
- “Haem Vehayeled Kihazut Hakol” (“The Mother and child as representation of everything”), review of: Elisheva Baumgarten, Imahot Veyiladim: Chayei Mishpacha Beashkenaz Biyemei Habeinayim (Mothers and Children, Family Life in Ashkenaz in the Middle Ages), Mercaz Zalman Shazar 336p., in: Makor Rishon, Nov. 4, 2005, p. 27.
- “ Hachayim Sheacharei Hashoa” (“Life after the Holocaust”), review of : Nomi Shadmi, Marta Venomi (Marta and Naomi), Misrad Habitachon, 236p. in: Makor Rishon, Nov. 18, 2005, p. 25.
- “Sipuram Shel Hayim Muchmatzim” (“The story of a missed life”), (Heb.) review of Yochi Brandes, Vidui (Confession), Yediot Aharonot and Sifrei Hemed, 422p, in: Makor Rishon, 2 Dec. 2005, p. 26.
- “Nazi Lemala, Yehudi limata Vilehefech” (“Nazi Above, Jew Below, and Vice Versa”),. Review of: Gilles Rosier, Ahava Kiluah (Captive Love), from the French: Arno Ber, Shokel, 135 p. in: Makor Rishon, 9 Dec. 2005, p. 24.
- “Haharedim Mikablim Pasei Rakever, Hahilonim Sochen Shabak im Mishkafei Shemesh Viekdach” (The Ultra orthodox get train track, the secular get a GSS Agent with sunglasses and a gun”) review of Haim Greenbaum, Tzava’a (Testament), Yifei Nof, Y. Posen, 605 p. in: Ha’aretz Sefarim, 14 Dec. 2005, p. 4. In English: “This Haredi-lite delights”, The International Herald Tribune – Ha’aretz English Edition, 16 Dec. 2005, p.?
- “Meefo Nolad Hakof?” (“From Whence was the Monkey Born?”), review of Randal Keyenes, from English: Hani Gilad, Hakufsa Shel Anni: Charles Darwin, Bito vetorat Haevolutzia (Annie’s Box: Charles Darwin, His Daughter and the Theory of Evolution), in: Makor Rishon, 23 Dec. 2005, pp. 21-22.
- “Efo Hakesem?” (“Where is the Magic?”), review of: Leah Inbal Dor, Tipot Shehen Yam (Drops which are an Ocean), Halonot, 128p. in: Makor Rishon, 30 Dec. 2005, pp. 24-25.
- “Ani Yerushalmit” (“I am a Jerusalemite”), review of: Flora Ben-Amram (storyteller), Nona Flor, Traklin, 223p., in: Makor Rishon, 6 Jan. 2006, pp. 24-25.
- “Rachmanut Aleha” (“Have Mercy on Her”), review of: Anonymous, from the German: Tali Kunes, Afterward: Ilana Hammerman, Isha Beberlin: Reshimot Yoman mi 20 beapril ad 22 beyuni 1945 (A Woman in Berlin: Diary of April 20-June 22 1945), Am Oved, 302p. in: Makor Rishon, 13 Jan, 2006, pp. 21-22.
- “Hamilchama Od Lo Tama” (“The War is not yet over”) Review of: Yakobus Kambanelis, from the Greek, Amir Zukerman, Mauthausen, Keter, 300 p., in: Markor Rishon, 20 Jan, 2006, pp. 22-23.
- “Beezrat Hashem” (With the Help of the Name”), review of: Yossi Sarid, Papicek: Hu Lo Yada Et Shmo (Papicek: He didn’t know his name), Yad Vashem, Yediot Acharonot, Sifrei Hemed, 54p. in: Makor Rishon, 27 Jan, 2006, pp. 21-22.
- “Shehayalda Teda” (The Girl Should Know), review of: Devora Katz, from Hebrew to English, Beth Shamgar, ed: Yaakov Besser assisted by Hanna Gordon, Boi Achot: Shirim (Come Sister: Poems), Beit Lohamei Hagetaot and Sifrei Iton 77, 141p., in: Makor Rishon, 3 Feb. 2006, p. 28.
- “Sheasani Isha” (“Who has made me a Woman”), review of Aliza Lavie, Tefilat Nashim: Psifas Nashi shel Tfilot Vesipurim (Women’s Prayer: Mosaic of Women’s Prayers and Stories), Yediot Acharonot, 310 p., in: Makor Rishon, 10 Feb. 2006, p. 13.
- “Ani Mashehu Aher” (I am Something Else), review of : Shmuel Magen, Lama Lo Sipartem Li, (Why did you not tell me), Gvanim, 364p., in: Makor Rishon, 10 Feb. 2006, p. 16.
- “Mehamilchama Ad Hibuk”, (“From the War to a Hug”), review of: Mordechai Peled, Leratzot et Slovi (To Make Slovi Content), in: Makor Rishon, 17 Feb. 2006, p. 16.
- Review of Rahel Reich, Haisha Asher Natata Imadi: Nashim keila Lesichsuch Ulemilchama Bamikra (The woman thou hast given me: Women as a reason for quarrel and war in the Bible) in: Makor Rishon, 24 March 2006, p. 14.
- Review of: Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dark Side of Night(Heb.), tr. Emmanuel Lotem, Yanshuf, 552 p. in: Makor Rishon, 7 April 2006 p. 16.
- Review of: John Crowley, The Translator (Heb.), tr. By Yael Achmon, Graf, 318 p., in: Makor Rishon, 28 April 2006, p. 14.
- Review of: Masechet, vo. 4, Autumn 5766, Matan, 23+212p., in: Makor Rishon, 12 May 2006, p. 15.
- Review of: Barbara Erenreich and Arley Russel Hochschild (eds), The Global Woman: Childminders, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy, (Heb.) tr. Michal Poral, Babel, 432 p. in: Makor Rishon, May 19, 2006, p. 13.
- Review of: Helen Sheinfeld, Lilith Doesn’t Return: About Women and Femininity, then and now, (Heb.), in: Makor Rishon, Shishi Yisraeli, 16 June 2006, p. 55.
- Review of: Uri Ben Ari, Bitaba’at Hahenek (In the Ring of Strangulation) (Heb.), Hakibbutz Hameuhad 351p, in: Makor Rishon, Shabbat, 14 July 2006, p. 9.
- Review of: Puah Herschlag, Limdod Et Hatehom: Sipuro shel Yitzhak Zukerman (Antek), (To measure the Abyss: The story of Yitzhak Zukerman (Antek), Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, 302p, in: Makor Rishon, 18 August 2006 p. 18.
- Review of Amnon Sharon, Sane in Damascus, Gefen, 145p., in: Makor Rishon, 25 August 2006, p. 19.
- Review of: Hanna Ozer-Olitzki, Rikmat Hayim: Reayonot im Nitzolim Shehayu Yiladim Bizman Hashoa, (A Membrane of Life: Interviews with Survivors who were children during the Holocaust). In: Makor Rishon, 1 Sept. 2006, p. 19.
- Review of: Esther Herzog (ed.), Nashim Umishpacha Bashoa (Women and Family during the Holocaust), Otzar Hamishpat 379p. in: Makor Rishon, 10 Nov. 2006, p. 20.
- Review of: Shulamit Walfish, Harei at Leatzmech: Nashim Yozmot Gerushin (You are for yourself: women initiating divorce), Shoken 245 p., in; Makor Rishon, 17 Nov. 2006 p. 18.
- Review of: Aviva Ofaz, Kibbutz Yiladim Bimasa el Eretz Hanichsefet (Children’s kibbutz on the trip to the promised Land), Yad Vashem 120p. in: Makor Rishon, 22 December 2006, p. 17.
- Review of Amanda Eyer Ward, Eich Lalechet Leibud (How To Get Lost), from English Dafna Levi, Sifriyat Maariv 268p. in Makor Rishon, 12 Jan. 2007, p. 18.
- Review of Yael Dar, Umisafsal Halimudim Lukachnu: Hayishuv Lenochach Shoah ulikrat mdinah besifrut hayiladem haeretz yisraelit 1939-1948 (We were Taken from our Schoolbenches: The Yishuv Facing the Shoa and going towards the state in Eretz Yisrael children’s literature 1939-1948), Magnes, 287p. in: Makor Rishon, 9 Feb. 2007, p. 19.
- Review of: Goetz Ali, Baminhara: Hayeha Haketzarim shal Marion Samuel 1931-1943 (In the Tunnel: The Short life of Marion Samuel 1931-1943) Yad Vashem, 145p. in: Makor Rishon, 23 February 2007, p. 19.
- Review of : Uri Cohen, Hahar Vehagiva: Hauniversita Haivrit Biyrushalayim Bitkufat Trom Ha’aatzmaut Vereishit Hamedina (The Mountain and the Hill: the Hebrew University in Jerusalem from the pre-State period and the Beginning of the State), Hamachon Leheker Hatziyonut, Tel Aviv University and Am Oved, 410 p. in: Makor Rishon, 23 March 2007, p. 19.
- Review of: Lilach Rosenberg-Friedman, Mahapchaniyot Be’al Korchan: Nashim Umigdar Batziyonut Hadatit Betkufat Hayishuv (Revolutionaries Against their Will: Women and Gender in Religious Zionism During the Yishuv), Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 363p., in Makor Rishon, 30 March 2007, p. 28.
- Review of: Havi Ben-Sasson, Amos Goldberg, Hadas Goldman, Shenot Rainu Raah: Perakim Betoldot Hayahadut Hadatit Betkufat Hashoa (TheYears We saw Evil: Chapters in the History of Religious Jewry During the Holocaust), Yad Vashem, vol 1, 132p, vol 2, 207p, vol 3 216p., in Makor Rishon, 13 April 2007, p. 8.
- Review of Carol Gilligan, Huledet Haoneg (The Birth of Pleasure), Daria Shuali, tr. Yediot Acharonot, Sifrei Hemed, 287p., in Makor Rishon, 20 April 2007, p. 19.
- Review of Miri Paz (ed.), Haheshbon Hapolani: Imut im Zikaron, Mivhar ma’amarim (The Polish Equation: Conflict with Memory, Selected Articles), Hakibbutz Hameuhad 224p., in Makor Rishon, 27 April 2007, p. 19.
- Review of Arieh Y. Cochavi, Haderekh Lemishpatei Nirenberg: Gibush Mediniyut Haanisha Clapei Poshei Hamilchama (The Path to Nuremberg: Formulating Punative Policy Against War Criminals), Yad Vashem and Machon Ben Gurion, 336p, in: Makor Rishon, 4 May 2007, p. 18.
- Review of Christopher Isherwood, Preida Miberlin (Goodbye to Berlin), Zmora-Bitan, 240p. in: Makor Rishon, 11 May 2007, p. 18.
- Review of: Gideon Reuveni, Likro Et Germania: Tarbut Kriah Vetarbut Tsricha Bigermania Lifnei 1933 ( To Read Germany: Literary and Consumer Culture in Germany Before 1933) Magness, 262 p., in: Makor Rishon, 8 June 2007, p. 18.
- Review of Ze’ev Mankowitz, Bein Zikaron Letikva: Nitzolei Hashoa Begermaniya Hakevusha (Between Memory and Hope: Holocaust Survivors in Occupied Germany), Yad Vashem, 355 p. in: Makor Rishon, 15 June 2007, p. 17.
- Review of: Jenny Lebel Ad “Hapitaron Hasifi”: Heyehudim Bibelgrade 1521-1942 (Until the “Final Solution”: The Jews of Belgrade 1521-1942), Hakibbutz Hameuchad 426p., in: Makor Rishon, 22 June 2007, p. 19.
- Review of: Boaz Neuman, Nazism, Misrad Habitachon, 354 p. in: Makor Rishon, 6 July 2007, p. 19.
- Review of Alain Finkielkraut, Atida Shel Hachasha: Hitbonnut Bishe’elat Hagenocide (The Future of Denial: A Look into the Question of Genocide), from the french: Lauren Cohen, Reuven Mass, 167 p. in: Makor Rishon, 13 July 2007, p. 17.
- Review of : Gilad Margalit: Genocide: Germania Hanatzit Vehatzoanim (Genocide: Nazi Germany and the Gypsies) The Open University of Israel, 165p. in: Makor Rishon, 20 July 2007, p. 19.
- Review of: Nurit Guvrin, Nosa’at Almonit – Shlomit Flaum: Hayim Veyetzira (Anonymous Traveller – Shlomit Flaum: Life and Works) Carmel, 375p., in: Makor Rishon, 27 July 2007, p. 18.
- Review of: Yanina Altman: Havered Halavan: Studentim Veanshei Ruach Migermania Lifnei Veaharei Aliyato shel Hitler Lashilton (The White Rose: Students and Intelligentsia Before and After Hitler’s Rise to Power), ed: Ronit Libermentch, Pardes, 488p. in: Makor Rishon, 10 August 2007, p. 19.
- Review of: Gilad Margalit, Ashma, Sevel, Vezikaron: Germania Zokheret et Meteha Bemikhemet Haolam Hashniya (Guilt, Suffering and Memory: Germany Remembers Its Dead During the Second World War), University of Haifa 2007, 254p. in: Makor Rishon, 26 October 200, p. 19.
- Review of: Avigdor Shachan, Hatzilu Et Hamefaked (Save the Captain), Dani publications, 255p. in: Makor Rishon, Dyokan, 26 October 2007, pp. 38-39.
- Review of: Shulamit Eliash, The Harp and the Shield of David: Ireland, Zionism and the State of Israel, London and NY: Routledge, 2007, 237p. in: Makor Rishon, 16 November 2007, p. 22.
- Review of: Walter Laqueur, Dor Exodus: Sipuram Hamufla Shel Hatziirim Hayehudim Shebarchu Mihitler (The Exodus Generation: The Incredible Story of the Young Jews Who Escaped Hitler), Dvir 367p., in: Makor Rishon, Dyokan, 30 November 2007, p. 38.
- Review of: "Omer Bartov, Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine", Princeton and Oxford: Princeton UP, 2007, 232p. in Makor Rishon, 14 Dec. 2007, Shabbat musaf, p. 15.
- "Testament to Women", (together with Joshua J. Schwartz) Review of: Miriam Feinberg Vamosh, Women at the Time of the Bible, Palphot, 104p. in Ha'aretz English Edition, 14 December 2007, p. 7B
- Review of Atina Grossman, Jews, Germans and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton UP, 393p. in Makor Rishon 11 April 2008, p. 18.
- Review of Ada Pagis, Yimei Afela, Rigei Hessed: Perakim Michayei Yisrael Gutman (Days of Darkness, Moments of Kindness: Chapters from the Life of Yisrael Gutman), Hakibbutz Hameuhad and Yad Vashem, 248p. in Makor Rishon, 2 May 2008, p. 19.
- Review of Asaf Yedidiya, Shnot Rainu Raah: Perakim Betoldot Hayahadut Hadatit Betkufat Hashoa, vol 4: Hapitaron Hasofi (The Years of Seeing Evil: Chapters in the History of Religious Jewry During the Holocaust, vol. 4, the Final Solution), Yad Vashem, 2008, 236p. in Makor Rishon 2 May 2008, p. 18.
- Review of: Christopher Nicholson, Richard and Adolf: Did Richard Wagner Incite Adolf Hitler to Commit the Holocaust, Gefen Publishing House 2007, 474p. in: Makor Rishon, 7 July 2008, pl 17.
- Review of: Micha Balf, Kol Shelo Neelam: Itzuv Zikaron Hashoa Vedarkei Hantzachata Batnua Hakibutzit (A Voice that Does not Become Mute: Holocaust Memory and Commemoration in the Kibbutz Movements), Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Yad Tabenkin, Hamerkaz Haraayoni vehateudi shel Hatenuah Hakibutzit 2008, 351p. in: Makor Rishon, 18 July 2008, p. 17.
- Review of: Yitzhak Arad, Bitzel Hadegel Haadom: Yehudei Brit Hamoatzot Belichima Neged Germania Hanatzit (In the Shadow of the Red Flag: Soviet Jewry in Battle Against Nazi Germany), Misrad Habitachon, Yad Vashem, Amutat Yad Lashiryon, 2008, 455p. in: Makor Rishon, 12 Sept. 2008, 'p. 19.
- Review of: Ruth Richter (Yitzhaki), Hatemuna (The picture), Dani publishers, no date, 112p. in: Makor Rishon, 2 Jan. 2009, p. 15.
- "Misdar Hazikaron" ("The Order of Memory") – review essay of memorial literature by Holocaust Survivors appearing recently, Makor Rishon ,17 April 2009 p. 16.
- Review of Saul Friedlander, The Years of Annihilation 1939-1945: Nazi Germany and the Jews (Heb.) Am Oved and Yad Vashem 2009, 828p. in Makor Rishon, 27 Nov. 2009, p. 15.
- Review of Yisrael Gutman, Sugiyot Biheker Hashoa: Bikoret Uteruma (Issues in the Study of the Holocaust: Criticism and Contribution), Yad Vashem and Mercaz Zalman Shazar, 2009, 347p. in Makor Rishon, 25 December 2009, pp. 15-16.,
- Review of: Manfred Gerstenfeld, The Abuse of Holocaust Memory: Distortions and Responses, Jerusalem center for public affairs, Institute for Global Jewish Affairs, Anti Defamation League 2009, in: Makor Rishon, 10 April 2010,
Review of: Samuel Kassow, Who Will Write Our History? A New Look at Oneg Shabbat – Rediscovering a Hidden Archive from the Warsaw Ghetto (Heb.), Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2014, 543p. in Media, 29 August 2014.
Last Updated Date : 27/11/2024